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createAffineTransform(Matrix) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Creates an affine transform from a matrix.
createBaseToDerived(CoordinateReferenceSystem, ParameterValueGroup, CoordinateSystem) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createCompoundCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createCompoundCRS(Map<String, ?>, CoordinateReferenceSystem...) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createConcatenatedOperation(Map<String, ?>, CoordinateOperation...) - Method in class PJFactory.Operation
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createConcatenatedTransform(MathTransform, MathTransform) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Creates a transform by concatenating two existing transforms.
createCoordinateReferenceSystem(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
Creates a new CRS from the given code.
createCRS(ReferenceIdentifier, ReferenceIdentifier, String, int) - Static method in class PJFactory
Creates a new CRS from the given Proj.4 definition string.
createDefiningConversion(Map<String, ?>, OperationMethod, ParameterValueGroup) - Method in class PJFactory.Operation
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createDerivedCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createDerivedCRS(Map<String, ?>, CoordinateReferenceSystem, Conversion, CoordinateSystem) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createEngineeringCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createEngineeringCRS(Map<String, ?>, EngineeringDatum, CoordinateSystem) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createFromWKT(String) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createFromWKT(String) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createFromXML(String) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createGeocentricCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createGeocentricCRS(Map<String, ?>, GeodeticDatum, CartesianCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Creates a geocentric coordinate reference system.
createGeocentricCRS(Map<String, ?>, GeodeticDatum, SphericalCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createGeographicCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createGeographicCRS(Map<String, ?>, GeodeticDatum, EllipsoidalCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Creates a geographic coordinate reference system.
createIdentifier(String, String) - Static method in class PJFactory
Creates a simple identifier from the given code and codespace.
createIdentifier(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class PJFactory
Creates a simple identifier from the given properties.
createImageCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createImageCRS(Map<String, ?>, ImageDatum, AffineCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createObject(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class PJFactory.Operation
Creates an operation for conversion or transformation between two coordinate reference systems.
createOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, OperationMethod) - Method in class PJFactory.Operation
Ignores the given method argument and delegates to createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS).
createOperation(ReferenceIdentifier, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Static method in class PJFactory
Creates an operation for conversion or transformation between two coordinate reference systems.
createOperationMethod(Map<String, ?>, Integer, Integer, ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Method in class PJFactory.Operation
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createParameterizedTransform(ParameterValueGroup) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Creates a math transform from the given Proj.4 parameters.
createParametricCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createParametricCRS(Map<String, ?>, ParametricDatum, ParametricCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createPassThroughTransform(int, MathTransform, int) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createProjectedCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createProjectedCRS(Map<String, ?>, GeographicCRS, Conversion, CartesianCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Creates a projected coordinate reference system from a defining conversion.
createTemporalCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createTemporalCRS(Map<String, ?>, TemporalDatum, TimeCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
createVerticalCRS(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
createVerticalCRS(Map<String, ?>, VerticalDatum, VerticalCS) - Method in class PJFactory.Objects
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.


DIMENSION_MAX - Static variable in class PJ
The maximal number of dimension accepted by the PJ.transform(PJ, int, double[], int, int) method.


EPSG() - Constructor for class PJFactory.EPSG
Creates a new coordinate operation factory which will create CRS with axis order as declared in the EPSG database.
EPSG(boolean) - Constructor for class PJFactory.EPSG
Creates a new coordinate operation factory.


finalize() - Method in class PJ
Deallocates the native PJ data structure.


The CRS is of type GeocentricCRS.
The CRS is of type GeographicCRS.
getAuthority() - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
Returns the authority for this factory, which is EPSG.
getAuthorityCodes(Class<? extends IdentifiedObject>) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
Returns the authority codes.
getAvailableMethods(Class<? extends SingleOperation>) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Returns the Proj.4 names of all projections supported by this class.
getAxisDirections() - Method in class PJ
Returns an array of character indicating the direction of each axis.
getDefaultParameters(String) - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Returns the parameter group for the given projection.
getDefinition() - Method in class PJ
Returns the Proj.4 definition string.
getDescriptionText(String) - Method in class PJFactory.EPSG
Returns the name of the CRS identified by the given code.
getEccentricitySquared() - Method in class PJ
Returns the square of the ellipsoid eccentricity (ε²).
getGreenwichLongitude() - Method in class PJ
Longitude of the prime meridian measured from the Greenwich meridian, positive eastward.
getLastError() - Method in class PJ
Returns a description of the last error that occurred, or null if none.
getLastMethodUsed() - Method in class PJFactory.Transform
Unconditionally returns null, since this functionality is not supported yet.
getLinearUnitToMetre(boolean) - Method in class PJ
Returns the conversion factor from the linear units to metres.
getOperationMethod(String) - Method in class PJFactory.Operation
Unconditionally throw an exception, since this functionality is not supported yet.
getSemiMajorAxis() - Method in class PJ
Returns the value stored in the a_orig PJ field.
getSemiMinorAxis() - Method in class PJ
Returns the value computed from PJ fields by √((a_orig)² × (1 - es_orig)).
getType() - Method in class PJ
Returns the Coordinate Reference System type.
getVendor() - Method in class PJFactory
Returns the implementor responsible for creating this factory implementation.
getVersion() - Static method in class PJ
Returns the version number of the Proj.4 library.


Objects() - Constructor for class PJFactory.Objects
Creates a new factory.
Operation() - Constructor for class PJFactory.Operation
Creates a new coordinate operation factory.
org.opengis.wrapper.proj4 - package org.opengis.wrapper.proj4
GeoAPI implementation as wrapper around the C/C++ Proj.4 library.
org.proj4 - package org.proj4
Wrappers for the Proj.4 library.


PJ - Class in org.proj4
Wraps the Proj.4 PJ native data structure.
PJ(String) - Constructor for class PJ
Creates a new PJ structure from the given Proj.4 definition string.
PJ(PJ, PJ.Type) - Constructor for class PJ
Creates a new PJ structure derived from an existing PJ object.
PJ.Type - Enum in org.proj4
The coordinate reference system (CRS) type returned by PJ.getType().
PJException - Exception in org.proj4
Exception thrown when a call to PJ.transform(PJ, int, double[], int, int) failed.
PJException() - Constructor for exception PJException
Constructs a new exception with no message.
PJException(String) - Constructor for exception PJException
Constructs a new exception with the given message.
PJFactory - Class in org.opengis.wrapper.proj4
The base class for factories of Proj.4 wrappers.
PJFactory() - Constructor for class PJFactory
For sub-class constructors only.
PJFactory.EPSG - Class in org.opengis.wrapper.proj4
A factory for Coordinate Reference System objects created from EPSG codes.
PJFactory.Objects - Class in org.opengis.wrapper.proj4
A factory for Coordinate Reference System objects created from property maps.
PJFactory.Operation - Class in org.opengis.wrapper.proj4
A factory for Coordinate Operation objects created from source and target CRS.
PJFactory.Transform - Class in org.opengis.wrapper.proj4
A factory for Math Transform objects created from a list of parameters.
The CRS is of type ProjectedCRS.


toString() - Method in class PJ
Returns the string representation of the PJ structure.
transform(PJ, int, double[], int, int) - Method in class PJ
Transforms in-place the coordinates in the given array.
Transform() - Constructor for class PJFactory.Transform
Creates a new coordinate operation factory.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum PJ.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum PJ.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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