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add(AuthorityFactory, Collection<String>) - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Adds the objects identified by the given codes.
add(CRSAuthorityFactory) - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Adds the Coordinate Reference Systems identified by all codes available from the given CRS authority factory.
add(IdentifiedObject, ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Method in class OperationParametersReport
Adds an operation to be show on the HTML page.
add(MathTransformFactory) - Method in class OperationParametersReport
Convenience method adding all available methods from the given factory.
add(Factory, Class<? extends Factory>) - Method in class Reports
Adds every kind of report applicable to the given factory.
addAll() - Method in class Reports
Adds every kinds of report applicable to every factories of known class found on the classpath.
addAll(Class<? extends Factory>) - Method in class Reports
Adds every kinds of report applicable to every factories of the given class found on the classpath.
addMergedType(String, String) - Method in class Departures
Adds a class to be retrofitted into another class.
addMetadataToVerify(Metadata) - Method in class ContentVerifier
Stores all properties of the given metadata, for later comparison against expected values.
addMetadataToVerify(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class ContentVerifier
Stores all properties of the given CRS, for later comparison against expected values.
addPropertyToIgnore(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ContentVerifier
Adds a metadata property to ignore.
addSpellingChange(String, String) - Method in class Departures
Changes the spelling of an identifier.
addTestListener(TestListener) - Static method in class TestSuite
To be replaced by JUnit 5 listener mechanism.
adjust(double[], DirectPosition, CalculationType) - Method in interface ToleranceModifier
Adjusts the tolerance threshold for comparing the given coordinate along each dimensions.
AffineTransformTest - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Tests affine transforms from the org.opengis.referencing.operation package.
AffineTransformTest(MathTransformFactory) - Constructor for class AffineTransformTest
Creates a new test using the given factory.
aliases - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
The expected aliases of the T instance to test, or an empty array if none.
all - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
An unmodifiable "live" list of all validators.
ALL - Content
All interfaces, code lists, enumerations and exceptions.
angularUnit - Variable in class GIGS3003
The unit of measurement of GIGS3003.greenwichLongitude.
annotation - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
A small symbol to put before the AuthorityCodesReport.Row.code and AuthorityCodesReport.Row.name, or 0 (the default) if none.
arcSecond() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 1/(60×60) degree.
Assert - Class in org.opengis.test
Extension to JUnit assertion methods.
Assert() - Constructor for class Assert
For subclass constructors only.
assertAllTestsEnabled() - Method in class TransformTestCase
No replacement.
assertAnyTitleEquals(String, String, Citation) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the title or an alternate title of the given citation is equal to the given string.
assertAxisDirectionsEqual(String, CoordinateSystem, AxisDirection...) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that all axes in the given coordinate system are pointing toward the given directions, in the same order.
assertBetween(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given value is inside the given range.
assertBetween(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given value is inside the given range.
assertBetween(String, Comparable<T>, Comparable<T>, T) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given value is inside the given range.
assertContains(String, Collection<?>, Object) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given value is contained in the given collection.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, double[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, double[], double[], int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that a single coordinate is equal to the expected one within a positive delta.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, double[], float[], int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, double[], float[], int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that a single coordinate is equal to the expected one within a positive delta.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, float[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, float[], double[], int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that a single coordinate is equal to the expected one within a positive delta.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, float[], float[], int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinateEquals(String, float[], float[], int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that a single coordinate is equal to the expected one within a positive delta.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, double[], int, double[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, double[], int, double[], int, int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that coordinate values are equal to the expected ones within a positive delta.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, double[], int, float[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, double[], int, float[], int, int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that coordinate values are equal to the expected ones within a positive delta.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, float[], int, double[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, float[], int, double[], int, int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that coordinate values are equal to the expected ones within a positive delta.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, float[], int, float[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class TransformTestCase
The boolean argument has been replaced by a CalculationType argument.
assertCoordinatesEqual(String, int, float[], int, float[], int, int, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that coordinate values are equal to the expected ones within a positive delta.
assertIdentifierEquals(String, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class Assert
Renamed Assert.assertUnicodeIdentifierEquals(String, CharSequence, CharSequence, boolean) for avoiding confusion with the Identifier interface.
assertIdentifierEquals(String, String, String, String, String, Identifier) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given identifier is equals to the given authority, code space, version and code.
assertInstanceOf(String, Class<?>, Object) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given value is an instance of the given class.
assertMatrixEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given matrix is equals to the expected one, up to the given tolerance value.
assertMatrixEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Asserts that a matrix of derivatives is equals to the expected ones within a positive delta.
assertMatrixEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Asserts that a matrix of derivatives is equals to the expected ones within a positive delta.
assertMetadataEquals(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class ContentVerifier
Asserts that actual metadata properties are equal to the expected values.
assertPathEquals(String, PathIterator, PathIterator, double, double) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that all control points in two geometric paths are equal.
assertPositive(String, int) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given integer value is positive, including zero.
assertSampleValuesEqual(String, RenderedImage, RenderedImage, double) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that all sample values in the given images are equal.
assertSampleValuesEqual(PixelIterator, double) - Method in class PixelIterator
Compares all sample values iterated by this PixelIterator with the sample values iterated by the given iterator.
assertShapeEquals(String, Shape, Shape, double, double) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that all control points of two shapes are equal.
assertStrictlyPositive(String, int) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given integer value is strictly positive, excluding zero.
assertUnicodeIdentifierEquals(String, CharSequence, CharSequence, boolean) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the character sequences are equal, ignoring any characters that are not valid for Unicode identifiers.
assertValidRange(String, double, double) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given minimum is smaller or equals to the given maximum.
assertValidRange(String, int, int) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given minimum is smaller or equals to the given maximum.
assertValidRange(String, Comparable<T>, Comparable<T>) - Static method in class Assert
Asserts that the given minimum and maximum values make a valid range.
AuthorityCodesReport - Class in org.opengis.test.report
Generates a list of object identified by authority codes for a given authority factory.
AuthorityCodesReport(Properties) - Constructor for class AuthorityCodesReport
Creates a new report generator using the given property values.
AuthorityCodesReport.Row - Class in org.opengis.test.report
A single row in the table produced by AuthorityCodesReport.
AuthorityFactoryTest - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Tests the creation of referencing objects from the authority factories given at construction time.
AuthorityFactoryTest(CRSAuthorityFactory, CSAuthorityFactory, DatumAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class AuthorityFactoryTest
Creates a new test using the given factories.
AuthorityFactoryTestCase<T> - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Base class for tests of EPSG definitions (2000 series).
AuthorityFactoryTestCase(AuthorityFactory...) - Constructor for class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
Creates a new test which will use the given factories to execute.
axisUnit - Variable in class GIGS3002
The GIGS3002.semiMajorAxis and GIGS3002.semiMinorAxis unit of measurement.


baseUnit - Variable in class GIGS2001
The base unit of the unit to create.
BRONZE - Classification
Intended for software with a limited capability to perform coordinate operations.
ByAuthority(String...) - Constructor for class FactoryFilter.ByAuthority
Creates a new filter for the given authority names.


CalculationType - Enum in org.opengis.test
The kind of calculation that produced the DirectPositions being compared.
category - Variable in class OperationParametersReport.Row
An optional user category, or null if none.
citation - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for Citation and related objects.
CitationValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.metadata
Validates Citation and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata.citation package.
CitationValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class CitationValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
Classification - Enum in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Interpretation of the evaluation results of geospatial aspects of the software.
clear() - Method in class ContentVerifier
Resets this verifier to the same state than after construction.
clear() - Static method in class TestSuite
Clears all factories specified to the TestSuite.setFactories(Class, Factory[]) method, and clears all service loader caches.
clone() - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Returns a new container using the same validators than this instance.
close() - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
Disposes the ImageReaderTestCase.reader (if non-null) after each test.
close() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Disposes the ImageWriterTestCase.reader and the ImageWriterTestCase.writer (if non-null) after each test.
code - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
The EPSG code of the T instance to test.
code - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
The authority code in HTML.
CODE_LISTS - Content
All code list classes.
compareMetadata(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class ContentVerifier
Compares actual metadata properties against the expected values.
compareMetadata(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ContentVerifier
Compares actual metadata properties against the expected values given in a map.
compareTo(AuthorityCodesReport.Row) - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
Compares this row with the given one for order.
compareTo(OperationParametersReport.Row) - Method in class OperationParametersReport.Row
Compares this row with the given object for order.
completeImageMetadata(IIOMetadata, RenderedImage) - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Completes stream or image metadata to be given to the tested ImageWriterTestCase.writer.
ComputationFailure - Error in org.opengis.test
Base class for exceptions thrown when a numerical computation did not produced the expected value.
ComputationFailure(String) - Constructor for error ComputationFailure
Creates a new exception with the given message.
concatenate(ToleranceModifier, ToleranceModifier) - Static method in class ToleranceModifiers
Returns a concatenation of two existing modifiers.
conditional(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class Validator
configuration() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2001
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2002
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2003
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2004
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2005
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2006
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2007
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2008
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS2009
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS3002
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS3003
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS3004
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class GIGS3005
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class UserObjectFactoryTestCase
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class TransformTestCase
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class TestCase
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class NameTest
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
configuration(Factory...) - Method in interface ImplementationDetails
Returns the set of tests that should be disabled, or null if none.
Configuration - Class in org.opengis.test
Contains information about the test environment, like available factories and disabled tests.
Configuration() - Constructor for class Configuration
Creates a new, initially empty, configuration map.
Configuration(Configuration) - Constructor for class Configuration
Creates a new configuration with the same mappings as the specified configuration.
Configuration.Key<T> - Class in org.opengis.test
Type-safe keys that can be used in a Configuration map.
configurationTip - Variable in class TestCase
A tip set by subclasses during the execution of some optional tests.
container - Variable in class Validator
The validators to use for every validations not defined in the concrete subclass.
content() - Method in enum TestData
Returns the full content of the test file as an array of bytes.
Content - Enum in org.opengis.geoapi
All interfaces, code lists, enumerations and exceptions declared in GeoAPI.
ContentVerifier - Class in org.opengis.test.dataset
Verification operations that compare metadata or CRS properties against the expected values.
ContentVerifier() - Constructor for class ContentVerifier
Creates a new dataset content verifier.
The union of code lists and enumerations.
coordinateOperation - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for CoordinateOperation and related objects.
copAuthorityFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Coordinate Operation authority factory instance used for a test.
copAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2005
Factory to use for building Conversion instances, or null if none.
copAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2007
Factory to use for building Transformation instances, or null if none.
copAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2009
Factory to use for building Transformation instances, or null if none.
copFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Coordinate Operation factory instance used for a test.
copFactory - Variable in class GIGS3005
Factory to use for building Conversion instances, or null if none.
copFactory - Variable in class ObjectFactoryTest
Factory to use for building Conversion instances, or null if none.
copFactory - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Factory to use for building Conversion instances, or null if none.
createCartesianCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Creates a Cartesian coordinate system from a code.
createCompoundCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createCoordinateReferenceSystem(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns an arbitrary coordinate reference system from a code.
createCoordinateSystem(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns an arbitrary coordinate system from a code.
createCoordinateSystemAxis(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns a coordinate system axis from a code.
createCylindricalCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns an arbitrary datum from a code.
createDerivedCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createEllipsoid(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns an ellipsoid from a code.
createEllipsoidalCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Creates an ellipsoidal coordinate system from a code.
createEngineeringCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createEngineeringDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createGeocentricCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createGeodeticDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns a geodetic datum from a code.
createGeographicCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
createImageCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createImageDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createObject(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns an arbitrary object from a code.
createParameters(int) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns the parameters to use for creating the coordinate operation identified by the given EPSG code.
createParametricCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createParametricCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createParametricDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createPolarCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createPrimeMeridian(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns a prime meridian from a EPSG code.
createProjectedCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createPropertiesMap(int, String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Builds a map of properties for a referencing object to be build.
createReport(Class<T>) - Method in class Reports
Invoked when Reports need to create a new instance of the given class.
createRow(String, IdentifiedObject) - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Creates a new row for the given authority code and identified object.
createRow(String, FactoryException) - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Creates a new row for the given authority code and exception.
createRow(IdentifiedObject, ParameterDescriptorGroup, Set<String>) - Method in class OperationParametersReport
Creates a new row for the given operation and parameters.
createSphericalCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createTemporalCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createTemporalDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createTimeCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createUnit(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Returns an unit from a code.
createVerticalCRS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createVerticalCS(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
createVerticalDatum(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException unconditionally.
crs - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for CoordinateReferenceSystem and related objects.
crsAuthorityFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Coordinate Reference System authority factory instance used for a test.
crsAuthorityFactory - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Factory to use for building CoordinateReferenceSystem instances, or null if none.
crsAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2004
Factory to use for building GeodeticCRS instances, or null if none.
crsAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2006
Factory to use for building ProjectedCRS instances, or null if none.
crsAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2008
Factory to use for building VerticalCRS instances, or null if none.
crsFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Coordinate Reference System factory instance used for a test.
crsFactory - Variable in class GIGS3004
Factory to use for building GeodeticCRS instances, or null if none.
crsFactory - Variable in class ObjectFactoryTest
Factory to use for building CoordinateReferenceSystem instances, or null if none.
crsFactory - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Factory to use for building CoordinateReferenceSystem instances, or null if none.
crsFactory - Variable in class CRSParserTest
The factory to use for parsing WKT strings.
CRSParserTest - Class in org.opengis.test.wkt
Tests the Well-Known Text (WKT) parser of Coordinate Reference System (CRS) objects.
CRSParserTest(CRSFactory) - Constructor for class CRSParserTest
Creates a new test using the given factory.
CRSTest - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
CRSTest(CRSAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class CRSTest
Creates a new test using the given factory.
CRSValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Validates CoordinateReferenceSystem and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing.crs package.
CRSValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class CRSValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
cs - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for CoordinateSystem and related objects.
csAuthorityFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Coordinate System authority factory instance used for a test.
csAuthorityFactory - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Factory to use for building CoordinateSystem instances, or null if none.
csAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2001
Factory to use for building Unit instances, or null if none.
csFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Coordinate System factory instance used for a test.
csFactory - Variable in class ObjectFactoryTest
Factory to use for building CoordinateSystem instances, or null if none.
csFactory - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Factory to use for building CoordinateSystem instances, or null if none.
CSValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Validates CoordinateSystem and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing.cs package.
CSValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class CSValidator
Creates a new validator instance.


datum - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for Datum and related objects.
datumAuthorityFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Datum authority factory instance used for a test.
datumAuthorityFactory - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Factory to use for building Datum instances, or null if none.
datumAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2002
Factory to use for building Ellipsoid instances, or null if none.
datumAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2003
Factory to use for building PrimeMeridian instances, or null if none.
datumAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2004
Factory to use for building GeodeticDatum instances, or null if none.
datumAuthorityFactory - Variable in class GIGS2008
Factory to use for building VerticalDatum instances, or null if none.
datumCode - Variable in class GIGS2006
The EPSG code of the expected datum.
datumCode - Variable in class GIGS2008
The EPSG code of the expected VerticalDatum.
datumFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Datum factory instance used for a test.
datumFactory - Variable in class GIGS3002
Factory to use for building Ellipsoid instances, or null if none.
datumFactory - Variable in class GIGS3003
Factory to use for building PrimeMeridian instances, or null if none.
datumFactory - Variable in class ObjectFactoryTest
Factory to use for building Datum instances, or null if none.
datumFactory - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Factory to use for building Datum instances, or null if none.
datumName - Variable in class GIGS2008
The expected EPSG name of the VerticalDatum.
DatumValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Validates Datum and related objects from the org.opengis.datum package.
DatumValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class DatumValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
day() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 24×60×60 seconds.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class Validators
The default container to be used by all static validate methods.
DEFAULT_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class Validator
The default tolerance value for comparisons of floating point numbers in validators.
definition - Variable in class GIGS3005
The parameters of the conversion to create.
degree() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as π/180 radians.
Departures - Class in org.opengis.geoapi
Departures in GeoAPI interfaces compared to OGC/ISO schemas.
Departures() - Constructor for class Departures
Creates new collections of departure information.
derivativeDeltas - Variable in class TransformTestCase
The deltas to use for approximating math transform derivatives by the finite differences method.
DerivativeFailure - Error in org.opengis.test.referencing
Thrown by TransformTestCase.verifyDerivative(double[]) when a transform derivative did not produced the expected values.
DerivativeFailure(String) - Constructor for error DerivativeFailure
Creates a new exception with the given message.
description - Variable in class ParameterizedTransformTest
A description of the test being run.
DIRECT_TRANSFORM - CalculationType
The ordinate values to compare are the result of a direct operation performed by the transform to test.
dispatch(Object) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(Object) - Static method in class Validators
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method (if any).
dispatch(GeographicExtent) - Method in class ExtentValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(GeneralParameterDescriptor) - Method in class ParameterValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(GeneralParameterValue) - Method in class ParameterValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class CRSValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(CoordinateSystem) - Method in class CSValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(Datum) - Method in class DatumValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(CoordinateOperation) - Method in class OperationValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatch(GenericName) - Method in class NameValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this class (if any).
dispatchObject(IdentifiedObject) - Method in class ReferencingValidator
For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this package (if any).
documentation - Variable in class SchemaInformation.Element
Documentation, or null if none.
DocumentationStyle - Enum in org.opengis.geoapi
Style of the documentation to store.


ELEMENTARY - Classification
Intended for software without the capability of performing coordinate operations.
ellipsoidName - Variable in class GIGS2004
The name of the expected ellipsoid.
enforceForbiddenAttributes - Variable in class Validator
true if forbidden attributes are required to be null, or false for tolerating non-null values.
enforceStandardNames - Variable in class CRSValidator
true if standard names shall be enforced when such names are defined by an OGC/ISO standard.
All enumeration classes.
EPSG - Static variable in class FactoryFilter.ByAuthority
Convenience constant for a frequently used factory filter.
equals(Object) - Method in class Configuration
Compares this configuration with the given object for equality.
All exceptions.
exclude(String...) - Method in class NameSpaces
Excludes the namespaces identified by the given prefixes.
extent - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for Extent and related objects.
ExtentValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.metadata
Validates Extent and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata.extent package.
ExtentValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class ExtentValidator
Creates a new validator instance.


factories() - Static method in class AffineTransformTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class CRSTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2001
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2002
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2003
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2004
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2005
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2006
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2007
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2008
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS2009
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS3002
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS3003
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS3004
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class GIGS3005
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class ObjectFactoryTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class NameTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories() - Static method in class CRSParserTest
Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
factories(Class<? extends Factory>...) - Static method in class TestCase
Returns factory instances for given factory interfaces.
factories(FactoryFilter, Class<? extends Factory>...) - Static method in class TestCase
Returns factory instances for given factory interfaces, excluding the factories filtered by the given filter.
factory - Variable in class CRSTest
The authority factory for creating a CoordinateReferenceSystem from a code, or null if none.
factory - Variable in class NameTest
The factory to be used for testing generic name instances, or null if none.
FactoryFilter - Interface in org.opengis.test
Specifies whether a factory can be used for creating the objects to be tested.
FactoryFilter.ByAuthority - Class in org.opengis.test
failed(TestEvent, Throwable) - Method in interface TestListener
Invoked when a test fails.
family() - Method in class Configuration.Key
Returns the list of codes of the same kind than this code list element.
file() - Method in enum TestData
Returns a path on the file system to the test file.
filter(Class<T>, T) - Method in class FactoryFilter.ByAuthority
Returns true, unless the given factory is an instance of AuthorityFactory and the authority name is not the expected one.
filter(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface FactoryFilter
Returns true if the given factory can be tested.
finished(TestEvent) - Method in interface TestListener
Invoked when a test method finishes (whether passing or failing).
foot() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 0.3048 metres.
footSurveyUS() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 12/39.37 metres.
forbidden(String, Object) - Method in class Validator
Invoked when the existence of a forbidden attribute needs to be checked.


geographic(int, int) - Static method in class ToleranceModifiers
Converts λ and φ tolerance values from metres to degrees before comparing geographic coordinates.
GEOGRAPHIC - Static variable in interface ToleranceModifier
Converts λ and φ tolerance values from metres to degrees before comparing geographic coordinates.
GEOGRAPHIC_φλ - Static variable in interface ToleranceModifier
Converts φ and λ tolerance values from metres to degrees before comparing geographic coordinates.
geometry - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for Geometry and related objects.
GeometryValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.geometry
Validates Geometry and related objects from the org.opengis.geometry package.
GeometryValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class GeometryValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
get(Configuration.Key<T>) - Method in class Configuration
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getAuthority() - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation returns null.
getAuthorityCodes(Class<? extends IdentifiedObject>) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation returns an empty set.
getBand() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the current band index.
getClassName() - Method in class TestEvent
Returns the fully-qualified name of the class which contain the test method being executed.
getConfigurationTip() - Method in class TestEvent
If a test failure occurred in an optional test, the configuration key for disabling that test.
getDataType() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the type of the sample values, as one of the TYPE_* constants defined in the DataBuffer class.
getDefault() - Static method in class Units
Returns the default units factory.
getDescriptionText(String) - Method in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The default implementation returns null.
getEnabledFlags(Configuration.Key<Boolean>...) - Method in class TestCase
Returns booleans indicating whether the given operations are enabled.
getFactories(Class<T>) - Static method in class TestSuite
Returns the factory implementations explicitely given by the last call to TestSuite.setFactories(Class, Factory[]) for the given interface.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
Returns the instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2001
Returns the unit instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2002
Returns the ellipsoid instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2003
Returns the prime meridian instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2004
Returns the datum instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2005
Returns the coordinate operation instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2006
Returns the projected CRS instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2007
Returns the transformation instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2008
Returns the vertical CRS instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS2009
Returns the transformation instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS3002
Returns the ellipsoid instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS3003
Returns the prime meridian instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS3004
Returns the geodetic datum instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class GIGS3005
Returns the coordinate operation instance to be tested.
getIdentifiedObject() - Method in class UserObjectFactoryTestCase
Returns the instance to be tested.
getImplementationSpecific(MathTransform) - Static method in class ToleranceModifiers
Returns all implementation-specific modifiers found on the classpath for the given math transform.
getLocale() - Method in class Report
Returns the locale to use for producing messages in the reports.
getMetadata(Class<T>, IIOMetadata) - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
Returns the user object of the given type found in the given Image I/O metadata, or null if none.
getMethodName() - Method in class TestEvent
Returns the name of the test method which is executed, followed by a sequential number.
getSample() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the sample value at the current position, as an integer.
getSampleDouble() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the sample value at the current position, as a double-precision floating point number.
getSampleFloat() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the sample value at the current position, as a floating point number.
getSemiMajorAxis(boolean) - Method in class GIGS2002
Returns the length of the semi-major axis, either in the units specified by the EPSG dataset or in metres.
getSemiMinorAxis(boolean) - Method in class GIGS2002
Returns the length of the semi-minor axis, either in the units specified by the EPSG dataset or in metres.
getSource() - Method in class TestEvent
Returns the TestCase instance which is been run.
getTypeDefinition(Class<?>) - Method in class SchemaInformation
Returns the type definitions for the given class.
getTypeDefinition(String) - Method in class SchemaInformation
Returns the type definitions for a class of the given name.
getVendor() - Method in class PseudoFactory
Returns the implementor of this pseudo-factory, which is "GeoAPI".
getVerifiableName(IdentifiedObject) - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
Returns a name of the given object that can be compared against the expected name.
getX() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the current x coordinate.
getY() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns the current y coordinate.
GIGS2001 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference units of measure bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2001(CSAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2001
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2002 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference ellipsoid parameters bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2002(DatumAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2002
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2003 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference prime meridians bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2003(DatumAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2003
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2004 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference geodetic datums and CRSs bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2004(DatumAuthorityFactory, CRSAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2004
Creates a new test using the given factories.
GIGS2005 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference map projections bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2005(CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2005
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2006 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference projected CRSs bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2006(CRSAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2006
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2007 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference coordinate transformations bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2007(CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2007
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2008 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference vertical datums and CRSs bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2008(DatumAuthorityFactory, CRSAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2008
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS2009 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies reference vertical transformations bundled with the geoscience software.
GIGS2009(CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS2009
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS3002 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies that the software allows correct definition of a user-defined ellipsoid.
GIGS3002(DatumFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS3002
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS3003 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies that the software allows correct definition of a user-defined prime meridian.
GIGS3003(DatumFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS3003
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS3004 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies that the software allows correct definition of a user-defined geodetic datum and geodetic CRS.
GIGS3004(DatumFactory, CSFactory, CRSFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS3004
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GIGS3005 - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Verifies that the software allows correct definition of a user-defined map projection.
GIGS3005(CoordinateOperationFactory) - Constructor for class GIGS3005
Creates a new test using the given factory.
GOLD - Classification
Intended for software with an extensive capability to perform coordinate operations.
grad() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as π/200 radians.
greenwichLongitude - Variable in class GIGS2003
The expected Greenwich longitude in decimal degrees.
greenwichLongitude - Variable in class GIGS3003
The prime meridian Greenwich longitude, in unit of GIGS3003.angularUnit.


hasError - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
true if an exception occurred while creating the identified object.
hashCode() - Method in class Configuration
Returns a hash code value for this configuration map.
hectopascal() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 100 pascals.


IDENTITY - CalculationType
The ordinate values to compare are the result of an identity operation (a plain copy).
image - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for images and related objects.
ImageIOTestCase - Class in org.opengis.test.coverage.image
Base class for all image I/O tests.
ImageIOTestCase() - Constructor for class ImageIOTestCase
Creates a new test case using a default random number generator.
ImageIOTestCase(long) - Constructor for class ImageIOTestCase
Creates a new test case using a random number generator initialized to the given seed.
ImageReaderTestCase - Class in org.opengis.test.coverage.image
Base class for testing ImageReader implementations.
ImageReaderTestCase() - Constructor for class ImageReaderTestCase
Creates a new test case using a default random number generator.
ImageReaderTestCase(long) - Constructor for class ImageReaderTestCase
Creates a new test case using a random number generator initialized to the given seed.
ImageValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.coverage.image
Validators for implementations of java.awt.image or javax.imageio services.
ImageValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class ImageValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
ImageWriterTestCase - Class in org.opengis.test.coverage.image
Base class for testing ImageWriter implementations.
ImageWriterTestCase() - Constructor for class ImageWriterTestCase
Creates a new test case using a default random number generator.
ImageWriterTestCase(long) - Constructor for class ImageWriterTestCase
Creates a new test case using a random number generator initialized to the given seed.
ImplementationDetails - Interface in org.opengis.test
Provides optional information about the implementation being tested.
All GeoAPI interfaces, in approximate dependency order.
The ordinate values to compare are the result of an inverse transform.
inverseFlattening - Variable in class GIGS2002
The expected inverse flattening, or Double.NaN if the second defining parameters is not this field.
inverseFlattening - Variable in class GIGS3002
The inverse flattening factor (dimensionless), or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if the ellipsoid is a sphere.
isAxisSwappingSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether (y,x) axis order is supported.
isAxisSwappingSupported - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
true if AuthorityFactoryTest.crsAuthorityFactory and AuthorityFactoryTest.csAuthorityFactory supports the creation of coordinate system with (y,x) axis order.
isCollection - Variable in class SchemaInformation.Element
Whether the property accepts many items.
isControlledVocabulary() - Method in enum Content
Returns true if this enumeration is for enumerations, code lists, or combination of both.
isDependencyIdentificationSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the IdentifiedObject instances created indirectly by the factories are expected to have correct identification information.
isDependencyIdentificationSupported - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
true if the IdentifiedObject instances created indirectly by the factories are expected to have correct identification information.
isDeprecated - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
true if this authority code is deprecated, or false otherwise.
isDeprecatedObjectCreationSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the authority factory supports creation of deprecated IdentifiedObject instances.
isDeprecatedObjectCreationSupported - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
true if the factory support creation of deprecated objects.
isDerivativeSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
isDerivativeSupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
isDoubleToDoubleSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
isDoubleToDoubleSupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
isDoubleToFloatSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
isDoubleToFloatSupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
isFactoryPreservingUserValues - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the objects created by the tested ObjectFactory use the specified values as-is.
isFactoryPreservingUserValues - Variable in class UserObjectFactoryTestCase
Whether the objects created by the tested ObjectFactory use the specified values as-is.
isFloatToDoubleSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
isFloatToDoubleSupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
isFloatToFloatSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
isFloatToFloatSupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
isInverseTransformSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether MathTransform.inverse() is supported.
isInverseTransformSupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
true if MathTransform.inverse() is supported.
isIvfDefinitive - Variable in class GIGS3002
false if the second defining parameter is the GIGS3002.semiMinorAxis length, or true if it is the GIGS3002.inverseFlattening.
isMixedNameSyntaxSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the GenericName instances can apply different syntax rules in different parts of their name.
isMixedNameSyntaxSupported - Variable in class NameTest
true if the GenericName implementations created by the NameTest.factory can use different syntax rules in different part of their name.
isMultiLocaleSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the InternationalString instances can support more than one Locale.
isMultiLocaleSupported - Variable in class NameTest
true if the InternationalString implementations created by the NameTest.factory can support more than one locale.
isNonBidimensionalSpaceSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether MathTransformFactory can create transforms between spaces that are not two-dimensional.
isNonBidimensionalSpaceSupported - Variable in class AffineTransformTest
true if MathTransformFactory.createAffineTransform(Matrix) accepts matrixes of size different than 3×3.
isNonSquareMatrixSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether MathTransformFactory.createAffineTransform(Matrix) accepts non-square matrixes.
isNonSquareMatrixSupported - Variable in class AffineTransformTest
true if MathTransformFactory.createAffineTransform(Matrix) accepts non-square matrixes.
isNorthAxisFirst - Variable in class GIGS2006
true if the expected axis directions are (NORTH, EAST) instead than the usual (EAST, NORTH).
isOverlappingArraySupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether source and destination arrays can overlap in MathTransform operations.
isOverlappingArraySupported - Variable in class TransformTestCase
true if the destination array can be the same than the source array, and the source and target region of the array can overlap.
isRequired - Variable in class SchemaInformation.Element
Whether the property is mandatory.
isSectionHeader - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
true if this row should actually be used as a section header.
isSourceBandsSupported - Variable in class ImageIOTestCase
true if the reader or writer takes in account the parameter value given to IIOParam.setSourceBands(int[]).
isSouthOrientated - Variable in class GIGS2006
true if the y values are increasing toward SOUTH instead than NORTH.
isSphere - Variable in class GIGS2002
Indicates if the figure of the Earth is a sphere.
isSphere - Variable in class GIGS3002
true if the ellipsoid is a sphere.
isStandardAliasSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the IdentifiedObject instances have at least the aliases declared in the EPSG database.
isStandardAliasSupported - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
true if the tested factories support aliases.
isStandardNameSupported - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the IdentifiedObject instances have names matching the names declared in the EPSG database.
isStandardNameSupported - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
true if the tested factories support name.
isSubregionSupported - Variable in class ImageIOTestCase
true if the reader or writer takes in account the parameter value given to IIOParam.setSourceRegion(Rectangle).
isSubsamplingOffsetSupported - Variable in class ImageIOTestCase
true if the reader or writer takes in account the two last parameter values given to IIOParam.setSourceSubsampling(int, int, int, int).
isSubsamplingSupported - Variable in class ImageIOTestCase
true if the reader or writer takes in account the two first parameter values given to IIOParam.setSourceSubsampling(int, int, int, int).
isToleranceRelaxed - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the tolerance threshold of a TransformTestCase has been relaxed.
isValidationEnabled - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
Whether the test methods can invoke a validators.validate(…)} method.
isValidationEnabled - Variable in class CRSParserTest
true if the test methods can invoke a validators.validate(…)} method after parsing.
isWestOrientated - Variable in class GIGS2006
true if the x values are increasing toward WEST instead than EAST.


kilometre() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 1000 metres.


listener - Variable in class TestCase
A JUnit rule for listening to test execution events.
loadDefaultSchemas() - Method in class SchemaInformation
Loads the default set of XSD files.
loadSchema(String) - Method in class SchemaInformation
Loads the XSD file at the given URL.
location() - Method in enum TestData
Returns a URL to the test file.
logger - Variable in class Validator
The logger for reporting non-fatal warnings.


main(String[]) - Static method in class Main
The application entry point.
Main - Class in org.opengis.test.runner
Provides the entry point for running the geoapi-conformance tests.
mandatory(String, Object) - Method in class Validator
Invoked when the existence of a mandatory attribute needs to be verified.
map() - Method in class Configuration
Returns all entries as an unmodifiable map.
matrix - Variable in class AffineTransformTest
The matrix of the math transform being tested.
maximum(ToleranceModifier...) - Static method in class ToleranceModifiers
Returns a modifier which will return the maximal tolerance threshold of all the given modifiers for each dimension.
metadata - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for Metadata and related objects.
MetadataBaseValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.metadata
Validates Metadata and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata package.
MetadataBaseValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class MetadataBaseValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
MetadataValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.metadata
Base class for validators of org.opengis.metadata package and sub-packages.
MetadataValidator(ValidatorContainer, String) - Constructor for class MetadataValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
methodName - Variable in class GIGS2005
The name of the expected operation method.
methodName - Variable in class GIGS2007
Name of the expected transformation method.
methodName - Variable in class GIGS2009
Name of the expected transformation method.
methodName - Variable in class GIGS3005
The name of the operation method to use.
metre() - Method in class Units
Base unit of measurement for lengths.
microradian() - Method in class Units
Unit of measurement defined as 1E-6 radians.
mtFactory - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The Math Transform factory instance used for a test.
mtFactory - Variable in class AffineTransformTest
The factory for creating MathTransform objects, or null if none.
mtFactory - Variable in class ParameterizedTransformTest
The factory for creating MathTransform objects, or null if none.
mtFactory - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Factory to use for building MathTransform instances, or null if none.


name - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTestCase
The name of the T instance to test, as used in the EPSG dataset.
name - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
The object name in HTML, or null if none.
name(Class<?>, Map<String, SchemaInformation.Element>) - Method in class NameSpaces
Returns the OGC/ISO name of the given type together with its XML prefix and pseudo-namespace, or null.
names - Variable in class OperationParametersReport.Row
The names or aliases to write on the table row.
namespace - Variable in class SchemaInformation.Element
Element namespace as an URI.
NameSpaces - Class in org.opengis.geoapi
Mapping from XML prefixes or Java types to programmatic namespaces (modules or packages).
NameSpaces() - Constructor for class NameSpaces
Creates a new mapping from XML namespaces (identified by prefixes) to programmatic namespaces.
NameTest - Class in org.opengis.test.util
Tests generic name and related objects from the org.opengis.util package.
NameTest(NameFactory) - Constructor for class NameTest
Creates a new test using the given factory.
NameValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.util
Validates GenericName and related objects from the org.opengis.util package.
NameValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class NameValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
naming - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for GenericName and related objects.
NAUTICAL_MILE - Static variable in class ToleranceModifiers
The standard length of one nautical mile, which is 1852.0 metres.
A two-dimensional netCDF file using a geographic CRS for global data over the world.
A four-dimensional netCDF file using a projected CRS with elevation and time.
newRow() - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Returns a new AuthorityCodesReport.Row instance.
next() - Method in class PixelIterator
Moves to the next sample values and returns true if the iteration has more pixels.
NONE - DocumentationStyle
Skip documentation.
normalize(DirectPosition, DirectPosition, CalculationType) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Invoked by all assertCoordinateEqual(…) methods before two positions are compared.


object - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
The identified object (typically a CoordinateReferenceSystem) being tested.
object - Variable in class CRSParserTest
The instance returned by CRSFactory.createFromWKT(String) after parsing the WKT.
ObjectFactoryTest - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Tests the creation of referencing objects from the object factories given at construction time.
ObjectFactoryTest(DatumFactory, CSFactory, CRSFactory, CoordinateOperationFactory) - Constructor for class ObjectFactoryTest
Creates a new test using the given factories.
one() - Method in class Units
Dimensionless unit for scale measurements.
open() - Method in enum TestData
Opens an input stream on the test file.
OperationParametersReport - Class in org.opengis.test.report
Generates a list of operations (typically map projections) and their parameters.
OperationParametersReport(Properties) - Constructor for class OperationParametersReport
Creates a new report generator using the given property values.
OperationParametersReport.Row - Class in org.opengis.test.report
A single row in the table produced by OperationParametersReport.
OperationValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Validates CoordinateOperation and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing.operation package.
OperationValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class OperationValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
org.opengis.geoapi - package org.opengis.geoapi
Information about GeoAPI content, made available for test suites.
org.opengis.test - package org.opengis.test
The GeoAPI conformance testing framework.
org.opengis.test.coverage.image - package org.opengis.test.coverage.image
Test suites for coverage implemented on top of the Java Image I/O API.
org.opengis.test.dataset - package org.opengis.test.dataset
Provides small test data files together with verification methods for applications reading those data.
org.opengis.test.geometry - package org.opengis.test.geometry
Validators and test suites for the org.opengis.geometry package.
org.opengis.test.metadata - package org.opengis.test.metadata
Validators and test suites for the org.opengis.metadata package.
org.opengis.test.referencing - package org.opengis.test.referencing
Validators and test suites for the org.opengis.referencing package.
org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs - package org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
org.opengis.test.report - package org.opengis.test.report
Generates HTML pages that summarize the operations provided by a GeoAPI implementation.
org.opengis.test.runner - package org.opengis.test.runner
Provides a Swing widget for running the GeoAPI conformance test.
org.opengis.test.util - package org.opengis.test.util
Validators and test suites for the org.opengis.util package.
org.opengis.test.wkt - package org.opengis.test.wkt
Tests Well-Known Text (WKT) parsing.


packages() - Method in class NameSpaces
Returns all namespace values that may be returned by NameSpaces.name(Class, Map).
parameter - Variable in class ValidatorContainer
The validator for ParameterValue and related objects.
ParameterizedTransformTest - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Tests parameterized math transforms from the org.opengis.referencing.operation package.
ParameterizedTransformTest(MathTransformFactory) - Constructor for class ParameterizedTransformTest
Creates a new test using the given factory.
parameters - Variable in class ParameterizedTransformTest
The parameters of the math transform being tested.
parameters - Variable in class OperationParametersReport.Row
The operation parameters or the parameter sub-groups, or null if not applicable.
ParameterValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Validates ParameterValue and related objects from the org.opengis.parameter package.
ParameterValidator(ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class ParameterValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
pascal() - Method in class Units
Base unit of measurement for pressure.
PixelIterator - Class in org.opengis.test.coverage.image
A row-major iterator over sample values in a Raster or RenderedImage.
PixelIterator(Raster) - Constructor for class PixelIterator
Creates an iterator for the whole area of the given raster.
PixelIterator(Raster, Rectangle, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class PixelIterator
Creates an iterator for a sub-area of the given raster.
PixelIterator(RenderedImage) - Constructor for class PixelIterator
Creates an iterator for the whole area of the given image.
PixelIterator(RenderedImage, Rectangle, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class PixelIterator
Creates an iterator for a sub-area of the given image.
ppm() - Method in class Units
The "parts per million" unit.
prepareImageReader(boolean) - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
Invoked when the image ImageReaderTestCase.reader is about to be used for the first time, or when its input needs to be reinitialized.
prepareImageWriter(boolean) - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Invoked when the image ImageWriterTestCase.writer is about to be used for the first time.
preprocessWKT(String) - Method in class CRSParserTest
Pre-process the WKT string before parsing.
primeMeridian - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
The expected prime meridian of the CRS being tested, in decimal degrees from Greenwich.
primeMeridianName - Variable in class GIGS2004
The name of the expected prime meridian.
progress(int, int) - Method in class Report
Invoked when the report is making some progress.
projection(int, int) - Static method in class ToleranceModifiers
Converts λ and φ tolerance values from metres to degrees before comparing the result of an inverse projection.
PROJECTION - Static variable in interface ToleranceModifier
Converts λ and φ tolerance values from metres to degrees before comparing the result of an inverse projection.
PROJECTION_FROM_φλ - Static variable in interface ToleranceModifier
Converts φ and λ tolerance values from metres to degrees before comparing the result of an inverse projection.
projectionNames - Variable in class GIGS2006
The names of map projection (informative).
properties - Variable in class UserObjectFactoryTestCase
The properties to be given in argument to a ObjectFactory.createXXX(String) method.
properties - Variable in class Report
The values to substitute to keywords in the HTML templates.
PseudoEpsgFactory - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Creates referencing objects for a limited set of hard-coded EPSG codes using ObjectFactory and MathTransformFactory.
PseudoEpsgFactory(Units, DatumFactory, CSFactory, CRSFactory, CoordinateOperationFactory, MathTransformFactory, ValidatorContainer) - Constructor for class PseudoEpsgFactory
Creates a new pseudo-factory which will use the given factories.
PseudoFactory - Class in org.opengis.test.util
Base class of pseudo-factories that simulate a subset of the capabilities of a "real" factory.
PseudoFactory() - Constructor for class PseudoFactory
Creates a new pseudo-factory.
put(Configuration.Key<T>, T) - Method in class Configuration
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.


radian() - Method in class Units
Base unit of measurement for angle.
reader - Variable in class ImageReaderTestCase
The image reader to test.
reader - Variable in class ImageWriterTestCase
The reader to use for verifying the writer output.
ReferencingTest - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Renamed as ObjectFactoryTest.
ReferencingTest(CRSFactory, CSFactory, DatumFactory) - Constructor for class ReferencingTest
Creates a new test using the given factories.
ReferencingTestCase - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Base class of CoordinateReferenceSystem implementation tests.
ReferencingTestCase() - Constructor for class ReferencingTestCase
Creates a new test without factory.
ReferencingTestCase(Factory...) - Constructor for class ReferencingTestCase
Creates a test case initialized to default values.
ReferencingValidator - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Base class for validators of IdentifiedObject and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing package.
ReferencingValidator(ValidatorContainer, String) - Constructor for class ReferencingValidator
Creates a new validator instance.
RELATIVE - Static variable in interface ToleranceModifier
Makes the tolerance values relative to the ordinate values being compared.
remark - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
A remark in HTML to display after the name, or null if none.
remove(Configuration.Key<T>) - Method in class Configuration
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
removeTestListener(TestListener) - Static method in class TestSuite
To be replaced by JUnit 5 listener mechanism.
Report - Class in org.opengis.test.report
Base class for tools generating reports as HTML pages.
Report(Properties) - Constructor for class Report
Creates a new report generator using the given property values.
Reports - Class in org.opengis.test.report
A single point for generating every reports implemented in this package.
Reports(Properties) - Constructor for class Reports
Creates a new report generator using the given property values.
requireMandatoryAttributes - Variable in class Validator
true if mandatory attributes are required to be non-null, or false for tolerating null values.
ROOT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class SchemaInformation
The root of ISO schemas and namespaces, which is "http://standards.iso.org/iso/".
Row() - Constructor for class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
Creates a new row with all fields initialized to null or false.
Row(IdentifiedObject, Set<String>) - Constructor for class OperationParametersReport.Row
Creates a row to be show on the HTML page.
Row(OperationParametersReport.Row) - Constructor for class OperationParametersReport.Row
Creates a new row initialized to a shallow copy of the given row.
rows - Variable in class AuthorityCodesReport
The list of objects identified by the codes declared by the authority factory.
rows - Variable in class OperationParametersReport
The operations to publish in the HTML report.


sampleToleranceThreshold - Variable in class ImageIOTestCase
The tolerance threshold to use when comparing floating point numbers.
scale(Set<CalculationType>, double...) - Static method in class ToleranceModifiers
Multiplies tolerance values by the given factors.
SchemaException - Exception in org.opengis.geoapi
Thrown when a SchemaCompliance failed to load a XSD file because it does not comply with expected OGC/ISO conventions, or when a UML annotation failed a compliance check.
SchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception SchemaException
Creates an exception with the specified details message.
SchemaInformation - Class in org.opengis.geoapi
Information about types and properties declared in OGC/ISO schemas.
SchemaInformation(Path, Departures, DocumentationStyle) - Constructor for class SchemaInformation
Creates a new verifier.
SchemaInformation.Element - Class in org.opengis.geoapi
The type and namespace of a property or type.
second() - Method in class Units
Base unit of measurement for durations.
semiMajorAxis - Variable in class GIGS2002
The expected semi-major axis length, in the units specified by the EPSG dataset.
semiMajorAxis - Variable in class GIGS3002
The ellipsoid semi-major axis length, in unit of GIGS3002.axisUnit.
semiMinorAxis - Variable in class GIGS2002
The expected semi-minor axis length, or Double.NaN if the second defining parameters is not this field.
semiMinorAxis - Variable in class GIGS3002
The ellipsoid semi-minor axis length, in unit of GIGS3002.axisUnit.
SENTENCE - DocumentationStyle
Transform documentation to sentences.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Static method in class TestSuite
Sets the class loader to use for loading implementations.
setFactories(Class<T>, T...) - Static method in class TestSuite
Specifies the factory implementations to use for the given factory interface.
SILVER - Classification
Intended for software with a full capability to perform coordinate operations.
sortRows() - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Sorts the rows before to write them.
starting(TestEvent) - Method in interface TestListener
Invoked when a test is about to start.
startSwingApplication() - Static method in class Main
Starts the swing application.
STRICT - Static variable in enum CalculationType
succeeded(TestEvent) - Method in interface TestListener
Invoked when a test succeeds.
swapxy - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
true if the easting and northing axes shall be swapped.
swapλφ - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
true if the longitude and latitude axes shall be swapped.


test3DegreeGaussKruger() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “3-degree Gauss-Kruger” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
test3DegreeGaussKrugerWithZonePrefix() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “3-degree Gauss-Kruger + zone prefix” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
test6DegreeGaussKruger() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “6-degree Gauss-Kruger” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
test6DegreeGaussKrugerWithZonePrefix() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “6-degree Gauss-Kruger + zone prefix” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testAbidjan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Abidjan 1987” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAbidjan() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Abidjan 1987”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testAbridgedMolodensky() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Abridged Molodensky" (EPSG:9605) datum shift operation.
testAccra() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Accra” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAccra() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Accra”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testAdindan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Adindan” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAfgooye() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Afgooye” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAgadez() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Agadez” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAGD66() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Australian Geodetic Datum 1966” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAGD66() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “AGD66”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testAGD66() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum X” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAGD66_p1() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum X′” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAGD66_to_GDA94() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “AGD66 to GDA94 (11)” transformation creation from the factory.
testAGD66_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “AGD66 to WGS 84 (17)” transformation creation from the factory.
testAGD84() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Australian Geodetic Datum 1984” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAGD84() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “AGD84”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testAGD84_to_GDA94() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “AGD84 to GDA94 (5)” transformation creation from the factory.
testAGD84_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “AGD84 to WGS 84 (9)” transformation creation from the factory.
testAHD() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “AHD height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testAHD_Tasmania() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “AHD (Tasmania) height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testAinElAbd() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Ain el Abd 1970” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAinElAbd() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Ain el Abd”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testAIOC95Depth() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “AIOC95 depth” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testAIOC95Height() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “AIOC95 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testAiry() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Airy 1830” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testAiry() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid B” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testAiryModified() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Airy Modified 1849” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testAlbanian() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Albanian 1987” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAmericanSamoa() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “American Samoa 1962” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAmersfoort() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Amersfoort” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAmersfoort() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Amersfoort”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testAmersfoort() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum C” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAmersfoort_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum CC” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAmersfoort_p1() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum C′” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAmersfoort_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “Amersfoort to WGS 84 (3)” transformation creation from the factory.
testAmmassalik() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Ammassalik 1958” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAnguilla() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Anguilla 1957” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAntigua() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Antigua 1943” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAramcoLambert() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Aramco Lambert” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testAratu() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Aratu” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAratu() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Aratu”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testArc1950() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Arc 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testArc1960() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Arc 1960” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testArcSecond() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “arc-second” unit creation from the factory.
testArgentinaZone5() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 11” conversion creation from the factory.
testArgentinaZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Argentina zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testAscensionIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Ascension Island 1958” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testATF_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Ancienne Triangulation Francaise (Paris)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAthens() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Athens” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testATS77() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Average Terrestrial System 1977” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAustralianAlbers() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 9” conversion creation from the factory.
testAustralianAntarctic() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Australian Antarctic Datum 1998” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAustralianMapGridZone54() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 7” conversion creation from the factory.
testAustralianMapGridZone55() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 8” conversion creation from the factory.
testAustralianMapGridZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Australian Map Grid zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testAustralianNationalSpheroid() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Australian National Spheroid” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testAustralianNationalSpheroid() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid X” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testAverageTerrestrialSystem() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Average Terrestrial System 1977” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testAxisSwapping2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests a transform swapping the axes in a two-dimensional space.
testAyabelleLighthouse() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Ayabelle Lighthouse” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAzoresCentral1948() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Azores Central Islands 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAzoresCentral1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Azores Central Islands 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAzoresOccidental1939() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Azores Occidental Islands 1939” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAzoresOriental1940() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Azores Oriental Islands 1940” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testAzoresOriental1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Azores Oriental Islands 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBaltic1982() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Baltic 1982 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testBalticDepth() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Baltic 1977 depth” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testBalticDepth_to_AIOC95() - Method in class GIGS2009
Tests “Baltic depth to AIOC95 depth (1)” transformation creation from the factory.
testBalticHeight() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Baltic 1977 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testBalticHeight_to_AIOC95() - Method in class GIGS2009
Tests “Baltic height to AIOC95 height (1)” transformation creation from the factory.
testBandarAbbas() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Bandar Abbas height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testBarbados() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Barbados 1938” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBatavia() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Batavia” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBatavia() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Batavia”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testBatavia() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum L” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBatavia_Jakarta() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Batavia (Jakarta)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBatavia_Jakarta() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum D” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBatavia_Jakarta_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum DD” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBDA2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bermuda 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBeduaram() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Beduaram” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBeijing() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Beijing 1954” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBeijing() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Beijing 1954”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testBelep() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “ST71 Belep” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelge1950() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau National Belge 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelge1950_Brussels() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau National Belge 1950 (Brussels)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelge1972() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau National Belge 1972” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelge1972() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum E” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelge1972_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum EE” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelge1972_p1() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum E′” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBelgianLambert72() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 6” conversion creation from the factory.
testBellevue() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bellevue” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBermuda() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bermuda 1957” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBern() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Bern” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testBern1898() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “CH1903 (Bern)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBern1938() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bern 1938” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBessel() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Bessel 1841” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testBessel() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid C” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testBesselModified() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Bessel Modified” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testBesselNamibia() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Bessel Namibia (GLM)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testBissau() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bissau” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBLMZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “BLM zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testBogota() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Bogota” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testBogota() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bogota 1975” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBogota() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Bogota 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testBogota() - Method in class GIGS3003
Tests “GIGS PM I” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testBogota_Bogota() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bogota 1975 (Bogota)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testBogota1975_to_MAGNASIRGAS() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “Bogota 1975 to MAGNA-SIRGAS (9)” transformation creation from the factory.
testBogota1975_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “Bogota 1975 to WGS 84 (3)” transformation creation from the factory.
testBrazilPolyconic() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Brazil Polyconic” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testBrazilPolyconic() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 12” conversion creation from the factory.
testBritishChain() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “British chain (Sears 1922)” unit creation from the factory.
testBritishChainTruncated() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “British chain (Sears 1922 truncated)” unit creation from the factory.
testBritishFoot() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “British foot (Sears 1922)” unit creation from the factory.
testBritishNationalGrid() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “British National Grid” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testBritishNationalGrid() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 2” conversion creation from the factory.
testBritishNationalGrid_altA() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 2 alt A” conversion creation from the factory.
testBritishNationalGrid_altB() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 2 alt B” conversion creation from the factory.
testBritishYard() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “British yard (Sears 1922)” unit creation from the factory.
testBrussels() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Brussels” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testBukitRimpah() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Bukit Rimpah” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCamacupa() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Camacupa” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCamacupa() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Camacupa”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testCamacupa_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “Camacupa to WGS 84 (10)” transformation creation from the factory.
testCampAreaAstro() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Camp Area Astro” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCampoInchauspe() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Campo Inchauspe” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCampoInchauspe() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Campo Inchauspe”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testCape() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Cape” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCapeCanaveral() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Cape Canaveral” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCarthage() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Carthage” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCarthage() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Carthage”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testCarthage_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Carthage (Paris)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
TestCase - Class in org.opengis.test
Base class of all GeoAPI tests.
TestCase() - Constructor for class TestCase
Creates a new test without factory.
TestCase(Factory...) - Constructor for class TestCase
Creates a new test which will use the given factories to execute.
testCaspianSea() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Caspian depth” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testCaspianSeaMercator() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 24” conversion creation from the factory.
testCassiniSoldner() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Cassini-Soldner" (EPSG:9806) projection method.
testCentesimalSecond() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “centesimal second” unit creation from the factory.
testCGVD28() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “CGVD28 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testCH1903() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “CH1903” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCH1903_plus() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “CH1903+” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCH1903_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “CH1903 to WGS 84 (1)” transformation creation from the factory.
testChathamIslands1971() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Chatham Islands Datum 1971” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testChathamIslands1979() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Chatham Islands Datum 1979” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testChosMalal() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Chos Malal 1914” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCHTRF95() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Swiss Terrestrial Reference Frame 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testChua() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Chua” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testClarke1858() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1858” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarke1866() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1866” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarke1866() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid J” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testClarke1880() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeArc() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880 (Arc)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeAuthalicSphere() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1866 Authalic Sphere” spheroid creation from the factory.
testClarkeAuthalicSphere() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid I” sphere creation from the factory.
testClarkeBenoit() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880 (Benoit)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeFoot() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “Clarke's foot” unit creation from the factory.
testClarkeIGN() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880 (IGN)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeIGN() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid H” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeInternationalFoot() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880 (international foot)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeLink() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “Clarke's link” unit creation from the factory.
testClarkeMichigan() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1866 Michigan” ellipsoid creation from the factory (deprecated).
testClarkeRGS() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880 (RGS)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testClarkeSGA() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Clarke 1880 (SGA 1922)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testCocosIslands() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Cocos Islands 1965” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCoefficient() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “coefficient” unit creation from the factory.
testColombiaZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Colombia zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testCombani() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Combani 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCompoundWithParametric() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a compound CRS with a parametric component.
testCompoundWithTime() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a compound CRS with a temporal component.
testCompoundWithVertical() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a compound CRS with a vertical component.
testConakry() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Conakry 1905” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCongoBelge() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Institut Geographique du Congo Belge 1955” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCorregoAlegre() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Corrego Alegre 1970-72” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testCRSAuthorityCreation() - Method in class CRSTest
Tests the creation of the WGS84 crs from the EPSG code.
testCSG67() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Centre Spatial Guyanais 1967” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDabola() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Dabola 1981” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDanish() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Danish 1876” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
TestData - Enum in org.opengis.test.dataset
Provides access to small built-in test files.
testDatum73() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Datum 73” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDealulPiscului() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Dealul Piscului 1930” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDealulPiscului() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Dealul Piscului 1930”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testDeceptionIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Deception Island” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDegree() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “degree” unit creation from the factory.
testDeirEzZor() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Deir ez Zor” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDeirEzZor() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Deir ez Zor”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testDerivedEngineeringFromGeodetic() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a derived engineering CRS having a base geodetic CRS.
testDerivedEngineeringFromProjected() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a derived engineering CRS having a base projected CRS.
testDerivedGeodetic() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a derived geodetic CRS.
testDGN95() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Datum Geodesi Nasional 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDGN95() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “DGN95”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testDHDN() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDHDN() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “DHDN”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testDHHN85() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “DHHN85 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testDHHN92() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “DHHN92 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testDiegoGarcia() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Diego Garcia 1969” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDimensionReduction() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests a transform which reduce the number of dimensions from 4 to 2.
testDominica() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Dominica 1945” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testDouala() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Douala 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEasterIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Easter Island 1967” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEastMalaysia() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 14” conversion creation from the factory.
testED50() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “European Datum 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testED50() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “ED50”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testED50() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum M” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testED50_77() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “European Datum 1950(1977)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testED50_77() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “ED50(ED77)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testED50_to_WGS84_18() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “ED50 to WGS 84 (18)” transformation creation from the factory.
testED50_to_WGS84_23() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “ED50 to WGS 84 (23)” transformation creation from the factory.
testED50_to_WGS84_24() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “ED50 to WGS 84 (24)” transformation creation from the factory.
testED50_to_WGS84_32() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “ED50 to WGS 84 (32)” transformation creation from the factory.
testED50_to_WGS84_36() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “ED50 to WGS 84 (36)” transformation creation from the factory.
testED79() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “European Datum 1979” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testED87() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “European Datum 1987” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEGM96() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “EGM96 geoid height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testEgypt() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Egypt 1907”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testEgypt1907() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Egypt 1907” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEgypt1930() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Egypt 1930” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEgyptBelts() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Egypt belts” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testELD79() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “European Libyan Datum 1979” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testELD79() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “ELD79”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testEngineering() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses an engineering CRS with North and West axis directions.
testEngineeringForShip() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses an engineering CRS anchored to a ship.
testEngineeringRotated() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses an engineering CRS with South-West and South-East axis directions.
testEOV() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “EOV” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testEOV() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 26” conversion creation from the factory.
testEPSG_2065() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:2065 (CRS S-JTSK (Ferro) / Krovak) projected CRS.
testEPSG_2314() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:2314 (Trinidad 1903 / Trinidad Grid) projected CRS.
testEPSG_24200() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:24200 (JAD69 / Jamaica National Grid) projected CRS.
testEPSG_27700() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) projected CRS.
testEPSG_28992() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:28992 (Amersfoort / RD New) projected CRS.
testEPSG_29873() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:29873 (Timbalai 1948 / RSO Borneo (m)) projected CRS.
testEPSG_3002() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:3002 (Makassar / NEIEZ) projected CRS.
testEPSG_3032() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:3032 (WGS 84 / Australian Antarctic Polar Stereographic) projected CRS.
testEPSG_3035() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:3035 (ETRS89 / LAEA Europe) projected CRS.
testEPSG_31300() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:31300 (Belge 1972 / Belge Lambert 72) projected CRS.
testEPSG_32040() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:32040 (NAD27 / Texas South Central) projected CRS.
testEPSG_32661() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:32661 (WGS 84 / UPS North (N,E)) projected CRS.
testEPSG_3388() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:3388 (Pulkovo 1942 / Caspian Sea Mercator) projected CRS.
testEPSG_3857() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:3857 (WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator) projected CRS.
testEPSG_5041() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the EPSG:5041 (WGS 84 / UPS North (E,N)) projected CRS.
testEST92() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Estonia 1992” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEST97() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Estonia 1997” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testETRS89() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “European Terrestrial Reference System 1989” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testETRS89() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “ETRS89”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testETRS89() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum G” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testEuropeEqualArea() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 16” conversion creation from the factory.
TestEvent - Class in org.opengis.test
To be replaced by JUnit 5 listener mechanism.
testEverest1830() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest (1830 Definition)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEverest1937() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest 1830 (1937 Adjustment)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEverest1962() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest 1830 (1962 Definition)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEverest1967() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest 1830 (1967 Definition)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEverest1975() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest 1830 (1975 Definition)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEverestModified() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest 1830 Modified” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEverestRSO() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Everest 1830 (RSO 1969)” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testEVRF2000() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “EVRF2000 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testEVRF2007() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “EVRF2007 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testFahud() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Fahud” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFahud() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Fahud”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testFahudHD() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Fahud HD height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testFao() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Fao height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testFatuIva() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Fatu Iva 72” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFD54() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Faroe Datum 1954” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFD58() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Final Datum 1958” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFD58() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “FD58”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testFerro() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Ferro” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testFiji1956() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Fiji 1956” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFiji1986() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Fiji Geodetic Datum 1986” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFk89() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “fk89” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFoot() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “foot” unit creation from the factory.
testFortMarigot() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Fort Marigot” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testFranceEuroLambert() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 25” conversion creation from the factory.
testFranceMainlandZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “France mainland zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testGan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Gan 1970” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGaroua() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Garoua” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGDA94() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGDA94() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “GDA94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testGDA94() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum F” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGDA94_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum FF” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGDM2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Geodetic Datum of Malaysia 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGDM2000() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “GDM2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testGEM10C() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “GEM 10C” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testGeneral() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using a combination of scale, rotation and translation in a two-dimensional space.
testGenericScale2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using a non-uniform scale factor of (3,4) in a two-dimensional space.
testGeocentric() - Method in class ObjectFactoryTest
Tests the creation of a geocentric CRS.
testGeocentric() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a geodetic CRS with Cartesian coordinate system.
testGeographic3D() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a three-dimensional geodetic CRS.
testGeographicWithGradUnits() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a geodetic CRS with a prime meridian other than Greenwich and all angular units in grads.
testGeographicWithIdentifier() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a geodetic CRS which contains a remark and an identifier.
testGeographicWithUnicode() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a geodetic CRS which contain a remark written using non-ASCII characters.
testGermanLegalMetre() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “German legal metre” unit creation from the factory.
testGGRS87() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGhanaNationalGrid() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Ghana National Grid” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testGIGSProjection13() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 13” conversion creation from the factory.
testGIGSProjection23() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 23” conversion creation from the factory.
testGIGSProjection5() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 5” conversion creation from the factory.
testGoldCoastFoot() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “Gold Coast foot” unit creation from the factory.
testGR96() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Greenland 1996” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGrad() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “grad” unit creation from the factory.
testGrandCayman() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Grand Cayman 1959” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGrandComoros() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Grand Comoros” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGrandeTerre() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN72 Grande Terre” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGreek() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Greek” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGreek_Athens() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Greek (Athens)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGreenwich() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Greenwich” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testGreenwich() - Method in class GIGS3003
Tests “GIGS PM A” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testGrenada() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Grenada 1953” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGRS1967() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “GRS 1967” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testGRS1967() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid K” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testGRS1967Modified() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “GRS 1967 Modified” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testGRS1980() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “GRS 1980” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testGRS1980() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid F” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testGRS1980AuthalicSphere() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “GRS 1980 Authalic Sphere” spheroid creation from the factory.
testGuadeloupe() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Guadeloupe 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGuam() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Guam 1963” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGulfOfSuez() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testGulfOfSuez() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testGulshan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Gulshan 303” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHanoi() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hanoi 1972” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHartebeesthoek() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hartebeesthoek94” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHD1909() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hungarian Datum 1909” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHD72() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hungarian Datum 1972” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHD72() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “HD72”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testHD72() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum K” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHelle() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Helle 1954” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHelmert() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Helmert 1906” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testHeratNorth() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Herat North” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHito() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hito XVIII 1963” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHivaOa() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN63 Hiva Oa” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHjorsey() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hjorsey 1955” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHongKong1963() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hong Kong 1963” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHongKong1963_67() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hong Kong 1963(67)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHongKong1980() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hong Kong 1980” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHotineObliqueMercator() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant B)" (EPSG:9815) projection method.
testHough1960() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Hough 1960” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testHTRS96() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Croatian Terrestrial Reference System” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testHughes1980() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Hughes 1980” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testHuTzuShan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Hu Tzu Shan 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIAG1975() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “IAG 1975” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testID74() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Indonesian Datum 1974” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIdentity1D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using an identity transform in an one-dimensional space.
testIdentity2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using an identity transform in a two-dimensional space.
testIdentity3D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using an identity transform in a three-dimensional space.
testIGC1962() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGC 1962 Arc of the 6th Parallel South” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIGM95() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Istituto Geografico Militaire 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIGN69() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “NGF IGN69 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testIGNAstro() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “IGN Astro 1960”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testIGNAstro1960() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN Astro 1960” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIGNF_MILLER() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the IGNF:MILLER (unofficial EPSG:310642901 code) projected CRS.
testIKBD92() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Datum 1992” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIleDesPins() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “ST84 Ile des Pins” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testImageMetadata() - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
testIndian1954() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Indian 1954” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIndian1954() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Indian 1954”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testIndian1960() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Indian 1960” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIndian1960() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Indian 1960”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testIndian1975() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Indian 1975” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIndian1975() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Indian 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testIndianYard() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “Indian yard” unit creation from the factory.
testIndiaZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “India zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testIndonesianNational() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Indonesian National Spheroid” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testInternational1924() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “International 1924” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testInternational1924() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid E” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testInternational1924AuthalicSphere() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “International 1924 Authalic Sphere” spheroid creation from the factory.
testInternationalString() - Method in class NameTest
Tests the creation of "My documents" folder name.
testIraqZone() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Iraq zone” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testIRENET95() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IRENET95” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testISN93() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Islands Net 1993” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testIsrael() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Israel” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testItalyZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Italy zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testIwoJima() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Iwo Jima 1945” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testJakarta() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Jakarta” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testJakarta() - Method in class GIGS3003
Tests “GIGS PM D” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testJamaica1875() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Jamaica 1875” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testJamaica1969() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Jamaica 1969” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testJamaica2001() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Jamaica 2001” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testJGD2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testJohnstonIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Johnston Island 1961” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testJohorGrid() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 15” conversion creation from the factory.
testJouik() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Jouik 1961” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKalianpur() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kalianpur 1880” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKalianpur1937() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kalianpur 1937” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKalianpur1937() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Kalianpur 1937”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testKalianpur1962() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kalianpur 1962” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKalianpur1962() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Kalianpur 1962”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testKalianpur1975() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kalianpur 1975” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKalianpur1975() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Kalianpur 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testKandawala() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kandawala” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKarbala() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Karbala 1979” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKasai() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kasai 1953” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKatanga() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Katanga 1955” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKerguelen() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN 1962 Kerguelen” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKertau() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kertau 1968” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKertau() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Kertau 1968”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testKertau_RSO() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kertau (RSO)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKertau_RSO() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Kertau (RSO)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testKilometre() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “kilometre” unit creation from the factory.
testKKJ() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kartastokoordinaattijarjestelma (1966)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKOC() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kuwait Oil Company” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKOC() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “KOC”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testKOC_CD() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “KOC CD height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testKOC_WD() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “KOC WD depth” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testKOC_WD_ft() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “KOC WD depth (ft)” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testKorea1985() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Korean Datum 1985” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKorea1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Korean Datum 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKorea2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Geocentric datum of Korea” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKousseri() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kousseri” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKrassowsky() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Krassowsky 1940” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testKrassowsky() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid Y” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testKrovak() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Krovak" (EPSG:9819) projection.
testKUDAMS() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kuwait Utility” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKusaie() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Kusaie 1951” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testKuwaitPWD() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Kuwait PWD height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testLaborde() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Laborde” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testLaCanoa() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “La Canoa” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLaCanoa_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “La Canoa to WGS 84 (2)” transformation creation from the factory.
testLagos() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Lagos 1955 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testLake() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lake” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLallemand() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “NGF Lallemand height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testLambert93() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Lambert-93” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testLambertAzimuthalEqualArea() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area" (EPSG:9820) projection method.
testLambertConicConformal1SP() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP)" (EPSG:9801) projection method.
testLambertConicConformal2SP() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)" (EPSG:9802) projection method.
testLambertConicConformalBelgium() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Belgium)" (EPSG:9803) projection method.
testLambertConicConformalMichigan() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Michigan)" (EPSG:1051) projection method.
testLambertZoneII() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 19” conversion creation from the factory.
testLao1993() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lao 1993” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLao1997() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lao National Datum 1997” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLeigon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Leigon” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLePouce() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Le Pouce 1934” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLevantZone() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Levant zone” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testLGD2006() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Libyan Geodetic Datum 2006” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLGD2006() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “LGD2006”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testLiberia() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Liberia 1964” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLibyaZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Libya zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testLifou() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN56 Lifou” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLink() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “link” unit creation from the factory.
testLisbon() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Lisbon” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testLisbon1890() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lisbon 1890” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLisbon1890_Lisbon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lisbon 1890 (Lisbon)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLisbon1937() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lisbon 1937” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLisbon1937_Lisbon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lisbon 1937 (Lisbon)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
TestListener - Interface in org.opengis.test
To be replaced by JUnit 5 listener mechanism.
testLittleCayman() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Little Cayman 1961” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLKS92() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Latvia 1992” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLKS94() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lithuania 1994 (ETRS89)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLKS94() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “LKS94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testLocalName() - Method in class NameTest
Tests the creation of "EPSG:4326" as local names.
testLocodjo() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Locodjo 1965” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLomaQuintana() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Loma Quintana” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLome() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Lome” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLuxembourg() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Luxembourg 1930” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLuzon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Luzon 1911” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testLuzon() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Luzon 1911”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMadrid() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Madrid” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testMadrid() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Madrid 1870 (Madrid)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMadzansua() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Madzansua” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMAGNA_SIRGAS() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Marco Geocentrico Nacional de Referencia” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMAGNA_SIRGAS() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “MAGNA-SIRGAS”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMahe() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Mahe 1971” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMakassar() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Makassar” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMakassar_Jakarta() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Makassar (Jakarta)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMalaysiaRSOGrids_VariantA() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Malaysia RSO grids” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testMalaysiaRSOGrids_VariantB() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Malaysia RSO grids” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testMalongo() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Malongo 1987” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMalongo() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Malongo 1987”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testManoca() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Manoca 1962” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testManoca() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Manoca 1962”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMarcusIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Marcus Island 1952” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMare() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN53 Mare” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMarshallIslands() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Marshall Islands 1960” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMartinique() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Martinique 1938” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMassawa() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Massawa” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMaupiti() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Maupiti 83” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMauritania() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Mauritania 1999” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMauritania() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Mauritania 1999”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMercator1SP() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Mercator (variant A)" (EPSG:9804) projection method.
testMercator2SP() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Mercator (variant B)" (EPSG:9805) projection method.
testMercatorSpherical() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Mercator (Spherical)" (EPSG:1026) projection method.
testMercatorVariantC() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Mercator (variant C)" (EPSG:1044) projection method.
testMerchich() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Merchich” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMetre() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “metre” unit creation from the factory.
testMGI() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Militar-Geographische Institut” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMGI_Ferro() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Militar-Geographische Institut (Ferro)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMhast() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Missao Hidrografico Angola y Sao Tome 1951” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMhast_offshore() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Mhast (offshore)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMhast_offshore() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Mhast (offshore)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMhast_onshore() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Mhast (onshore)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMhast_onshore() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Mhast (onshore)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMicroRadian() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “microradian” unit creation from the factory.
testMidway() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Midway 1961” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMiller() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "IGNF:MILLER" projection.
testMinna() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Minna” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMinna() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Minna”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMonteMario() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Monte Mario” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMonteMario() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Monte Mario”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMonteMario_Rome() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Monte Mario (Rome)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMontserrat() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Montserrat 1958” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMoorea() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Moorea 87” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMOP78() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “MOP78” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMountDillon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Mount Dillon” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMoznet() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Moznet (ITRF94)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMPoraloko() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “M'poraloko” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testMPoraloko() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “M'poraloko”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testMslDepth() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “msl depth” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testMslHeight() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “msl height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testNAD27() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “North American Datum 1927” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NAD27”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNAD27() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum J” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27_76() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “North American Datum 1927 (1976)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27_CGQ77() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “North American Datum 1927 (CGQ77)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27_Michigan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NAD27 Michigan” geodetic datum creation from the factory (deprecated).
testNAD27_Michigan() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NAD27 Michigan”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNAD27_p1() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum J′” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27_p2() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum J″” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27_p3() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum J‴” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD27_to_NAD83_1() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NAD27 to NAD83 (1)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNAD27_to_NAD83_2() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NAD27 to NAD83 (2)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNAD27_to_NAD83_4() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NAD27 to NAD83 (4)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNAD27_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NAD27 to WGS 84 (33)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNAD27_to_WGS84_79() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NAD27 to WGS 84 (79)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNAD27_to_WGS84_85() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NAD27 to WGS 84 (85)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNAD83() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “North American Datum 1983” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD83() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NAD83”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNAD83() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum Z” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD83_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum ZZ” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD83_CSRS() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD83_CSRS() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NAD83(CSRS)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNAD83_HARN() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NAD83 (High Accuracy Reference Network)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAD83_HARN() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NAD83(HARN)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNAD83_NSRS2007() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NAD83 (National Spatial Reference System 2007)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNahrwan() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Nahrwan 1967”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNahrwan1934() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nahrwan 1934” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNahrwan1967() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nahrwan 1967” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNakhlEGhanem() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nakhl-e Ghanem” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAP() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “NAP height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testNaparima() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Naparima 1955”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNaparima1955() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Naparima 1955” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNaparima1972() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Naparima 1972” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNAVD88() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “NAVD88 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testNEIEZ() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “NEIEZ” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testNEIEZ() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 27” conversion creation from the factory.
testNGN() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “National Geodetic Network” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNGO1948() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NGO 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNGO1948_Oslo() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NGO 1948 (Oslo)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNGVD29() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “NGVD29 height (ftUS)” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testNigeriaBelts() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Nigeria belts” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testNordSahara() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nord Sahara 1959” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNordSahara() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Nord Sahara 1959”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNouakchott() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nouakchott 1965” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNoumea() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NEA74 Noumea” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNSWC9Z2() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “NSWC 9Z-2” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNTF() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNTF() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum T” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNTF_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise (Paris)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNTF_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NTF (Paris)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNTF_Paris() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum H” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNTF_Paris__to_NTF() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “NTF (Paris) to NTF (1)” transformation creation from the factory.
testNTF_Paris_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum HH” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNukuHiva() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “IGN72 Nuku Hiva” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNWL9D() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “NWL 9D” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testNZGD2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNZGD2000() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NZGD2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNZGD49() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testNZGD49() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “NZGD49”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testNZMG() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “NZMG” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testNZTMZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “NZ TM zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testObliqueStereographic() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Oblique Stereographic" (EPSG:9809) projection method.
testObservatario() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Observatario” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testODN() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “ODN height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testOldHawaiian() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Old Hawaiian” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOneByteBand() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Tests the ImageWriter.write method for a single band of byte values.
testOneDoubleBand() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Same test than ImageWriterTestCase.testOneByteBand(), but using the signed double type.
testOneFloatBand() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Same test than ImageWriterTestCase.testOneByteBand(), but using the signed float type.
testOneIntBand() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Same test than ImageWriterTestCase.testOneByteBand(), but using the signed int type.
testOneShortBand() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Same test than ImageWriterTestCase.testOneByteBand(), but using the signed short type.
testOneUnsignedShortBand() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Same test than ImageWriterTestCase.testOneByteBand(), but using the unsigned short type.
testOS_SN_80() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “OS (SN) 1980” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOSGB1936() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “OSGB 1936” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOSGB1936() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “OSGB 1936”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testOSGB1936() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum B” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOSGB1936_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum BB” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOSGB1936_p1() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum B′” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOSGB70() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “OSGB 1970 (SN)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOslo() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Oslo” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testOSNI1952() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “OSNI 1952” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testOSU86F() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “OSU86F” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testOSU91A() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “OSU91A” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testOuvea() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “ST87 Ouvea” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPadang() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Padang 1884” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPadang_Jakarta() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Padang 1884 (Jakarta)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPalestine() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Palestine 1923” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPampaDelCastillo() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pampa del Castillo” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testParametric() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a parametric CRS.
testParis() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Paris” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testParis() - Method in class GIGS3003
Tests “GIGS PM H” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testParisRGS() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Paris RGS” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testParsedHTTP() - Method in class NameTest
Tests the parsing of "http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326" as a local name.
testParsedURN() - Method in class NameTest
Tests the parsing of "urn:ogc:def:crs:epsg:4326" as a scoped name.
testPartsPerMillion() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “parts per million” unit creation from the factory.
testPD83() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Potsdam Datum/83” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPerroud() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pointe Geologie Perroud 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPeruZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Peru zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testPetrels() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Petrels 1972” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPHD93() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “PHD93 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testPhilippineZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Philippine zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testPhoenixIslands() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Phoenix Islands 1966” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPicoDeLasNieves() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pico de las Nieves 1984” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPitcairn1967() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pitcairn 1967” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPitcairn2006() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pitcairn 2006” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPlessis() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Plessis 1817” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testPoint58() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Point 58” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPointeNoire() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Congo 1960 Pointe Noire” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPointeNoire() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Pointe Noire”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPolarStereographicA() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Polar Stereographic (variant A)" (EPSG:9810) projection method.
testPolarStereographicB() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Polar Stereographic (variant B)" (EPSG:9829) projection method.
testPolarStereographicC() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Polar Stereographic (variant C)" (EPSG:9830) projection method.
testPolyconic() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "American Polyconic" (EPSG:9818) projection.
testPopularVisualisation() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Popular Visualisation Datum” geodetic datum creation from the factory (deprecated).
testPopularVisualisationSphere() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Popular Visualisation Sphere” spheroid creation from the factory (deprecated).
testPortoSanto1936() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Porto Santo 1936” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPortoSanto1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Porto Santo 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPOSGAR94() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1994” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPOSGAR94() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “POSGAR 94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPOSGAR98() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1998” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPOSGAR98() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “POSGAR 98”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testProjected3D() - Method in class ObjectFactoryTest
Renamed ObjectFactoryTest.testProjectedWithGeoidalHeight() for making clearer that this is not a projected CRS associated to a 3D coordinate system.
testProjectedWithFootUnits() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a projected CRS with linear units in feet.
testProjectedWithGeoidalHeight() - Method in class ObjectFactoryTest
Tests the creation of a compound CRS made of a projected CRS with a gravity-related height.
testProjectedWithImplicitParameterUnits() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a projected CRS with implicit parameter units.
testProjectedYX() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a projected CRS with linear units in metres and axes in (Y,X) order.
testPRS92() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Philippine Reference System 1992” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPRS92() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “PRS92”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPSAD56() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Provisional South American Datum 1956” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPSAD56() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “PSAD56”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPSAD56_to_WGS84() - Method in class GIGS2007
Tests “PSAD56 to WGS 84 (13)” transformation creation from the factory.
testPSD93() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “PDO Survey Datum 1993” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPSD93() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “PSD93”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPseudoMercator() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Mercator Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator" (EPSG:1024) projection method.
testPuertoRico() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Puerto Rico” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pulkovo 1942” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Pulkovo 1942”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum Y” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942_58() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pulkovo 1942(58)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942_58() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Pulkovo 1942(58)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942_83() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pulkovo 1942(83)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942_83() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Pulkovo 1942(83)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1942_UTM() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Pulkovo 1942”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testPulkovo1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Pulkovo 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testPZ90() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “PZ-90” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testPZ90() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Parametrop Zemp 1990” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testQatar1948() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Qatar 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testQatar1948() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Qatar 1948”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testQatar1974() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Qatar 1974” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testQatar1974() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Qatar 1974”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testQatar1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Qatar National Datum 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testQatarGrid() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Qatar Grid” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testQatarNationalGrid() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Qatar National Grid” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testQND95() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “QND95”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testQornoq() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Qornoq 1927” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRadian() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “radian” unit creation from the factory.
testRassadiran() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Rassadiran” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRD83() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Rauenberg Datum/83” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRDNew() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “RD New” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testRDNew() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 4” conversion creation from the factory.
testReadAsBufferedImage() - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
Tests the ImageReader.read method.
testReadAsRaster() - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
Tests the ImageReader.readRaster method.
testReadAsRenderedImage() - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
testREGVEN() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Red Geodesica Venezolana” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testREGVEN() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “REGVEN”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testReunion() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reunion 1947” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testReykjavik() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reykjavik 1900” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRGF93() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRGF93() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “RGF93”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testRGFG95() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRGNC9193() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 91-93” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRGPF() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau Geodesique de la Polynesie Francaise” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRGR92() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau Geodesique de la Reunion 1992” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRome() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Rome” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testRotation2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using an anticlockwise 30° rotation in a two-dimensional space.
testRRAF1991() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRSRGD2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRT38() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Stockholm 1938” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRT38_Stockholm() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Stockholm 1938 (Stockholm)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testRT90() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Rikets koordinatsystem 1990” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSAD69() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “South American Datum 1969” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSAD69() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “SAD69”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testSaintPierreEtMiquelon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Saint Pierre et Miquelon 1950” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSanto() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Santo 1965” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSapperHill() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Sapper Hill 1943” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSchwarzeck() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Schwarzeck” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSchwarzeck() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Schwarzeck”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testScopedName() - Method in class NameTest
Tests the creation of "urn:ogc:def:crs:epsg:4326" as a scoped name.
testScoresbysund() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Scoresbysund 1952” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSegara() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Gunung Segara” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSegara_Jakarta() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Gunung Segara (Jakarta)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSelvagemGrande() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Selvagem Grande” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSerindung() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Serindung” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSexagesimalDegree() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “sexagesimal DMS” unit creation from the factory.
testSierraLeone1924() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Sierra Leone Colony 1924” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSierraLeone1968() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Sierra Leone 1968” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSIRGAS1995() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para America del Sur 1995” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSIRGAS1995() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “SIRGAS 1995”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testSIRGAS2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para las AmericaS 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSIRGAS2000() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “SIRGAS 2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testSJTSK() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSJTSK_Ferro() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “System of the Unified Trigonometrical Cadastral Network (Ferro)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSlovenia() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Slovenia Geodetic Datum 1996” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSolomon() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Solomon 1968” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSouthAfricanSurveyGridZone21() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 10” conversion creation from the factory.
testSouthGeorgia() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “South Georgia 1968” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSouthOrientated2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using a 180° rotation in a two-dimensional space.
testSouthYemen() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “South Yemen” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStereo33() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Stereo33” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testStereo70() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Stereo70” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testStGeorgeIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “St. George Island” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStHelena() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Astro DOS 71” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStKitts() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “St. Kitts 1955” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStLawrenceIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “St. Lawrence Island” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStLucia() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “St. Lucia 1955” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStockholm() - Method in class GIGS2003
Tests “Stockholm” prime meridian creation from the factory.
testStPaulIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “St. Paul Island” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testStreamMetadata() - Method in class ImageReaderTestCase
testStruve() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “Struve 1860” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testStVincent() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “St. Vincent 1945” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
TestSuite - Class in org.opengis.test
The suite of every tests defined in the GeoAPI conformance module.
TestSuite() - Constructor for class TestSuite
Constructor provided for allowing subclassing.
testSVY21() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “SVY21” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSWAfricaSurveyGrid() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “SW Africa Survey Grid” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testSWEREF99() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “SWEREF99” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testSyriaLambert() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Syria Lambert” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTahaa() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tahaa 54” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTahiti52() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tahiti 52” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTahiti79() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tahiti 79” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTananarive() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tananarive 1925” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTananarive() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Tananarive”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testTananarive_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tananarive 1925 (Paris)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTananarive_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Tananarive (Paris)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testTC_1948() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “TC(1948)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testTemporal() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a temporal CRS.
testTernIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tern Island 1961” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTete() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tete” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testThreeByteBands() - Method in class ImageWriterTestCase
Same test than ImageWriterTestCase.testOneByteBand(), but using RGB values in three bands.
testTimbalai() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Timbalai 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTimbalai() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Timbalai 1948”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testTM0N() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 0 N” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM109SE() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 109 SE” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM1130SE() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 11.30 SE” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM12SE() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 12 SE” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM1NW() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 1 NW” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM5NE() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 5 NE” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM5NW() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “TM 5 NW” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTM65() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “TM65” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTM75() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Geodetic Datum of 1965” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTokyo() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tokyo” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTranslatation2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using a translation of (400000,-100000) metres in a two-dimensional space.
testTransverseMercator() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the "Transverse Mercator" (EPSG:9807) projection method.
testTransverseMercatorSouthOrientated() - Method in class ParameterizedTransformTest
Tests the Transverse Mercator (South Orientated) (EPSG:9808) projection method.
testTrinidad() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Trinidad 1903” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTrinidad() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Trinidad 1903”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testTrinidadGrid() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Trinidad grid” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTristan() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Tristan 1968” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTrucialCoast() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Trucial Coast 1948” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTunisiaZones() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Tunisia zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testTWD67() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Taiwan Datum 1967” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testTWD97() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Taiwan Datum 1997” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testUniformScale2D() - Method in class AffineTransformTest
Tests using a uniform scale factor of 0.3048 in a two-dimensional space.
testUnity() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “unity” unit creation from the factory.
testUSStatePlaneZones_LCC() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “US State Plane zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testUSStatePlaneZones_TM() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “US State Plane zones” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testUSSurveyFoot() - Method in class GIGS2001
Tests “US survey foot” unit creation from the factory.
testUtahNorth() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 17” conversion creation from the factory.
testUtahNorth_ftUS() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 18” conversion creation from the factory.
testUTM() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “UTM” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testUTM_zone31N() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 1” conversion creation from the factory.
testUTM_zone8N() - Method in class GIGS3005
Tests “GIGS projection 28” conversion creation from the factory.
testVanuaLevu() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Vanua Levu 1915” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVertical() - Method in class CRSParserTest
Parses a vertical CRS.
testVientiane() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Vientiane 1982” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVitiLevu() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Viti Levu 1912” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVN2000() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Vietnam 2000” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVoirol1875() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Voirol 1875” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVoirol1875_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Voirol 1875 (Paris)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVoirol1879() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Voirol 1879” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVoirol1879_Paris() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Voirol 1879 (Paris)” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testVoirolUnifie() - Method in class GIGS2005
Tests “Voirol Unifie” coordinate operation creation from the factory.
testWakeIsland() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Wake Island 1952” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWarOffice() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “War Office” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testWGS66() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “World Geodetic System 1966” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWGS72() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “WGS 72” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testWGS72() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “World Geodetic System 1972” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWGS72BE() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “WGS 72 Transit Broadcast Ephemeris” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWGS72BE() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “WGS 72BE”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testWGS84() - Method in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Tests the creation of the EPSG:4326 GeographicCRS.
testWGS84() - Method in class GIGS2002
Tests “WGS 84” ellipsoid creation from the factory.
testWGS84() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “World Geodetic System 1984” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWGS84() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “WGS 84”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testWGS84() - Method in class GIGS3002
Tests “GIGS ellipsoid A” flattened sphere creation from the factory.
testWGS84() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum A” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWGS84() - Method in class ObjectFactoryTest
Tests the creation of the EPSG:4326 GeographicCRS.
testWGS84_3D() - Method in class ObjectFactoryTest
Tests the creation of the WGS84 CRS with ellipsoidal height, and verifies that the axes are in the given (latitude, longitude, height) order.
testWGS84_bis() - Method in class GIGS3004
Tests “GIGS geodetic datum AA” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testWGS84_to_EGM96() - Method in class GIGS2009
Tests “WGS 84 to EGM96 Geoid height (1)” transformation creation from the factory.
testXian() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Xian 1980” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testXian() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Xian 1980”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testYacare() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Yacare” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testYellowSea1956() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Yellow Sea 1956 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testYellowSea1985() - Method in class GIGS2008
Tests “Yellow Sea 1985 height” vertical CRS creation from the factory.
testYemen() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Yemen National Geodetic Network 1996” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testYemen() - Method in class GIGS2006
Tests “Yemen NGN96”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
testYoff() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Yoff” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
testZanderij() - Method in class GIGS2004
Tests “Zanderij” geodetic datum creation from the factory.
toAngularUnit - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Conversion factor from degrees to the CRS-specific angular units.
tolerance - Variable in class GeometryValidator
Small relative tolerance values for comparisons of floating point numbers.
tolerance - Variable in class TransformTestCase
Maximum difference to be accepted when comparing a transformed ordinate value with the expected value.
tolerance(double) - Method in class TransformTestCase
tolerance(MathTransform) - Method in interface ImplementationDetails
Returns an object for modifying the tolerance thresholds when testing the given math transform, or null if no change is needed.
toleranceModifier - Variable in class TransformTestCase
Optional modification to the TransformTestCase.tolerance threshold before to compare a coordinate points.
ToleranceModifier - Interface in org.opengis.test
Modifies the tolerance threshold before to compare a calculated value against its expected value.
ToleranceModifiers - Class in org.opengis.test
A factory of various ToleranceModifier implementations.
toLinearUnit - Variable in class AuthorityFactoryTest
Conversion factor from metres to the CRS-specific linear units.
toString() - Method in class SchemaInformation.Element
Returns a string representation for debugging purpose.
toString() - Method in class Configuration
Returns a string representation of this configuration map.
toString() - Method in class PixelIterator
Returns a string representation of this iterator position for debugging purpose.
toString() - Method in class ContentVerifier
Returns a string representation of the comparison results.
toString() - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport.Row
Returns a string representation of this row, for debugging purpose only.
toString() - Method in class OperationParametersReport.Row
Returns a string representation of this row, for debugging purpose only.
transform - Variable in class TransformTestCase
The transform being tested.
The numbers to compare is a column of a transform derivative.
TransformFailure - Error in org.opengis.test.referencing
Thrown by TransformTestCase when a MathTransform did not produced the expected value.
TransformFailure(String) - Constructor for error TransformFailure
Creates a new exception with the given message.
TransformTestCase - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing
Base class for MathTransform implementation tests.
TransformTestCase() - Constructor for class TransformTestCase
Creates a new test without factory.
TransformTestCase(Factory...) - Constructor for class TransformTestCase
Creates a test case initialized to default values.
typeName - Variable in class SchemaInformation.Element
The element type name.
typeOf(Field) - Static method in enum Content
Returns the element type of the given field.
typeOf(Method) - Static method in enum Content
Returns the element type of the return value or single parameter type of the given method.
types() - Method in enum Content
Returns all types in that are members of the category identified by this enumeration value.


units - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The provider of units to use for tests.
units - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
Provider of pre-defined Unit instances (degree, metre, second, etc).
units - Variable in class TestCase
Provider of units of measurement (degree, metre, second, etc), never null.
Units - Class in org.opengis.test
Pre-defined constants for the units of measurement used by the conformance tests.
Units(SystemOfUnits) - Constructor for class Units
Creates a new factory which will use the given system of units.
unitToBase - Variable in class GIGS2001
Amount of base units in one tested unit.
unsupported(Configuration.Key<Boolean>...) - Method in class Configuration
Declares that all given operations are unsupported.
UserObjectFactoryTestCase<T> - Class in org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs
Base class for tests of new CRS definitions (3000 series).
UserObjectFactoryTestCase(ObjectFactory...) - Constructor for class UserObjectFactoryTestCase
Creates a new test which will use the given factories to execute.


validate(Collection<?>) - Method in class Validator
Ensures that the elements in the given collection are compliant with the Object equals(Object) and hashCode() contract.
validate(IIOMetadataFormat) - Method in class ImageValidator
Validates the given metadata format.
validate(IIOMetadataFormat) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(IIOMetadataFormat) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageReaderSpi) - Method in class ImageValidator
Validates the given provider of image readers.
validate(ImageReaderSpi) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageReaderSpi) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageWriterSpi) - Method in class ImageValidator
Validates the given provider of image writers.
validate(ImageWriterSpi) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageWriterSpi) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(DirectPosition) - Method in class GeometryValidator
Validates the given position.
validate(DirectPosition) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(DirectPosition) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Envelope) - Method in class GeometryValidator
Validates the given envelope.
validate(Envelope) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Envelope) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Address) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given address.
validate(Address) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Address) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Citation) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given citation.
validate(Citation) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Citation) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CitationDate...) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates citation dates.
validate(CitationDate...) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given objects.
validate(CitationDate...) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given objects.
validate(Contact) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given contact information.
validate(Contact) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Contact) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(OnlineResource) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given online resource.
validate(OnlineResource) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(OnlineResource) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Party) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given party.
validate(Party) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Party) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Responsibility) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given responsible party.
validate(Responsibility) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Responsibility) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Telephone) - Method in class CitationValidator
Validates the given telephone information.
validate(Telephone) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Telephone) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(BoundingPolygon) - Method in class ExtentValidator
Validates the bounding polygon.
validate(BoundingPolygon) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(BoundingPolygon) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Extent) - Method in class ExtentValidator
Validates the given extent.
validate(Extent) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Extent) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicBoundingBox) - Method in class ExtentValidator
Validates the geographic bounding box.
validate(GeographicBoundingBox) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicBoundingBox) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicDescription) - Method in class ExtentValidator
Validates the geographic description.
validate(GeographicDescription) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicDescription) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicExtent) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicExtent) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(TemporalExtent) - Method in class ExtentValidator
Validates the temporal extent.
validate(TemporalExtent) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(TemporalExtent) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(VerticalExtent) - Method in class ExtentValidator
Validates the vertical extent.
validate(VerticalExtent) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(VerticalExtent) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Identifier) - Method in class MetadataBaseValidator
Validates the given identifier.
validate(Identifier) - Method in class ReferencingValidator
Ensures that the given identifier has a code.
validate(Identifier) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Identifier) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Metadata) - Method in class MetadataBaseValidator
Validates the given metadata.
validate(Metadata) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Metadata) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeneralParameterDescriptor) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeneralParameterDescriptor) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeneralParameterValue) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeneralParameterValue) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterDescriptor<?>) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterDescriptor<?>) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterDescriptor<T>) - Method in class ParameterValidator
Validates the given descriptor.
validate(ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Method in class ParameterValidator
Validates the given descriptor.
validate(ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterValue<?>) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterValue<?>) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterValue<T>) - Method in class ParameterValidator
Validates the given parameter value.
validate(ParameterValueGroup) - Method in class ParameterValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(ParameterValueGroup) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ParameterValueGroup) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CompoundCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(CompoundCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(CompoundCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(DerivedCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(DerivedCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(DerivedCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(EngineeringCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(EngineeringCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(EngineeringCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(GeocentricCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(GeocentricCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeocentricCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(GeographicCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeographicCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(ImageCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(ImageCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(ProjectedCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(ProjectedCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(ProjectedCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(TemporalCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(TemporalCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(TemporalCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(VerticalCRS) - Method in class CRSValidator
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(VerticalCRS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(VerticalCRS) - Static method in class Validators
Validates the given coordinate reference system.
validate(CartesianCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(CartesianCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CartesianCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateSystem) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateSystem) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateSystemAxis) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given axis.
validate(CoordinateSystemAxis) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateSystemAxis) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CylindricalCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(CylindricalCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CylindricalCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(EllipsoidalCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(EllipsoidalCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(EllipsoidalCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(LinearCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(LinearCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(LinearCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(PolarCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(PolarCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(PolarCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(SphericalCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(SphericalCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(SphericalCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(TimeCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(TimeCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(TimeCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(UserDefinedCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(UserDefinedCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(UserDefinedCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(VerticalCS) - Method in class CSValidator
Validates the given coordinate system.
validate(VerticalCS) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(VerticalCS) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Datum) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Datum) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Ellipsoid) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given ellipsoid.
validate(Ellipsoid) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Ellipsoid) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(EngineeringDatum) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given datum.
validate(EngineeringDatum) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(EngineeringDatum) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeodeticDatum) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given datum.
validate(GeodeticDatum) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GeodeticDatum) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageDatum) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given datum.
validate(ImageDatum) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ImageDatum) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(PrimeMeridian) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given prime meridian.
validate(PrimeMeridian) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(PrimeMeridian) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(TemporalDatum) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given datum.
validate(TemporalDatum) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(TemporalDatum) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(VerticalDatum) - Method in class DatumValidator
Validates the given datum.
validate(VerticalDatum) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(VerticalDatum) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(IdentifiedObject) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(IdentifiedObject) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ConcatenatedOperation) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given concatenated operation.
validate(ConcatenatedOperation) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ConcatenatedOperation) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Conversion) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given conversion.
validate(Conversion) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Conversion) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateOperation) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(CoordinateOperation) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Formula) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given formula.
validate(Formula) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Formula) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(MathTransform) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given math transform.
validate(MathTransform) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(MathTransform) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(OperationMethod) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given operation method.
validate(OperationMethod) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(OperationMethod) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(PassThroughOperation) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given "pass through" operation.
validate(PassThroughOperation) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(PassThroughOperation) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Transformation) - Method in class OperationValidator
Validates the given transformation.
validate(Transformation) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(Transformation) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GenericName) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(GenericName) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(InternationalString) - Method in class NameValidator
Ensures that the CharSequence methods are consistent with the toString() value.
validate(InternationalString) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(InternationalString) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(LocalName) - Method in class NameValidator
Ensures that ISO 19103 or GeoAPI restrictions apply.
validate(LocalName) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(LocalName) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(NameSpace) - Method in class NameValidator
Ensures that ISO 19103 or GeoAPI restrictions apply.
validate(NameSpace) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(NameSpace) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ScopedName) - Method in class NameValidator
Ensures that ISO 19103 or GeoAPI restrictions apply.
validate(ScopedName) - Method in class ValidatorContainer
Tests the conformance of the given object.
validate(ScopedName) - Static method in class Validators
Tests the conformance of the given object.
Validator - Class in org.opengis.test
Base class of all GeoAPI validators.
Validator(ValidatorContainer, String) - Constructor for class Validator
Creates a new validator instance.
ValidatorContainer - Class in org.opengis.test
A set of convenience methods for validating GeoAPI implementations.
ValidatorContainer() - Constructor for class ValidatorContainer
Creates a new ValidatorContainer initialized with new Validator instances.
validators - Static variable in class Configuration.Key
The set of Validator instances to use for validating objects.
validators - Variable in class PseudoEpsgFactory
The set of validators to use for verifying objects conformance (never null).
validators - Variable in class TestCase
The set of Validator instances to use for verifying objects conformance (never null).
Validators - Class in org.opengis.test
A set of convenience static methods for validating GeoAPI implementations.
Validators() - Constructor for class Validators
For subclass constructors only.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Content
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum DocumentationStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CalculationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum TestData
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Classification
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class Configuration.Key
Returns the key that matches the given name, or returns a new one if none match it.
values() - Static method in enum Content
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum DocumentationStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CalculationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class Configuration.Key
Returns the list of Keys.
values() - Static method in enum TestData
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Classification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType() - Method in class Configuration.Key
Returns the type of values assigned to this key.
VERBATIM - DocumentationStyle
Store documentation verbatim, without transforming them into sentences.
verifyConsistency(float...) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Transforms coordinates using various versions of MathTransform.transform(…) and verifies that they produce the same numerical values.
verifyCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem, Class<? extends CoordinateSystem>, AxisDirection[], Unit<?>...) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the type, axis units and directions of the given coordinate system against the expected values.
verifyDerivative(double...) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Computes the derivative at the given point and compares the result with the finite differences approximation.
verifyFlattenedSphere(Ellipsoid, String, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the name, axis lengths and inverse flattening factor of the given ellipsoid against the expected values.
verifyGeographicExtent(Extent, String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the geographic description and bounding box of the given extent against the expected values.
verifyIdentification(IdentifiedObject, String, String) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the name and identifier of the given object against the expected values.
verifyInDomain(double[], double[], int[], Random) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Verifies all supported transform operations in the given domain.
verifyInverse(double...) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Transforms the given coordinates, applies the inverse transform and compares with the original values.
verifyInverse(float...) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Transforms the given coordinates, applies the inverse transform and compares with the original values.
verifyParameter(ParameterValueGroup, String, double, Unit<?>) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares an operation parameter against the expected value.
verifyPrimeMeridian(PrimeMeridian, String, double, Unit<Angle>) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the name and Greenwich longitude of the given prime meridian against the expected values.
verifyTimeExtent(Extent, Date, Date, double) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the temporal elements of the given extent against the expected values.
verifyTransform(double[], double[]) - Method in class TransformTestCase
Transforms the given coordinates and verifies that the result is equals (within a positive delta) to the expected ones.
verifyVerticalExtent(Extent, double, double, double, Unit<?>) - Method in class ReferencingTestCase
Compares the vertical elements of the given extent against the expected values.


write(File) - Method in class AuthorityCodesReport
Formats the identified objects as a HTML page in the given file.
write(File) - Method in class OperationParametersReport
Formats the current content of the OperationParametersReport.rows list as a HTML page in the given file.
write(File) - Method in class Report
Generates the HTML report in the given file or directory.
write(File) - Method in class Reports
Writes in the given directory every reports added to this Reports instance.
writer - Variable in class ImageWriterTestCase
The image writer to test.
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