Class ImageWriterTestCase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public abstract class ImageWriterTestCase
    extends ImageIOTestCase
    implements Closeable
    Base class for testing ImageWriter implementations. This test writes different regions and bands of an image at different sub-sampling levels, then read back the images and compare the sample values.

    To use this test, subclasses need to set the writer field to a non-null value in the prepareImageWriter(boolean) method. Example:

    public class MyImageWriterTest extends ImageWriterTestCase {
        protected void prepareImageWriter(boolean optionallySetOutput) throws IOException {
            if (writer == null) {
                writer = new MyImageWriter();
    The writer shall accept at least one of the following output types, in preference order:
    • ImageOutputStream - mandatory according Image I/O specification.
    • File - fallback if the writer doesn't support ImageOutputStream. This fallback exists because ImageOutputStream is hard to support when the writer is implemented by a native library.
    • Field Detail

      • reader

        protected ImageReader reader
        The reader to use for verifying the writer output. By default, this field is null until a reader is first needed, in which case the field is assigned to a reader instance created by ImageIO.getImageReader(ImageWriter). Subclasses can set explicitely a value to this field if they need the tests to use an other reader instead.

        ImageWriterTestCase will use only the method. Consequently, this reader doesn't need to support ImageReadParam usage.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageWriterTestCase

        protected ImageWriterTestCase()
        Creates a new test case using a default random number generator. The sub-regions, sub-samplings and source bands will be different for every test execution. If reproducible subsetting sequences are needed, use the ImageWriterTestCase(long) constructor instead.
      • ImageWriterTestCase

        protected ImageWriterTestCase​(long seed)
        Creates a new test case using a random number generator initialized to the given seed.
        seed - the initial seed for the random numbers generator. Use a constant value if the tests need to be reproduced with the same sequence of image write parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • prepareImageWriter

        protected abstract void prepareImageWriter​(boolean optionallySetOutput)
                                            throws IOException
        Invoked when the image writer is about to be used for the first time. Subclasses need to create a new ImageWriter instance if needed.

        If the optionallySetOutput argument is true, then subclasses can optionally set the output to a temporary file or other object suitable to the writer. This operation is optional: if no output has been explicitely set, ImageWriterTestCase will automatically set the output to an in-memory stream or to a temporary file.


        protected void prepareImageWriter(boolean optionallySetOutput) throws IOException {
            if (writer == null) {
                writer = new MyImageWriter();
            if (optionallySetOutput) {
                writer.setOutput(output);                  // Optional operation.
        This method may be invoked with a false argument value when the methods to be tested do not need an output, for example ImageWriter.canWriteRasters().
        optionallySetOutput - true if this method can set the writer output (optional operation), or false if this is not yet necessary.
        IOException - if an error occurred while preparing the writer.
      • testOneByteBand

        public void testOneByteBand()
                             throws IOException
        Tests the ImageWriter.write method for a single band of byte values. First, this method creates an single-banded image filled with random byte values. Then, this method invokes write the image an arbitrary amount of time for the following configurations (note: any isXXXSupported field which was set to false prior the execution of this test will stay false):
        • Writes the full image once (all isXXXSupported fields set to false).
        • Writes various sub-regions (only isSubregionSupported may be true)
        • Writes at various sub-sampling (only isSubsamplingSupported may be true)
        • Reads various bands (only isSourceBandsSupported may be true)
        • A mix of sub-regions, sub-sampling and source bands
        Then the image is read again and the pixel values are compared with the corresponding pixel values of the original image.
        IOException - if an error occurred while writing the image or or reading it back.