Class ImageIOTestCase

    • Field Detail

      • isSubregionSupported

        protected boolean isSubregionSupported
        true if the reader or writer takes in account the parameter value given to IIOParam.setSourceRegion(Rectangle). The default value is true. Subclasses can set this flag to false when testing an incomplete implementation.
      • isSourceBandsSupported

        protected boolean isSourceBandsSupported
        true if the reader or writer takes in account the parameter value given to IIOParam.setSourceBands(int[]). The default value is true. Subclasses can set this flag to false if this feature can not be tested for the current implementation.

        Note that this feature can not be tested with some standard readers like PNG, because those readers require an explicit destination image to be specified if the number of bands to read differs from the number of bands in the source image.

      • sampleToleranceThreshold

        protected double sampleToleranceThreshold
        The tolerance threshold to use when comparing floating point numbers. The default value is 0. Subclasses can relax this tolerance threshold if needed.

        This threshold applies only to values of type float and double; it doesn't apply to integer types.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageIOTestCase

        protected ImageIOTestCase()
        Creates a new test case using a default random number generator. The sub-regions, sub-samplings and source bands will be different for every test execution. If reproducible subsetting sequences are needed, use the ImageIOTestCase(long) constructor instead.
      • ImageIOTestCase

        protected ImageIOTestCase​(long seed)
        Creates a new test case using a random number generator initialized to the given seed.
        seed - the initial seed for the random numbers generator. Use a constant value if the tests need to be reproduced with the same sequence of image parameters.