Enum Classification

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Classification>

    public enum Classification
    extends Enum<Classification>
    Interpretation of the evaluation results of geospatial aspects of the software. Different software packages may have implemented functionality and reference data relating to geospatial integrity in different ways. In order to make a meaningful comparison possible, this package distinguishes four levels of compliance.
    Source: Documentation in this class is derived from the GIGS 430-1 document, focusing on the requirements that can be verified programmatically by this test suite. See the original GIGS document for the full list of requirements.
    The bronze, silver and gold compliance levels are progressively inclusive, in the sense that the silver level implies compliance to the bronze level and gold implies that the silver level is also achieved.
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final Classification ELEMENTARY
        Intended for software without the capability of performing coordinate operations. The software does handle spatial data but has no "geodetic engine" that performs coordinate conversions and transformations.
        • Completeness:
          • Coordinates are complete, unambiguously defined and are appended with a CRS identification, specified as a unique reference of the CRS in an (external) geodetic library or dataset.
        • Correctness:
          • Merging and co-visualisation of spatial datasets referenced to different CRSs in the software’s workspace with imported data are blocked.
          • The CRS identification is appended to any exported data.
        • Verifiability:
          • CRS reference of a geoscience dataset can be inspected at any time during usage of the software.
      • BRONZE

        public static final Classification BRONZE
        Intended for software with a limited capability to perform coordinate operations. Geospatial integrity is only maintained within the bounds of the software. Integration or interaction with other geosciances software is likely to lead to loss of geospatial integrity.
        • Completeness:
          • Coordinates have a complete and correct CRS identification, updated when transformed/converted within the software.
          • The software has an internal geodetic library with correct geodetic parameters within the confines of the software.
        • Correctness:
          • Some methods of the test dataset are covered, transformation and conversion results are correct as per test dataset criteria.
        • Verifiability:
          • CRS reference of spatial datasets and the contents of the geodetic library can be inspected at any time.
          • The coordinate transformation applied to any data is identifiable and can be inspected by the user.
      • SILVER

        public static final Classification SILVER
        Intended for software with a full capability to perform coordinate operations. This level indicates that the software establishes and maintains geospatial integrity to a fully satisfactory degree, based on industry best practices. The software is suitable for global deployment in the E&P industry.
        • Completeness:
          • Geodetic library consists of (a complete and consistent subset of) the EPSG dataset. Support of other industry standards and best practices may be software scope-dependent.
          • All methods from test dataset are supported.
          • EPSG data model has been partly implemented; some variations are acceptable, e.g. "early binding" model.
          • Concept of "deprecation" is supported.
        • Correctness:
          • User can define new geodetic entities.
          • Geodetic entities are protected by a system of user privileges.
        • Verifiability:
          • Audit trail is available to user enabling verification of Original CRS of data and coordinate transformation applied to Project CRS.
      • GOLD

        public static final Classification GOLD
        Intended for software with an extensive capability to perform coordinate operations. This level indicates software performance that exceeds the geospatial integrity capabilities of the silver level by incorporating additional software features that expand the range of applicability and/or reduce the probability of geospatial integrity violations.
        • Completeness:
          • Geodetic library consists of (a complete and consistent subset of) the EPSG dataset.
          • Availability of metadata fields from EPSG dataset other than "deprecation".
          • More operation methods are supported than are provided in the test dataset.
          • Late-binding mechanism for coordinate transformations, supported by assistance to end user to reduce transformation multiplicity, or supported by a software tool facilitating selection of correct transformation.
        • Correctness:
          • EPSG data model has been implemented.
          • Functionality for following deprecation trail is present.
          • (Semi-) automatic synchronisation with new releases of EPSG dataset.
        • Verifiability:
          • Extensive audit trail available to user enabling verification of Original CRS of data and coordinate transformation applied to Project CRS.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Classification[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Classification valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null