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abbreviation - Variable in class SimpleAxis
The abbreviation used for this coordinate system axes.
addGroup(String) - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Creates a new group of the specified name.
AffineTransform2D - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A MathTransform2D backed by the Java2D AffineTransform.
AffineTransform2D() - Constructor for class AffineTransform2D
Creates a new transform initialized to the identity transform.
AffineTransform2D(AffineTransform) - Constructor for class AffineTransform2D
Creates a new transform initialized to the values of the given transform.
authority - Variable in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns the organization or party responsible for definition and maintenance of the SimpleIdentifiedObject.code.
axes - Variable in class SimpleCRS
The coordinate system axes.


booleanValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the boolean value of an operation parameter.


charAt(int) - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns the title character at the given index
clone() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns a copy of this parameter value.
clone() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns a copy of this parameter group.
clone() - Method in class SimpleMatrix
Returns a clone of this matrix.
code - Variable in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Alphanumeric value identifying an instance in the authority name space.
compareTo(GenericName) - Method in class SimpleName
Compares this name with the given object for lexicographical order.
compareTo(InternationalString) - Method in class SimpleCitation
Compares the title with the string representation of the given object for order.
coordinates - Variable in class SimpleGridCoordinates
The grid coordinates.
create(Class<T>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class MetadataProxyFactory
Creates a new implementation of the given metadata interface which will contains the values in the given map.
createAffineTransform(Matrix) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates an affine transform from a matrix.
createBaseToDerived(CoordinateReferenceSystem, ParameterValueGroup, CoordinateSystem) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates a parameterized transform from a base CRS to a derived CS.
createConcatenatedTransform(MathTransform, MathTransform) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates a transform by concatenating two existing transforms.
createFromWKT(String) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates a transform from a WKT string.
createGenericName(NameSpace, CharSequence...) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a local or scoped name from an array of parsed names.
createInternationalString(Map<Locale, String>) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Creates an international string.
createLocalName(NameSpace, CharSequence) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a local name from the given character sequence.
createMemberName(NameSpace, CharSequence, TypeName) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a member name from the given character sequence and attribute type.
createNameSpace(GenericName, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a namespace having the given name and separators.
createParameterizedTransform(ParameterValueGroup) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates a transform from a group of parameters.
createPassThroughTransform(int, MathTransform, int) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates a transform which passes through a subset of ordinates to another transform.
createTransformedShape(Shape) - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Transforms the specified shape.
createTypeName(NameSpace, CharSequence) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a type name from the given character sequence.
createValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns a new parameter with the same authority, code and SimpleParameter.type than this parameter.
createValue() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns a new group with the same authority, code and SimpleParameterGroup.parameters than this group.
crs - Variable in class SimpleDirectPosition
The coordinate reference system associated to this direct position, or null if unspecified.


DEFAULT - Static variable in class SimpleNameFactory
The default factory instance.
depth() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns the number of levels specified by this name.
derivative(Point2D) - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Gets the derivative of this transform at a point.
derivative(Point2D) - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Gets the derivative of this transform at a point.
derivative(DirectPosition) - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Gets the derivative of this transform at a point.
derivative(DirectPosition) - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Gets the derivative of this transform.
derivative(DirectPosition) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Gets the derivative of this transform at a point.
derivative(DirectPosition) - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Gets the derivative of this transform at a point.
descriptor(String) - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns the parameter descriptor in this group for the specified identifier code.
descriptors() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns the parameter descriptors in this group.
direction - Variable in class SimpleAxis
Direction of this coordinate system axis.
doubleValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the numeric SimpleParameter.value represented by this parameter.
doubleValue(Unit<?>) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the numeric value of the operation parameter in the specified unit of measure.
doubleValueList() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns an ordered sequence numeric values of an operation parameter list, where each value has the same associated unit of measure.
doubleValueList(Unit<?>) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns an ordered sequence of numeric values in the specified unit of measure.


eastBoundLongitude - Variable in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
The eastern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
EPSG - Static variable in class SimpleCitation
The European Petroleum Survey Group authority.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Compares this grid coordinates with the specified object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Compares the specified object with this grid envelope for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Returns true if the specified object is also a DirectPosition with equal coordinate and equal CRS.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Compares this envelope with the specified object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns true if the given object is a SimpleCitation having a title equals to this title.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Compares this geographic bounding box with the specified object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Compares the given object with this parameter for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Compares the given object with this parameter group for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Compares this transform with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleAxis
Compares this axis with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleCRS
Compares this CRS with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleCRS.Geographic
Compares this CRS with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleDatum
Compares this datum with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Compares this identifier with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Compares this transform with the given object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleName
Compares the given object to this name for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleName.Member
Compares the given object to this name for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleNameSpace
Compares the given object to this namespace for equality.


factory - Variable in class SimpleNameSpace
The factory to use for creating name instances in this namespace.


Geographic(Citation, String, GeodeticDatum, CoordinateSystemAxis...) - Constructor for class SimpleCRS.Geographic
Creates a new CRS for the given name, datum and axes.
getAbbreviation() - Method in class SimpleAxis
The abbreviation used for this coordinate system axes.
getAttributeType() - Method in class SimpleName.Member
Returns the type of the data associated with the record member.
getAuthority() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns the person or party responsible for maintenance of the namespace.
getAvailableMethods(Class<? extends SingleOperation>) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Returns a set of available methods for math transforms.
getAxis(int) - Method in class SimpleCRS
Returns the coordinate axis at the given dimension.
getAxisUnit() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Returns the linear unit of the semi-major and semi-minor axis values.
getCode() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns the name given at construction time.
getCodeSpace() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns the identifier or namespace in which the code is valid.
getCoordinate() - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Returns a copy of the SimpleDirectPosition.ordinates array.
getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Returns the coordinate reference system in which the coordinate is given.
getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns the envelope coordinate reference system, or null if unknown.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Geographic
Returns the coordinate system, which is represented directly by this implementation class since it does not distinguish CS and CRS.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class SimpleCRS
Returns the coordinate system, which is represented directly by this implementation class since it does not distinguish CS and CRS.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Temporal
Returns the coordinate system, which is represented directly by this implementation class since it does not distinguish CS and CRS.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Vertical
Returns the coordinate system, which is represented directly by this implementation class since it does not distinguish CS and CRS.
getCoordinateValue(int) - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Returns the coordinate value at the specified dimension.
getCoordinateValues() - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Returns one integer value for each dimension of the grid.
getDatum() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Geographic
Returns the datum.
getDatum() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Temporal
getDatum() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Vertical
getDefaultParameters(String) - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Returns the default parameter values for a math transform using the given method.
getDescription() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns a natural language description of this object.
getDescription() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns a natural language description of this object.
getDescriptor() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the descriptor of the parameter value.
getDescriptor() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns the descriptor of the parameter group.
getDimension() - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Returns the number of dimensions.
getDimension() - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns the number of dimensions.
getDimension() - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
The length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries).
getDimension() - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries) in this envelope.
getDimension() - Method in class SimpleCRS
Returns the dimension of the coordinate system.
getDirection() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns this, since this simple class is used only as input parameter.
getDirection() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns this, since this simple class is used only as input parameters.
getDirection() - Method in class SimpleAxis
Direction of this coordinate system axis.
getDirectPosition() - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Unconditionally returns this, since this object is already a direct position.
getDomainOfValidity() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Area or region or timeframe in which this object is valid.
getEastBoundLongitude() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Returns the eastern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
getEllipsoid() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Returns the ellipsoid, which is represented directly by this implementation class since it does not distinguish geodetic datum and ellipsoid.
getGeographicElements() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Provides geographic component of the extent of the referring object.
getHigh() - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns the valid maximum inclusive grid coordinates.
getHigh(int) - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns the valid maximum inclusive grid coordinate along the specified dimension.
getInclusion() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Indication of whether the bounding box encompasses an area covered by the data (inclusion) or an area where data is not present (exclusion).
getInverseFlattening() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Returns the value of the inverse of the flattening constant.
getLastMethodUsed() - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Returns the operation method used for the latest call to createParameterizedTransform, or null if not applicable.
getLow() - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns the valid minimum inclusive grid coordinates.
getLow(int) - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns the valid minimum inclusive grid coordinate along the specified dimension.
getLowerCorner() - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
The limits in the direction of decreasing ordinate values for each dimension.
getMathTransform() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Gets the math transform, which is represented directly by this implementation class since it does not distinguish operation and transform.
getMaximum(int) - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns the maximal ordinate value for the specified dimension.
getMaximumValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the maximum parameter value, or null if none.
getMaximumValue() - Method in class SimpleAxis
Returns the maximum value normally allowed for this axis, in the unit of measure for the axis.
getMedian(int) - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns the median ordinate along the specified dimension.
getMinimum(int) - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns the minimal ordinate value for the specified dimension.
getMinimumValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the minimum parameter value, or null if none.
getMinimumValue() - Method in class SimpleAxis
Returns the minimum value normally allowed for this axis, in the unit of measure for the axis.
getName() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns the name of this identified object, which is represented directly by this implementation class.
getNorthBoundLatitude() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Returns the northern-most, coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
getOperationVersion() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Version of the coordinate transformation (i.e., instantiation due to the stochastic nature of the parameters).
getOrdinate(int) - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Returns the ordinate at the specified dimension.
getOrigin() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Temporal
Returns the date and time origin of this temporal datum.
getParsedNames() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns the sequence of local names making this generic name.
getParsedNames() - Method in class SimpleName.Local
Since this object is itself a locale name, returns a singleton list containing only this.
getPrimeMeridian() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Returns the prime meridian.
getRangeMeaning() - Method in class SimpleAxis
Returns the meaning of axis value range specified by the minimum and maximum values.
getScope() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Description of domain of usage, or limitations of usage, for which this object is valid.
getSemiMajorAxis() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Length of the semi-major axis of the ellipsoid.
getSemiMinorAxis() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Length of the semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid.
getSize(int) - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns the number of integer grid coordinates along the specified dimension.
getSourceCRS() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Returns the source CRS.
getSourceDimensions() - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Returns the source dimension, which is 2.
getSourceDimensions() - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getSourceDimensions() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getSourceDimensions() - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Returns the number of source dimensions, which is fixed to 2.
getSouthBoundLatitude() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Returns the southern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
getSpan(int) - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns the envelope span (typically width or height) along the specified dimension.
getTargetCRS() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Returns the target CRS.
getTargetDimensions() - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Returns the target dimension, which is 2.
getTargetDimensions() - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Gets the dimension of target points.
getTargetDimensions() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Gets the dimension of target points.
getTargetDimensions() - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Returns the number of target dimensions, which is fixed to 2.
getTitle() - Method in class SimpleCitation
getUnit() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the unit of measurement.
getUnit() - Method in class SimpleAxis
The unit of measure used for this coordinate system axis.
getUpperCorner() - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
The limits in the direction of increasing ordinate values for each dimension.
getValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the parameter SimpleParameter.value as an object.
getValueClass() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Unconditionally returns Double.class, which is the hard-coded type of values in this parameter implementation.
getVendor() - Method in class SimpleTransformFactory
Returns the implementor of this factory.
getVendor() - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Returns the implementor responsible for creating the factory implementation.
getVerticalDatumType() - Method in class SimpleCRS.Vertical
Returns the type of this vertical datum.
getWestBoundLongitude() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Returns the western-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
groups(String) - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns all subgroups with the specified name.


hashCode() - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns a hash value for this grid envelope.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Returns a hash code value for this direct position.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Returns an arbitrary hash code value for this envelope.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns a hash code value for this citation.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Returns a hash code value for this bounding box.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns a hash code value for this parameter.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns a hash code value for this parameter.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns a hash code value calculated from the name identifier.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns a hash code value for this name.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleNameSpace
Returns a hash code value for this namespace.
head() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns the first element in the sequence of parsed names.
head() - Method in class SimpleName.Local
Returns this since this object is already a local name.


intValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the integer value of an operation parameter, usually used for a count.
intValueList() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns an ordered sequence integer values of an operation parameter list.
inverse() - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Returns the inverse of this affine transform.
inverse() - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Returns the inverse transform of this object.
inverse() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Creates the inverse transform of this object.
inverse() - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Creates the inverse transform of this object.
inverseFlattening - Variable in class SimpleDatum
The inverse flattening factor.
isGlobal() - Method in class SimpleNameSpace
Indicates whether this namespace is a "top level" namespace.
isIdentity() - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Tests whether this transform does not move any points.
isIdentity() - Method in class SimpleMatrix
Returns true if this matrix is an identity matrix.
isIdentity() - Method in class SimpleTransform
Tests whether this transform does not move any points.
isIvfDefinitive() - Method in class SimpleDatum
Indicates if the inverse flattening is definitive for this ellipsoid.
isSphere() - Method in class SimpleDatum
true if the ellipsoid is degenerate and is actually a sphere.


jndiName() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns a clone of the JNDI name wrapped by this object.


LATITUDE - SimpleParameter.Type
Latitude as decimal degrees in the [-90° … +90°] range.
LATITUDE - Static variable in class SimpleAxis
The geodetic latitude axis.
length() - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns the number of characters in the title.
LENGTH - SimpleParameter.Type
Length as metres in the [0 … ∞] range.
LENIENT - Static variable in class SimpleParameter
Controls whatever this implementation can convert values between the double type and other types.
LINEAR - SimpleParameter.Type
Any linear value as metres, unbounded.
Local(SimpleNameSpace, Name) - Constructor for class SimpleName.Local
Creates a new instance backed by the given JNDI name.
locale - Variable in class SimpleNameFactory
The single locale supported by our simple SimpleNameFactory.createInternationalString(Map) method.
LONGITUDE - SimpleParameter.Type
Longitude as decimal degrees in the [-180° … +180°] range.
LONGITUDE - Static variable in class SimpleAxis
The geodetic longitude axis.


matrix - Variable in class ProjectiveTransform
The matrix used for performing the coordinate conversions.
Member(SimpleNameSpace, Name, TypeName) - Constructor for class SimpleName.Member
Creates a new instance backed by the given JNDI name.
MetadataProxyFactory - Class in org.opengis.example.metadata
A factory of metadata objects implemented by Java Proxy.
MetadataProxyFactory() - Constructor for class MetadataProxyFactory
Creates a new factory.


name - Variable in class SimpleName
The JNDI name wrapped by this SimpleName.
name() - Method in class SimpleNameSpace
Represents the identifier of this namespace.
northBoundLatitude - Variable in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
The northern-most, coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.


OGC - Static variable in class SimpleCitation
The Open Geospatial Consortium authority.
ordinates - Variable in class SimpleDirectPosition
The ordinate values.
org.opengis.example.coverage - package org.opengis.example.coverage
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.coverage package.
org.opengis.example.geometry - package org.opengis.example.geometry
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.geometry package.
org.opengis.example.metadata - package org.opengis.example.metadata
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.metadata package.
org.opengis.example.parameter - package org.opengis.example.parameter
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.parameter package.
org.opengis.example.referencing - package org.opengis.example.referencing
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.referencing package.
org.opengis.example.util - package org.opengis.example.util
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.util package.


parameter(String) - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns the value in this group for the specified identifier code.
parameters - Variable in class SimpleParameterGroup
The list of parameters included in this group.
parseGenericName(NameSpace, CharSequence) - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Constructs a generic name from a qualified name.
path() - Method in class SimpleName.Scoped
Returns every elements of the parsed names list except for the tip.
ProjectiveTransform - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A MathTransform which use a Matrix for transforming the coordinates.
ProjectiveTransform(Citation, String, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, SimpleMatrix) - Constructor for class ProjectiveTransform
Creates a new operation for the given name, CRS and matrix.
push(GenericName) - Method in class SimpleName
Returns this name expanded with the specified scope.


SCALE - SimpleParameter.Type
Scale as dimensionless number in the [0 … ∞] range.
scope() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns the scope (name space) in which this name is local.
Scoped(SimpleNameSpace, Name) - Constructor for class SimpleName.Scoped
Creates a new instance backed by the given JNDI name.
semiMajorAxis - Variable in class SimpleDatum
The semi-major axis length, in metres.
setCoordinateValue(int, long) - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Sets the coordinate value at the specified dimension (optional operation).
setOrdinate(int, double) - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Sets the ordinate value along the specified dimension.
setTransform(Matrix) - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Sets this affine transform to the values of the given matrix.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Sets the parameter value as a boolean.
setValue(double) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Sets the parameter value as a floating point.
setValue(double[], Unit<?>) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Sets the parameter value as an array of floating point and their associated unit.
setValue(double, Unit<?>) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Sets the parameter to the given value and its associated unit.
setValue(int) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Sets the parameter value as an integer.
setValue(Object) - Method in class SimpleParameter
Sets the parameter value as an object.
SimpleAxis - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A CoordinateSystemAxis defined by conventional symbols.
SimpleAxis(Citation, String, char) - Constructor for class SimpleAxis
Creates a new axis for the given authority, name and abbreviation.
SimpleAxis(Citation, String, char, AxisDirection, Unit<?>) - Constructor for class SimpleAxis
Creates a new axis for the given authority, name, units and direction.
SimpleCitation - Class in org.opengis.example.metadata
A Citation containing only a title attribute as an InternationalString.
SimpleCitation(String) - Constructor for class SimpleCitation
Creates a new citation having the given title.
SimpleCRS - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A CoordinateReferenceSystem abstract base class.
SimpleCRS(Citation, String, CoordinateSystemAxis...) - Constructor for class SimpleCRS
Creates a new CRS for the given name, datum and axes.
SimpleCRS.Geographic - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A GeographicCRS specialization of SimpleCRS.
SimpleCRS.Temporal - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A TemporalCRS specialization of SimpleCRS with its own datum.
SimpleCRS.Vertical - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A VerticalCRS specialization of SimpleCRS with its own datum.
SimpleDatum - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A GeodeticDatum using the Greenwich prime meridian.
SimpleDatum(Citation, String, double, double) - Constructor for class SimpleDatum
Creates a new geodetic datum for the given authority, name, and ellipsoid axis length.
SimpleDirectPosition - Class in org.opengis.example.geometry
A DirectPosition implementation which store ordinate values in a double[] array.
SimpleDirectPosition(int) - Constructor for class SimpleDirectPosition
Creates a new direct position of the given dimension.
SimpleDirectPosition(DirectPosition) - Constructor for class SimpleDirectPosition
Creates a new direct position initialized to the CRS and ordinate values of the given direct position.
SimpleDirectPosition(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Constructor for class SimpleDirectPosition
Creates a new direct position associated to the given coordinate reference system.
SimpleDirectPosition(CoordinateReferenceSystem, double...) - Constructor for class SimpleDirectPosition
Creates a new direct position initialized to the given ordinate values.
SimpleEnvelope - Class in org.opengis.example.geometry
An unmodifiable Envelope implementation defined by two corners.
SimpleEnvelope(DirectPosition, DirectPosition) - Constructor for class SimpleEnvelope
Constructs an envelope defined by two direct positions.
SimpleEnvelope(Envelope) - Constructor for class SimpleEnvelope
Constructs a new envelope with the same data than the specified envelope.
SimpleGeographicBoundingBox - Class in org.opengis.example.metadata
An Extent containing only a single GeographicBoundingBox.
SimpleGeographicBoundingBox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Creates a geographic bounding box initialized to the specified values.
SimpleGeographicBoundingBox(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Constructs a geographic bounding box from the specified rectangle.
SimpleGeographicBoundingBox(GeographicBoundingBox) - Constructor for class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Constructs a geographic bounding box initialized to the same values than the specified one.
SimpleGridCoordinates - Class in org.opengis.example.coverage
A GridCoordinates implementation which store value in a int[] array.
SimpleGridCoordinates(int) - Constructor for class SimpleGridCoordinates
Creates a grid coordinates of the specified dimension.
SimpleGridCoordinates(long[]) - Constructor for class SimpleGridCoordinates
Creates a grid coordinates initialized to the specified values.
SimpleGridCoordinates(long[], int, int) - Constructor for class SimpleGridCoordinates
Creates a grid coordinates initialized to the specified values in the specified range.
SimpleGridEnvelope - Class in org.opengis.example.coverage
A GridEnvelope implementation which store values in a int[] array.
SimpleGridEnvelope(long[], long[]) - Constructor for class SimpleGridEnvelope
Constructs a new grid envelope.
SimpleGridEnvelope(GridEnvelope) - Constructor for class SimpleGridEnvelope
Creates a new grid envelope as a copy of the given one.
SimpleIdentifiedObject - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
An IdentifiedObject abstract base class, which contain only the name attribute.
SimpleIdentifiedObject(Citation, String) - Constructor for class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Creates a new object of the given authority and name.
SimpleMatrix - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A Matrix built on top of Java3D vecmath library.
SimpleMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class SimpleMatrix
Creates a matrix of size numRow × numCol.
SimpleMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class SimpleMatrix
Creates a new matrix initialized to the same content than the given matrix.
SimpleName - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A GenericName backed by a JNDI Name instance.
SimpleName(SimpleNameSpace, Name) - Constructor for class SimpleName
Creates a new instance backed by the given JNDI name.
SimpleName.Local - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A LocalName specialization of SimpleName.
SimpleName.Member - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A MemberName specialization of SimpleName.Local.
SimpleName.Scoped - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A ScopedName specialization of SimpleName.
SimpleName.Type - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A TypeName specialization of SimpleName.Local.
SimpleNameFactory - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A NameFactory for creating SimpleName instances.
SimpleNameFactory() - Constructor for class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a new factory initialized to the default SimpleNameFactory.syntax.
SimpleNameFactory(SimpleNameFactory) - Constructor for class SimpleNameFactory
Creates a new factory which will inherit syntax and locale configuration from the given parent.
SimpleNameSpace - Class in org.opengis.example.util
A NameSpace defining the scope of SimpleName instances.
SimpleNameSpace(SimpleNameSpace, String) - Constructor for class SimpleNameSpace
Creates a new instance for the given parent namespace and name.
SimpleNameSpace(SimpleNameSpace, Name) - Constructor for class SimpleNameSpace
Creates a new instance for the given parent namespace and name.
SimpleParameter - Class in org.opengis.example.parameter
A ParameterValue implementation for double values.
SimpleParameter(Citation, String, SimpleParameter.Type) - Constructor for class SimpleParameter
Creates a new parameter of the given authority and name.
SimpleParameter.Type - Enum in org.opengis.example.parameter
Determines the range of values and the unit of measurement of a parameter.
SimpleParameterGroup - Class in org.opengis.example.parameter
A ParameterValueGroup implementation for SimpleParameter instances.
SimpleParameterGroup(Citation, String, SimpleParameter...) - Constructor for class SimpleParameterGroup
Creates a new parameter group of the given authority and name.
SimpleTransform - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A CoordinateOperation abstract base class.
SimpleTransform(Citation, String, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Constructor for class SimpleTransform
Creates a new operation for the given name and CRS.
SimpleTransform2D - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A CoordinateOperation working only on two-dimensional points.
SimpleTransform2D(Citation, String, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Constructor for class SimpleTransform2D
Creates a new operation for the given name and CRS.
SimpleTransformFactory - Class in org.opengis.example.referencing
A MathTransformFactory for creating SimpleTransform instances.
SimpleTransformFactory() - Constructor for class SimpleTransformFactory
Creates a new factory.
sourceCRS - Variable in class SimpleTransform
The source CRS, which determine the number of source dimensions.
southBoundLatitude - Variable in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
The southern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
SPHERE - Static variable in class SimpleCRS.Geographic
A spherical CRS used when the datum is unknown, as defined by EPSG:4047.
SPHERE - Static variable in class SimpleDatum
A spherical datum used for coordinate reference systems where datum is unknown.
stringValue() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the string representation of an operation parameter value.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns a substring of the title for the given range of index.
syntax - Variable in class SimpleNameFactory
The JNDI syntax of names.


tail() - Method in class SimpleName.Scoped
Returns every elements of the parsed names list except for the head.
targetCRS - Variable in class SimpleTransform
The target CRS, which determine the number of target dimensions.
Temporal(Citation, String, Date, CoordinateSystemAxis) - Constructor for class SimpleCRS.Temporal
Creates a new CRS for the given name, datum and axes.
tip() - Method in class SimpleName.Local
Returns this since this object is already a local name.
tip() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns the last element in the sequence of parsed names.
title - Variable in class SimpleCitation
The citation title to be returned by SimpleCitation.getTitle() as an InternationalString.
toFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns a view of this name as a fully-qualified name.
toInternationalString() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns a local-dependent string representation of this generic name.
toString() - Method in class SimpleGridCoordinates
Returns a string representation of this grid coordinates.
toString() - Method in class SimpleGridEnvelope
Returns a string representation of this grid envelope.
toString() - Method in class SimpleDirectPosition
Returns a string representation of this direct position in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
toString() - Method in class SimpleEnvelope
Formats this envelope in the Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
toString() - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns the title as an unlocalized string.
toString() - Method in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
Returns a string representation of this extent.
toString() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Returns the string representation of this parameter value.
toString() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns a string representation of all parameters in this group.
toString() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns a string representation of the name identifier.
toString() - Method in class SimpleName
Returns a string representation of this generic name.
toString() - Method in class SimpleNameFactory
Returns a string representation of this factory.
toString() - Method in class SimpleNameSpace
Returns a string representation of this namespace.
toString(Locale) - Method in class SimpleCitation
Returns the title, ignoring the given locale.
toWKT() - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Unsupported operation.
toWKT() - Method in class SimpleIdentifiedObject
Returns a Well-Known Text (WKT) for this object.
transform(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values.
transform(double[], int, float[], int, int) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values.
transform(float[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values.
transform(float[], int, float[], int, int) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values.
transform(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
transform(DirectPosition, DirectPosition) - Method in class AffineTransform2D
Transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
transform(DirectPosition, DirectPosition) - Method in class ProjectiveTransform
Transforms the specified ptSrc.
transform(DirectPosition, DirectPosition) - Method in class SimpleTransform
Transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
transform(DirectPosition, DirectPosition) - Method in class SimpleTransform2D
Transforms the specified point by delegating to SimpleTransform2D.transform(Point2D, Point2D).
type - Variable in class SimpleParameter
The parameter type, which determines the range of values and the unit of measurement.
Type(SimpleNameSpace, Name) - Constructor for class SimpleName.Type
Creates a new instance backed by the given JNDI name.


unit - Variable in class SimpleAxis
The unit of measure used for this coordinate system axis.


value - Variable in class SimpleParameter
The parameter value.
valueFile() - Method in class SimpleParameter
Thrown unconditionally the exception, since this parameter implementation can not represent URI.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum SimpleParameter.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum SimpleParameter.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class SimpleParameterGroup
Returns the parameter values in this group.
Vertical(Citation, String, VerticalDatumType, CoordinateSystemAxis) - Constructor for class SimpleCRS.Vertical
Creates a new CRS for the given name, datum and axes.


westBoundLongitude - Variable in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
The western-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent.
WGS84 - Static variable in class SimpleCRS.Geographic
The WGS84 CRS, as defined by EPSG:4326.
WGS84 - Static variable in class SimpleDatum
The WGS84 datum.
WORLD - Static variable in class SimpleGeographicBoundingBox
An extent and a bounding box ranging from 180°W to 180°E and 90°S to 90°N.
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