Class Departures

  • public class Departures
    extends Object
    Departures in GeoAPI interfaces compared to OGC/ISO schemas. Each Departures instance is initialized with a default set of departure information. More departure can be added by calls to add(…) methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Departures

        public Departures()
        Creates new collections of departure information. All maps in public fields (mergedTypes, etc.) are initialized with new instances and populated.
    • Method Detail

      • addMergedType

        public void addMergedType​(String toRetrofit,
                                  String target)
        Adds a class to be retrofitted into another class. For example ISO 19115-2 defines MI_Band as an extension of ISO 19115-1 MD_Band, but GeoAPI merges those two types in a single interface for simplicity.
        toRetrofit - name of the type to retrofit into another type. Example: MI_Band.
        target - name of a type which will receive the properties of the retrofitted type. Example: MD_Band.
      • addSpellingChange

        public void addSpellingChange​(String uml,
                                      String xsd)
        Changes the spelling of an identifier. The differences may be for historical reasons, or in a few cases because of a misspelling in the XSD file compared to the UML.
        uml - the spelling in the UML, including class name. Example: "LI_ProcessStep.stepDateTime".
        xsd - the spelling in the XSD file. Example: "dateTime".