Interface FeatureAssociation

    • Method Detail

      • getRole

        FeatureAssociationRole getRole()
        Returns information about the association.
        information about the association.
      • setValue

        void setValue​(Feature value)
               throws InvalidPropertyValueException
        Sets the associated feature.
        Note on validation
        the verifications performed by this method is implementation dependent. For performance reasons, an implementation may verify only the most basic constraints and offer an other method for performing more extensive validation. Implementations should document their validation process.
        value - the new value, or null.
        InvalidPropertyValueException - if this method verifies argument validity and the given value does not met the association constraints.
        See Also:
        Feature.setPropertyValue(String, Object)
      • getValues

        Collection<Feature> getValues()
        Returns all features, or an empty collection if none.
        Implementation note
        there is different approaches in the way that collection elements are related to this property values:
        • The collection may be a snapshot of property values at the method invocation time.
        • The collection may be an unmodifiable view of properties values.
        • The collection may be live (changes in the collection are reflected in this association, and vis-versa).
        This method does not mandate a particular approach. However implementations should document which policy they choose.
        the features.
      • setValues

        void setValues​(Collection<? extends Feature> values)
                throws InvalidPropertyValueException
        Sets the features. All previous values are replaced by the given collection.
        Note on validation
        the verifications performed by this method is implementation dependent. For performance reasons, an implementation may verify only the most basic constraints and offer an other method for performing more extensive validation. Implementations should document their validation process.
        values - the new values.
        InvalidPropertyValueException - if this method verifies argument validity and the given values do not met the association constraints.