Class ReferencingValidator

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReferencingValidator

        protected ReferencingValidator​(ValidatorContainer container,
                                       String packageName)
        Creates a new validator instance.
        container - the set of validators to use for validating other kinds of objects (see field javadoc).
        packageName - the name of the package containing the classes to be validated.
    • Method Detail

      • dispatchObject

        public final void dispatchObject​(IdentifiedObject object)
        For each interface implemented by the given object, invokes the corresponding validate(…) method defined in this package (if any).
        object - the object to dispatch to validate(…) methods, or null.
      • validate

        public void validate​(Identifier object)
        Ensures that the given identifier has a code.
        object - the object to validate, or null.