Annotation Type Classifier

  • @Documented
    public @interface Classifier
    An annotation specifying the stereotype (abstract, datatype, union, etc.) of an interface. The UML class diagrams in ISO/OGC specifications declare some members as abstract, meaning that instances of those interfaces are expected to implement one of their sub-interfaces. While there is nothing like "abstract interface" and "concrete interface" in the Java language, we nevertheless communicate ISO/OGC intent using this annotation.

    Implementations are not required to represent "abstract interfaces" by Java abstract classes. This annotation is provided merely for informative purpose for testing tools, implementations based on Java reflection, or widgets among other usages.

    If this annotation is not present, then the default value is Stereotype.TYPE.

    See Also:
    Classifier on Wikipedia
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      Stereotype value
      Returns the type of modeling element (type, datatype, abstract or union).
    • Element Detail

      • value

        Stereotype value
        Returns the type of modeling element (type, datatype, abstract or union).
        the type of modeling element as declared in the OGC/ISO UML diagram.