Package org.opengis.wrapper.gdal

GeoAPI implementation as wrapper around the C/C++ GDAL library. Available GDAL drivers are listed here. Some examples are:
Small subset of GDAL drivers
Name Description
netCDF Network Common Data Form
GTiff GeoTIFF File Format
WCS OGC Web Coverage Service


GDAL needs to be built with the --with-java option. If the package manager for a given platform does not support this option, then GDAL may have to be built from the sources:
  • Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is defined
  • Run on the command-line:
    • cd gdal
    • ./configure --with-java=yes
    • make
  • Optionally run the command-line as a super-user: make install
  • Verify with gdalinfo --version
See configure --help for a list of options. For example MacOS users may need to add the --with-macosx-framework option at configuration time.