Class UserObjectFactoryTestCase<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of objects to test.
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    GIGS3002, GIGS3003, GIGS3004, GIGS3005

    public abstract class UserObjectFactoryTestCase<T>
    extends ReferencingTestCase
    Base class for tests of new CRS definitions (3000 series). The test procedures in this series are designed to evaluate the software’s capabilities for adding user-defined CRS and transformation definitions.
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • isFactoryPreservingUserValues

        protected boolean isFactoryPreservingUserValues
        Whether the objects created by the tested ObjectFactory use the specified values as-is. This flag should be set to false if the factory performs any of the following operations:
        • Convert numerical values from user-provided linear units to metres.
        • Convert numerical values from user-provided angular units to degrees.
        • Change ellipsoid second defining parameter (e.g. from semi-major axis length to an equivalent inverse flattening factor).
        • Change map projection parameters (e.g. from standard parallel to an equivalent scale factor).
        • Any other change that preserve numeric equivalence.
        If the factory does not perform any of the above conversions, then this flag can be true.