Creating a test case with steps.

In this example we will create a simple test case that contains test steps.

        List<TestCaseStep> steps = new ArrayList<TestCaseStep>();
    TestCaseStep step = new TestCaseStep();
    step.setExpectedResults("User name appeared in top menu.");
    step.setActions("Go to login screen and enter user credentials.");
        TestCase tc = api.createTestCase(
            "TcName", // testCaseName
            new Integer(2), // testSuiteId
            new Integer(1), // testProjectId
            "admin", // authorLogin
            "No summary", // summary
            steps, // steps
            null, // preconditions
            TestImportance.HIGH, // importance
            ExecutionType.MANUAL, // execution
            new Integer(10), // order
            null, // internalId
            null, // checkDuplicatedName 
            null); // actionOnDuplicatedName
    System.out.println("Test case with steps created");