Class Assert

  • public class Assert
    extends Assert
    Extension to JUnit assertion methods. This class inherits all assertion methods from the org.junit.Assert class. Consequently, developers can replace the following statement:
    import static org.junit.Assert.*;
    import static org.opengis.test.Assert.*;
    if they wish to use the assertion methods defined here in addition of JUnit methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Assert

        protected Assert()
        For subclass constructors only.
    • Method Detail

      • assertInstanceOf

        public static void assertInstanceOf​(String message,
                                            Class<?> expectedType,
                                            Object value)
        Asserts that the given value is an instance of the given class. No tests are performed if the type is null. If the type is not-null but the value is null, this is considered as a failure.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        expectedType - the expected parent class of the value, or null if unrestricted.
        value - the value to test, or null (which is a failure).
      • assertPositive

        public static void assertPositive​(String message,
                                          int value)
        Asserts that the given integer value is positive, including zero.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        value - The value to test.
      • assertStrictlyPositive

        public static void assertStrictlyPositive​(String message,
                                                  int value)
        Asserts that the given integer value is strictly positive, excluding zero.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        value - the value to test.
      • assertValidRange

        public static <T> void assertValidRange​(String message,
                                                Comparable<T> minimum,
                                                Comparable<T> maximum)
        Asserts that the given minimum and maximum values make a valid range. More specifically asserts that if both values are non-null, then the minimum value is not greater than the maximum value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of values being compared.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        minimum - the lower bound of the range to test, or null if unbounded.
        maximum - the upper bound of the range to test, or null if unbounded.
      • assertValidRange

        public static void assertValidRange​(String message,
                                            int minimum,
                                            int maximum)
        Asserts that the given minimum is smaller or equals to the given maximum.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        minimum - the lower bound of the range to test.
        maximum - the upper bound of the range to test.
      • assertValidRange

        public static void assertValidRange​(String message,
                                            double minimum,
                                            double maximum)
        Asserts that the given minimum is smaller or equals to the given maximum. If one bound is or both bounds are NaN, then the test fails.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        minimum - the lower bound of the range to test.
        maximum - the upper bound of the range to test.
      • assertBetween

        public static <T> void assertBetween​(String message,
                                             Comparable<T> minimum,
                                             Comparable<T> maximum,
                                             T value)
        Asserts that the given value is inside the given range. This method does not test the validity of the given [minimummaximum] range.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of values being compared.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        minimum - the lower bound of the range (inclusive), or null if unbounded.
        maximum - the upper bound of the range (inclusive), or null if unbounded.
        value - the value to test, or null (which is a failure).
      • assertBetween

        public static void assertBetween​(String message,
                                         int minimum,
                                         int maximum,
                                         int value)
        Asserts that the given value is inside the given range. This method does not test the validity of the given [minimummaximum] range.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        minimum - the lower bound of the range, inclusive.
        maximum - the upper bound of the range, inclusive.
        value - the value to test.
      • assertBetween

        public static void assertBetween​(String message,
                                         double minimum,
                                         double maximum,
                                         double value)
        Asserts that the given value is inside the given range. If the given value is NaN, then this test passes silently. This method does not test the validity of the given [minimummaximum] range.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        minimum - the lower bound of the range, inclusive.
        maximum - the upper bound of the range, inclusive.
        value - the value to test.
      • assertContains

        public static void assertContains​(String message,
                                          Collection<?> collection,
                                          Object value)
        Asserts that the given value is contained in the given collection. If the given collection is null, then this test passes silently (a null collection is considered as "unknown", not empty). If the given value is null, then the test passes only if the given collection contains the null element.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        collection - the collection where to look for inclusion, or null if unrestricted.
        value - the value to test for inclusion.
      • assertAnyTitleEquals

        public static void assertAnyTitleEquals​(String message,
                                                String expected,
                                                Citation actual)
        Asserts that the title or an alternate title of the given citation is equal to the given string. This method is typically used for testing if a citation stands for the OGC, OGP or EPSG authority for instance. Such abbreviations are often declared as alternate titles rather than the main title, but this method tests both for safety.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        expected - the expected title or alternate title.
        actual - the citation to test.
      • assertIdentifierEquals

        public static void assertIdentifierEquals​(String message,
                                                  String authority,
                                                  String codeSpace,
                                                  String version,
                                                  String code,
                                                  Identifier actual)
        Asserts that the given identifier is equals to the given authority, code space, version and code. If any of the above-cited properties is ""##unrestricted", then it will not be verified. This flexibility is useful in the common case where a test accepts any version value.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        authority - the expected authority title or alternate title (may be null), or "##unrestricted".
        codeSpace - the expected code space (may be null), or "##unrestricted".
        version - the expected version (may be null), or "##unrestricted".
        code - the expected code value (may be null), or "##unrestricted".
        actual - the identifier to test.
      • assertUnicodeIdentifierEquals

        public static void assertUnicodeIdentifierEquals​(String message,
                                                         CharSequence expected,
                                                         CharSequence actual,
                                                         boolean ignoreCase)
        Asserts that the character sequences are equal, ignoring any characters that are not valid for Unicode identifiers. First, this method locates the Unicode identifier start in each sequences, ignoring any other characters before them. Then, starting from the identifier starts, this method compares only the Unicode identifier parts until the end of character sequences.

        Examples: "WGS 84" and "WGS84" as equal according this method.

        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        expected - the expected character sequence (may be null), or "##unrestricted".
        actual - the character sequence to compare, or null.
        ignoreCase - true for ignoring case.
      • assertAxisDirectionsEqual

        public static void assertAxisDirectionsEqual​(String message,
                                                     CoordinateSystem cs,
                                                     AxisDirection... expected)
        Asserts that all axes in the given coordinate system are pointing toward the given directions, in the same order.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        cs - the coordinate system to test.
        expected - the expected axis directions.
      • assertMatrixEquals

        public static void assertMatrixEquals​(String message,
                                              Matrix expected,
                                              Matrix actual,
                                              double tolerance)
        Asserts that the given matrix is equals to the expected one, up to the given tolerance value.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        expected - the expected matrix, which may be null.
        actual - the matrix to compare, or null.
        tolerance - the tolerance threshold.
        See Also:
        TransformTestCase.assertMatrixEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix)
      • assertShapeEquals

        public static void assertShapeEquals​(String message,
                                             Shape expected,
                                             Shape actual,
                                             double toleranceX,
                                             double toleranceY)
        Asserts that all control points of two shapes are equal. This method performs the following checks:
        1. Ensures that the shape bounds are equal, up to the given tolerance thresholds.
        2. Gets the path iterator of each shape.
        3. Ensures that the winding rules are equal.
        4. Iterates over all path segments until the iteration is done. For each iteration step:
          1. Invokes PathIterator.currentSegment(double[]).
          2. Ensures that the segment type (one of the SEG_* constants) is the same.
          3. Ensures that the ordinate values are equal, up to the given tolerance thresholds.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        expected - the expected shape, which may be null.
        actual - the actual shape, or null.
        toleranceX - the tolerance threshold for x ordinate values.
        toleranceY - the tolerance threshold for y ordinate values.
      • assertPathEquals

        public static void assertPathEquals​(String message,
                                            PathIterator expected,
                                            PathIterator actual,
                                            double toleranceX,
                                            double toleranceY)
        Asserts that all control points in two geometric paths are equal. This method performs the following checks:
        1. Ensures that the winding rules are equal.
        2. Iterates over all path segments until the iteration is done. For each iteration step:
          1. Invokes PathIterator.currentSegment(double[]).
          2. Ensures that the segment type (one of the SEG_* constants) is the same.
          3. Ensures that the ordinate values are equal, up to the given tolerance thresholds.
        This method can be used instead of assertShapeEquals(String, Shape, Shape, double, double) when the tester needs to compare the shapes with a non-null affine transform or a flatness factor. in such case, the tester needs to invoke the Shape.getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) method himself.
        message - header of the exception message in case of failure, or null if none.
        expected - the expected path, which may be null.
        actual - the actual path, or null.
        toleranceX - the tolerance threshold for x ordinate values.
        toleranceY - the tolerance threshold for y ordinate values.