Class OperationParametersReport.Row

    • Field Detail

      • category

        public String category
        An optional user category, or null if none. If non-null, this category will be formatted as a single row in the HTML table before all subsequent Row instances of the same category.

        The default value is null in every cases. Subclasses of OperationParametersReport can modify this value in order to classify operations by category. For example subclasses may use this value for classifying OperationMethod instances according the kind of map projection (planar, cylindrical, conic).

      • names

        public final Map<String,​String[]> names
        The names or aliases to write on the table row. Each entry will be formatted in a single table cell. The column of the cell is determined by the key, and the content is determined by the value. More specifically:

        The values may contain HTML elements. In particular:

        • <em>…</em> for primary names.
        • <del>…</del> for deprecated objects (need to be added by the user).
      • parameters

        public List<OperationParametersReport.Row> parameters
        The operation parameters or the parameter sub-groups, or null if not applicable. If this row describes an operation, then the content of this list is derived from the values returned by ParameterDescriptorGroup.descriptors(). If this row describes a parameter, then this list will contain the sub-groups (if any).

        Note: subgroups are not yet supported.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Row

        public Row​(IdentifiedObject object,
                   Set<String> codeSpaces)
        Creates a row to be show on the HTML page.
        object - the operation or parameter to show on the HTML page.
        codeSpaces - the code spaces for which to get the name and aliases.
      • Row

        public Row​(OperationParametersReport.Row toCopy)
        Creates a new row initialized to a shallow copy of the given row. The Map and List collections are copied, but the content of those collections are not cloned.
        toCopy - the row to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(OperationParametersReport.Row o)
        Compares this row with the given object for order. This method is used for sorting the operations in the order to be show on the HTML output page.

        The default implementation compare that category first - this is needed in order to ensure that operations of the same category are grouped. Then, this method compares object names components in the following order: code, code space and version.

        Subclasses can override this method if they want a different ordering on the HTML page.

        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<OperationParametersReport.Row>
        o - the other row to compare with this row.
        -1 if this should appears before o, -1 for the converse, or 0 if this method can not determine an ordering for the given object.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this row, for debugging purpose only.
        toString in class Object
        an arbitrary string representation of this row.