Major sites known to be using Cylc are shown on the world map above. UM Partner sites are green; the main Cylc developer sites are red (note these are also in the UM Partnership), and others are yellow.
Cylc has been used at the Met Office since 2012 and operationally since 2014.
“Every week we have 300+ users who rely on Cylc. At any one time we typically have 700+ active workflows. Of the 11.7 million jobs run on our HPC systems in February 2020, 99.6% of them were submitted by Cylc.” - David Matthews, March 2020.
Cylc has been used to orchestrate all climate, weather, and weather-driven forecasting workflows at NIWA, for research and production, since 2010.
On deployment to production at NIWA, Cylc's automatic cycle-interleaving cut catch-up time from serious delays down from ~24 hours to ~30 minutes.
Note this is not an exhaustive list.
Many of these centers use Cylc with Rose, a framework for managing and running meteorological suites.
NCAS Computational Modelling Services supports the use of Rose and Cylc on the UK national HPC facility ARCHER and the JASMIN data center, for users throughout the UK academic community.
ARC Computational Modelling Systems supports use of Rose and Cylc with the Unified Model in the Australian academic community.