Class GIGS2006

  • public class GIGS2006
    extends AuthorityFactoryTestCase<ProjectedCRS>
    Verifies reference projected CRSs bundled with the geoscience software.
    Test method: Compare projected CRS definitions included in the software against the EPSG Dataset.
    Test data: GIGS_2006_libProjectedCRS.csv and EPSG Dataset.
    Tested API: CRSAuthorityFactory.createProjectedCRS(String).
    Expected result: Projected CRS definitions bundled with the software should have the same name, coordinate system (including units and axes abbreviations and axes order) and map projection as in the EPSG Dataset. CRSs missing from the software or at variance with those in the EPSG Dataset should be reported.
    Usage example: in order to specify their factories and run the tests in a JUnit framework, implementors can define a subclass in their own test suite as in the example below:
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
    import org.opengis.test.referencing.gigs.GIGS2006;
    public class MyTest extends GIGS2006 {
        public MyTest() {
            super(new MyCRSAuthorityFactory());
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GIGS2006​(CRSAuthorityFactory crsFactory)
      Creates a new test using the given factory.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Configuration configuration()
      Returns information about the configuration of the test which has been run.
      static List<Factory[]> factories()
      Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests.
      ProjectedCRS getIdentifiedObject()
      Returns the projected CRS instance to be tested.
      void testAbidjan()
      Tests “Abidjan 1987”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testAccra()
      Tests “Accra”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testAGD66()
      Tests “AGD66”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testAGD84()
      Tests “AGD84”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testAinElAbd()
      Tests “Ain el Abd”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testAmersfoort()
      Tests “Amersfoort”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testAratu()
      Tests “Aratu”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testBatavia()
      Tests “Batavia”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testBeijing()
      Tests “Beijing 1954”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testBogota()
      Tests “Bogota 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testCamacupa()
      Tests “Camacupa”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testCampoInchauspe()
      Tests “Campo Inchauspe”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testCarthage()
      Tests “Carthage”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testDealulPiscului()
      Tests “Dealul Piscului 1930”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testDeirEzZor()
      Tests “Deir ez Zor”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testDGN95()
      Tests “DGN95”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testDHDN()
      Tests “DHDN”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testED50()
      Tests “ED50”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testED50_77()
      Tests “ED50(ED77)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testEgypt()
      Tests “Egypt 1907”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testELD79()
      Tests “ELD79”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testETRS89()
      Tests “ETRS89”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testFahud()
      Tests “Fahud”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testFD58()
      Tests “FD58”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testGDA94()
      Tests “GDA94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testGDM2000()
      Tests “GDM2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testGulfOfSuez()
      Tests “Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testHD72()
      Tests “HD72”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testIGNAstro()
      Tests “IGN Astro 1960”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testIndian1954()
      Tests “Indian 1954”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testIndian1960()
      Tests “Indian 1960”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testIndian1975()
      Tests “Indian 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testKalianpur1937()
      Tests “Kalianpur 1937”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testKalianpur1962()
      Tests “Kalianpur 1962”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testKalianpur1975()
      Tests “Kalianpur 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testKertau()
      Tests “Kertau 1968”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testKertau_RSO()
      Tests “Kertau (RSO)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testKOC()
      Tests “KOC”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testLGD2006()
      Tests “LGD2006”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testLKS94()
      Tests “LKS94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testLuzon()
      Tests “Luzon 1911”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMAGNA_SIRGAS()
      Tests “MAGNA-SIRGAS”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMalongo()
      Tests “Malongo 1987”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testManoca()
      Tests “Manoca 1962”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMauritania()
      Tests “Mauritania 1999”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMhast_offshore()
      Tests “Mhast (offshore)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMhast_onshore()
      Tests “Mhast (onshore)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMinna()
      Tests “Minna”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMonteMario()
      Tests “Monte Mario”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testMPoraloko()
      Tests “M'poraloko”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNAD27()
      Tests “NAD27”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNAD27_Michigan()
      Tests “NAD27 Michigan”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNAD83()
      Tests “NAD83”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNAD83_CSRS()
      Tests “NAD83(CSRS)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNAD83_HARN()
      Tests “NAD83(HARN)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNahrwan()
      Tests “Nahrwan 1967”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNaparima()
      Tests “Naparima 1955”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNordSahara()
      Tests “Nord Sahara 1959”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNTF_Paris()
      Tests “NTF (Paris)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNZGD2000()
      Tests “NZGD2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testNZGD49()
      Tests “NZGD49”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testOSGB1936()
      Tests “OSGB 1936”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPointeNoire()
      Tests “Pointe Noire”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPOSGAR94()
      Tests “POSGAR 94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPOSGAR98()
      Tests “POSGAR 98”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPRS92()
      Tests “PRS92”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPSAD56()
      Tests “PSAD56”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPSD93()
      Tests “PSD93”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPulkovo1942()
      Tests “Pulkovo 1942”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPulkovo1942_58()
      Tests “Pulkovo 1942(58)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPulkovo1942_83()
      Tests “Pulkovo 1942(83)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testPulkovo1942_UTM()
      Tests “Pulkovo 1942”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testQatar1948()
      Tests “Qatar 1948”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testQatar1974()
      Tests “Qatar 1974”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testQND95()
      Tests “QND95”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testREGVEN()
      Tests “REGVEN”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testRGF93()
      Tests “RGF93”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testSAD69()
      Tests “SAD69”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testSchwarzeck()
      Tests “Schwarzeck”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testSIRGAS1995()
      Tests “SIRGAS 1995”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testSIRGAS2000()
      Tests “SIRGAS 2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testTananarive()
      Tests “Tananarive”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testTananarive_Paris()
      Tests “Tananarive (Paris)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testTC_1948()
      Tests “TC(1948)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testTimbalai()
      Tests “Timbalai 1948”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testTrinidad()
      Tests “Trinidad 1903”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testWGS72BE()
      Tests “WGS 72BE”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testWGS84()
      Tests “WGS 84”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testXian()
      Tests “Xian 1980”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
      void testYemen()
      Tests “Yemen NGN96”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
    • Field Detail

      • datumCode

        public int datumCode
        The EPSG code of the expected datum.
      • projectionNames

        public String[] projectionNames
        The names of map projection (informative). Projected CRS conversion should have one of those names. However those names are approximate. For example the “Argentina zones” name may apply to a wide range of names like “Argentina zone 1”, “Argentina zone 2”, etc.
      • isNorthAxisFirst

        public boolean isNorthAxisFirst
        true if the expected axis directions are (NORTH, EAST) instead than the usual (EAST, NORTH).
    • Constructor Detail

      • GIGS2006

        public GIGS2006​(CRSAuthorityFactory crsFactory)
        Creates a new test using the given factory. If a given factory is null, then the tests which depend on it will be skipped.
        crsFactory - factory for creating ProjectedCRS instances.
    • Method Detail

      • factories

        public static List<Factory[]> factories()
        Returns a default set of factories to use for running the tests. Those factories are given in arguments to the constructor when this test class is instantiated directly by JUnit (for example as a suite element), instead than subclassed by the implementor. The factories are fetched as documented in the TestCase.factories(Class[]) javadoc.
        the default set of arguments to be given to the GIGS2006 constructor.
      • testAbidjan

        public void testAbidjan()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “Abidjan 1987”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2165, 2043, 2041
        • Geographic CRS name: Abidjan 1987
        • Projection names (informative): TM 5 NW, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testAccra

        public void testAccra()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Accra”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2136, 2137
        • Geographic CRS name: Accra
        • Projection names (informative): TM 1 NW, Ghana National Grid
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testAGD66

        public void testAGD66()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “AGD66”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 20249, 20250, 20251, 20252, 20253, 20254, 20255, 20256
        • Geographic CRS name: AGD66
        • Projection names (informative): Australian Map Grid zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testAGD84

        public void testAGD84()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “AGD84”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 20349, 20350, 20351, 20352, 20353, 20354, 20355, 20356
        • Geographic CRS name: AGD84
        • Projection names (informative): Australian Map Grid zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testAinElAbd

        public void testAinElAbd()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “Ain el Abd”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2318, 20436, 20437
        • Geographic CRS name: Ain el Abd
        • Projection names (informative): Aramco Lambert, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testAmersfoort

        public void testAmersfoort()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Amersfoort”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 28992
        • Geographic CRS name: Amersfoort
        • Projection names (informative): RD New
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testAratu

        public void testAratu()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Aratu”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 20822, 20823, 20824
        • Geographic CRS name: Aratu
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testBatavia

        public void testBatavia()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “Batavia”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3001, 2308
        • Geographic CRS name: Batavia
        • Projection names (informative): NEIEZ, TM 109 SE, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testBeijing

        public void testBeijing()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “Beijing 1954”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 21413, 21414, 21415, 21416, 21417, 21418, 21419, 21420, 21421, 21422, 21423
        • Geographic CRS name: Beijing 1954
        • Projection names (informative): 6-degree Gauss-Kruger
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testBogota

        public void testBogota()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “Bogota 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 21896, 21897, 21898, 21899
        • Geographic CRS name: Bogota 1975
        • Projection names (informative): Colombia zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testCamacupa

        public void testCamacupa()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “Camacupa”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22091, 22092, 22032, 22033
        • Geographic CRS name: Camacupa
        • Projection names (informative): TM 11.30 SE, TM 12 SE, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testCampoInchauspe

        public void testCampoInchauspe()
                                throws FactoryException
        Tests “Campo Inchauspe”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22191, 22192, 22193, 22194, 22195, 22196, 22197, 2315, 2316
        • Geographic CRS name: Campo Inchauspe
        • Projection names (informative): Argentina zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testCarthage

        public void testCarthage()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “Carthage”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22391, 22392
        • Geographic CRS name: Carthage
        • Projection names (informative): Tunisia zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testDealulPiscului

        public void testDealulPiscului()
                                throws FactoryException
        Tests “Dealul Piscului 1930”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 31600
        • Geographic CRS name: Dealul Piscului 1930
        • Projection names (informative): Stereo 30
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testDeirEzZor

        public void testDeirEzZor()
                           throws FactoryException
        Tests “Deir ez Zor”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22700, 22770
        • Geographic CRS name: Deir ez Zor
        • Projection names (informative): Levant zone, Syria Lambert
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testDGN95

        public void testDGN95()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “DGN95”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 23866, 23867, 23868, 23869, 23870, 23871, 23872, 23877, 23878, 23879, …5 more
        • Geographic CRS name: DGN95
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testDHDN

        public void testDHDN()
                      throws FactoryException
        Tests “DHDN”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 31466, 31467, 31468, 31469
        • Geographic CRS name: DHDN
        • Projection names (informative): 3-degree Gauss-Kruger
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testED50

        public void testED50()
                      throws FactoryException
        Tests “ED50”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 23028, 23029, 23030, 23031, 23032, 23033, 23034, 23035, 23090, 23095
        • Geographic CRS name: ED50
        • Projection names (informative): UTM, TM 5 NE, TM 0 N
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testED50_77

        public void testED50_77()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “ED50(ED77)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2058, 2059, 2060
        • Geographic CRS name: ED50(ED77)
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testEgypt

        public void testEgypt()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Egypt 1907”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22991, 22992, 22993, 22994
        • Geographic CRS name: Egypt 1907
        • Projection names (informative): Egypt belts
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testGulfOfSuez

        public void testGulfOfSuez()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3355
        • Geographic CRS name: Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL
        • Projection names (informative): Egypt Red belt
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testELD79

        public void testELD79()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “ELD79”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, …3 more
        • Geographic CRS name: ELD79
        • Projection names (informative): Libya zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testETRS89

        public void testETRS89()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “ETRS89”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 25828, 25829, 25830, 25831, 25832, 25833, 25834, 25835
        • Geographic CRS name: ETRS89
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testFahud

        public void testFahud()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Fahud”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 23239, 23240
        • Geographic CRS name: Fahud
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testFD58

        public void testFD58()
                      throws FactoryException
        Tests “FD58”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3200
        • Geographic CRS name: FD58
        • Projection names (informative): Iraq zone
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testGDA94

        public void testGDA94()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “GDA94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 28349, 28350, 28351, 28352, 28353, 28354, 28355, 28356
        • Geographic CRS name: GDA94
        • Projection names (informative): Australian Map Grid zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testGDM2000

        public void testGDM2000()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “GDM2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3375, 3376
        • Geographic CRS name: GDM2000
        • Projection names (informative): RSO grids
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testHD72

        public void testHD72()
                      throws FactoryException
        Tests “HD72”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 23700
        • Geographic CRS name: HD72
        • Projection names (informative): EOV
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testIGNAstro

        public void testIGNAstro()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “IGN Astro 1960”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3367, 3368, 3369
        • Geographic CRS name: IGN Astro 1960
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testIndian1954

        public void testIndian1954()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Indian 1954”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 23946, 23947, 23948
        • Geographic CRS name: Indian 1954
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testIndian1960

        public void testIndian1960()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Indian 1960”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3148, 3149
        • Geographic CRS name: Indian 1960
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testIndian1975

        public void testIndian1975()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Indian 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24047, 24048
        • Geographic CRS name: Indian 1975
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testKalianpur1937

        public void testKalianpur1937()
                               throws FactoryException
        Tests “Kalianpur 1937”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24305, 24306, 24375
        • Geographic CRS name: Kalianpur 1937
        • Projection names (informative): India zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testKalianpur1962

        public void testKalianpur1962()
                               throws FactoryException
        Tests “Kalianpur 1962”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24312, 24313, 24376, 24377
        • Geographic CRS name: Kalianpur 1962
        • Projection names (informative): India zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testKalianpur1975

        public void testKalianpur1975()
                               throws FactoryException
        Tests “Kalianpur 1975”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24342, 24343, 24379, 24380
        • Geographic CRS name: Kalianpur 1975
        • Projection names (informative): India zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testKertau

        public void testKertau()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “Kertau 1968”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24547, 24548
        • Geographic CRS name: Kertau 1968
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testKertau_RSO

        public void testKertau_RSO()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Kertau (RSO)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3167, 3168
        • Geographic CRS name: Kertau (RSO)
        • Projection names (informative): RSO
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testKOC

        public void testKOC()
                     throws FactoryException
        Tests “KOC”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24600
        • Geographic CRS name: KOC
        • Projection names (informative): KOC Lambert
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testLGD2006

        public void testLGD2006()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “LGD2006”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3177, 3190, 3191, 3192, 3193, 3194, 3195, 3196, 3197, 3198, …4 more
        • Geographic CRS name: LGD2006
        • Projection names (informative): Libya zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testLuzon

        public void testLuzon()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Luzon 1911”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 25391, 25392, 25393, 25394, 25395
        • Geographic CRS name: Luzon 1911
        • Projection names (informative): Philippine zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMAGNA_SIRGAS

        public void testMAGNA_SIRGAS()
                              throws FactoryException
        Tests “MAGNA-SIRGAS”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118
        • Geographic CRS name: MAGNA-SIRGAS
        • Projection names (informative): Colombia zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMalongo

        public void testMalongo()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “Malongo 1987”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 25932
        • Geographic CRS name: Malongo 1987
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testManoca

        public void testManoca()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “Manoca 1962”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2215
        • Geographic CRS name: Manoca 1962
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMauritania

        public void testMauritania()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Mauritania 1999”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3343, 3344, 3345
        • Geographic CRS name: Mauritania 1999
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testLKS94

        public void testLKS94()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “LKS94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3346
        • Geographic CRS name: LKS94
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPulkovo1942_UTM

        public void testPulkovo1942_UTM()
                                 throws FactoryException
        Tests “Pulkovo 1942”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3350, 3351, 3352
        • Geographic CRS name: Pulkovo 1942
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMhast_offshore

        public void testMhast_offshore()
                                throws FactoryException
        Tests “Mhast (offshore)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3354
        • Geographic CRS name: Mhast (offshore)
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMhast_onshore

        public void testMhast_onshore()
                               throws FactoryException
        Tests “Mhast (onshore)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3353
        • Geographic CRS name: Mhast (onshore)
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMinna

        public void testMinna()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Minna”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 26331, 26332, 26391, 26392, 26393
        • Geographic CRS name: Minna
        • Projection names (informative): Nigeria belts, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMonteMario

        public void testMonteMario()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Monte Mario”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3003, 3004
        • Geographic CRS name: Monte Mario
        • Projection names (informative): Italy zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testMPoraloko

        public void testMPoraloko()
                           throws FactoryException
        Tests “M'poraloko”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 26632, 26692
        • Geographic CRS name: M'poraloko
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNAD27

        public void testNAD27()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “NAD27”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 26711, 26712, 32012, 32040, 32064, 32065, 32066
        • Geographic CRS name: NAD27
        • Projection names (informative): State Plane zones, BLM zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNAD27_Michigan

        public void testNAD27_Michigan()
                                throws FactoryException
        Tests “NAD27 Michigan”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 6201, 6202
        • Geographic CRS name: NAD27
        • Projection names (informative): State Plane zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        If AuthorityFactoryTestCase.isDeprecatedObjectCreationSupported is true, then this method tests also:
        • Projected CRS codes: 26811, 26812, 26813
        • Geographic CRS name: NAD27 Michigan
        • Projection names (informative): State Plane zones
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNAD83

        public void testNAD83()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “NAD83”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3347, 26911, 26912, 32156, 3736, 26990, 2253, 32140, 2278
        • Geographic CRS name: NAD83
        • Projection names (informative): State Plane zones, UTM
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check units
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNAD83_CSRS

        public void testNAD83_CSRS()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “NAD83(CSRS)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3348, 2955, 2956
        • Geographic CRS name: NAD83(CSRS)
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNAD83_HARN

        public void testNAD83_HARN()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “NAD83(HARN)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2845, 2917, 2809, 2898
        • Geographic CRS name: NAD83(HARN)
        • Projection names (informative): State Plane zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNahrwan

        public void testNahrwan()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “Nahrwan 1967”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 27039, 27040
        • Geographic CRS name: Nahrwan 1967
        • Projection names (informative): Nahrwan 1967
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNaparima

        public void testNaparima()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “Naparima 1955”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2067
        • Geographic CRS name: Naparima 1955
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNordSahara

        public void testNordSahara()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Nord Sahara 1959”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 30791, 30792, 30730, 30731, 30732
        • Geographic CRS name: Nord Sahara 1959
        • Projection names (informative): Voirol Unifie, UTM
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check old Voirol
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNTF_Paris

        public void testNTF_Paris()
                           throws FactoryException
        Tests “NTF (Paris)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 27571, 27572, 27573
        • Geographic CRS name: NTF (Paris)
        • Projection names (informative): Lambert zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNZGD2000

        public void testNZGD2000()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “NZGD2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2193, 2133, 2134, 2135
        • Geographic CRS name: NZGD2000
        • Projection names (informative): TM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testNZGD49

        public void testNZGD49()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “NZGD49”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 27200, 27291, 27292
        • Geographic CRS name: NZGD49
        • Projection names (informative): NZMG, TM zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testOSGB1936

        public void testOSGB1936()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “OSGB 1936”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 27700
        • Geographic CRS name: OSGB 1936
        • Projection names (informative): TM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPSD93

        public void testPSD93()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “PSD93”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3440
        • Geographic CRS name: PSD93
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPointeNoire

        public void testPointeNoire()
                             throws FactoryException
        Tests “Pointe Noire”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 28232
        • Geographic CRS name: Pointe Noire
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPOSGAR94

        public void testPOSGAR94()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “POSGAR 94”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22181, 22182, 22183, 22184, 22185, 22186, 22187
        • Geographic CRS name: POSGAR 94
        • Projection names (informative): Argentina zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPOSGAR98

        public void testPOSGAR98()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “POSGAR 98”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 22171, 22172, 22173, 22174, 22175, 22176, 22177
        • Geographic CRS name: POSGAR 98
        • Projection names (informative): Argentina zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPRS92

        public void testPRS92()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “PRS92”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125
        • Geographic CRS name: PRS92
        • Projection names (informative): Philippine zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPSAD56

        public void testPSAD56()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “PSAD56”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 24817, 24818, 24819, 24820, 24877, 24878, 24879, 24891, 24892, 24893
        • Geographic CRS name: PSAD56
        • Projection names (informative): UTM, Peru zones
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPulkovo1942

        public void testPulkovo1942()
                             throws FactoryException
        Tests “Pulkovo 1942”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 28409, 28416, 28424
        • Geographic CRS name: Pulkovo 1942
        • Projection names (informative): 6-degree Gauss-Kruger
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPulkovo1942_58

        public void testPulkovo1942_58()
                                throws FactoryException
        Tests “Pulkovo 1942(58)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3334, 3335, 3844
        • Geographic CRS name: Pulkovo 1942(58)
        • Projection names (informative): 6-degree Gauss-Kruger, Stereo70
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testPulkovo1942_83

        public void testPulkovo1942_83()
                                throws FactoryException
        Tests “Pulkovo 1942(83)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3836
        • Geographic CRS name: Pulkovo 1942(83)
        • Projection names (informative): 6-degree Gauss-Kruger
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testQatar1948

        public void testQatar1948()
                           throws FactoryException
        Tests “Qatar 1948”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2099
        • Geographic CRS name: Qatar 1948
        • Projection names (informative): Qatar Grid
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testQatar1974

        public void testQatar1974()
                           throws FactoryException
        Tests “Qatar 1974”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 28600
        • Geographic CRS name: Qatar 1974
        • Projection names (informative): Qatar National Grid
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testQND95

        public void testQND95()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “QND95”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2932
        • Geographic CRS name: QND95
        • Projection names (informative): Qatar National Grid
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testREGVEN

        public void testREGVEN()
                        throws FactoryException
        Tests “REGVEN”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2201, 2202, 2203
        • Geographic CRS name: REGVEN
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testRGF93

        public void testRGF93()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “RGF93”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2154
        • Geographic CRS name: RGF93
        • Projection names (informative): Lambert 93
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testSAD69

        public void testSAD69()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “SAD69”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 29101, 29194
        • Geographic CRS name: SAD69
        • Projection names (informative): UTM, Brazil Polyconic
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testSchwarzeck

        public void testSchwarzeck()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Schwarzeck”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 29371, 29333
        • Geographic CRS name: Schwarzeck
        • Projection names (informative): Lo/22 zones, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testSIRGAS1995

        public void testSIRGAS1995()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “SIRGAS 1995”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 31997
        • Geographic CRS name: SIRGAS 1995
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testSIRGAS2000

        public void testSIRGAS2000()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “SIRGAS 2000”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 31982
        • Geographic CRS name: SIRGAS 2000
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testTananarive

        public void testTananarive()
                            throws FactoryException
        Tests “Tananarive”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 29738
        • Geographic CRS name: Tananarive
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testTananarive_Paris

        public void testTananarive_Paris()
                                  throws FactoryException
        Tests “Tananarive (Paris)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 29701, 29702
        • Geographic CRS name: Tananarive (Paris)
        • Projection names (informative): Laborde
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testTC_1948

        public void testTC_1948()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “TC(1948)”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 30339
        • Geographic CRS name: TC(1948)
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testTimbalai

        public void testTimbalai()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “Timbalai 1948”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 29850, 29871, 29872, 29873
        • Geographic CRS name: Timbalai 1948
        • Projection names (informative): RSO, UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testTrinidad

        public void testTrinidad()
                          throws FactoryException
        Tests “Trinidad 1903”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 30200, 2314
        • Geographic CRS name: Trinidad 1903
        • Projection names (informative): Cassini
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testWGS72BE

        public void testWGS72BE()
                         throws FactoryException
        Tests “WGS 72BE”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 32488
        • Geographic CRS name: WGS 72BE
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testWGS84

        public void testWGS84()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “WGS 84”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 3832, 32601, 32602, 32603, 32604, 32605, 32606, 32607, 32608, 32609, 32610, …110 more
        • Geographic CRS name: WGS 84
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testXian

        public void testXian()
                      throws FactoryException
        Tests “Xian 1980”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2338, 2339, 2340, 2341, 2342, 2343, 2344, 2345, 2346, 2347, …1 more
        • Geographic CRS name: Xian 1980
        • Projection names (informative): 6-degree Gauss-Kruger
        • Specific usage / Remarks: Check axes order and abbreviations
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.
      • testYemen

        public void testYemen()
                       throws FactoryException
        Tests “Yemen NGN96”-based projected CRS creation from the factory.
        • Projected CRS codes: 2089, 2090
        • Geographic CRS name: Yemen NGN96
        • Projection names (informative): UTM
        • Particularly important to E&P industry.
        FactoryException - if an error occurred while creating the projected CRS from the EPSG code.