Class SimpleCRS.Geographic

    • Field Detail

      • WGS84

        public static final GeographicCRS WGS84
        The WGS84 CRS, as defined by EPSG:4326. The axis order is (φ,λ).
      • SPHERE

        public static final GeographicCRS SPHERE
        A spherical CRS used when the datum is unknown, as defined by EPSG:4047. The axis order is (φ,λ).
    • Constructor Detail

      • Geographic

        public Geographic​(Citation authority,
                          String name,
                          GeodeticDatum datum,
                          CoordinateSystemAxis... axes)
        Creates a new CRS for the given name, datum and axes.
        authority - organization responsible for definition of the name, or null.
        name - the name of the new CRS.
        datum - the value to be returned by getDatum().
        axes - the axes to be returned by SimpleCRS.getAxis(int). The length of this array is the coordinate system dimension, which should be restricted to 2 or 3.