Enum Specification

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Specification>

    public enum Specification
    extends Enum<Specification>
    ISO/OGC specifications from which an interface, method, enumeration or code list was derived. Some specifications are available both at OGC and ISO.

    Specification versions:

    Each specification has a default version number, which identifies more accurately the specification used by the vast majority of non-deprecated GeoAPI elements:
    • For OGC specifications, the version number is the OGC revision number.
    • For ISO specifications, the version number is the publication year (ignoring corrigendum, which are implicit). For example if the specification is ISO_19115, then version 2003 stands for ISO 19115:2003/Cor.1:2006.
    The version numbers are documented in Specification enumeration constants. Versions other than the default version may be declared in the UML.version() annotation of some GeoAPI elements, usually (but not only) for deprecated elements.
    See Also:
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ISO_19103

        public static final Specification ISO_19103
        ISO 19103, Conceptual schema language. This is the specification for some interfaces in package org.opengis.util.

        ISO abstract:

        Provides rules and guidelines for the use of a conceptual schema language within the ISO geographic information standards. The chosen conceptual schema language is the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

        ISO TS 19103 provides a profile of UML for use with geographic information. In addition, it provides guidelines on how UML should be used to create standardized geographic information and service models.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO/TS 19103:2005 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19107

        public static final Specification ISO_19107
        ISO 19107, Feature Geometry (OGC Topic 1). This is the specification for package org.opengis.geometry and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Specifies conceptual schemas for describing the spatial characteristics of geographic features, and a set of spatial operations consistent with these schemas. It treats vector geometry and topology up to three dimensions. It defines standard spatial operations for use in access, query, management, processing, and data exchange of geographic information for spatial (geometric and topological) objects of up to three topological dimensions embedded in coordinate spaces of up to three axes.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19107:2003 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19108

        public static final Specification ISO_19108
        ISO 19108, Temporal Schema. This is the specification for package org.opengis.temporal and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines concepts for describing temporal characteristics of geographic information. It depends upon existing information technology standards for the interchange of temporal information. It provides a basis for defining temporal feature attributes, feature operations, and feature associations, and for defining the temporal aspects of metadata about geographic information. Since this International Standard is concerned with the temporal characteristics of geographic information as they are abstracted from the real world, it emphasizes valid time rather than transaction time.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19108:2002 on standards catalogue, Corrigendum
      • ISO_19109

        public static final Specification ISO_19109
        ISO 19109, Rules for application schema. This is the specification for package org.opengis.feature.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines rules for creating and documenting application schemas, including principles for the definition of features. Its scope includes the following:

        • conceptual modelling of features and their properties from a universe of discourse;
        • definition of application schemas;
        • use of the conceptual schema language for application schemas;
        • transition from the concepts in the conceptual model to the data types in the application schema;
        • integration of standardized schemas from other ISO geographic information standards with the application schema.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19109:2015 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19111

        public static final Specification ISO_19111
        ISO 19111, Spatial Referencing by Coordinates (OGC Topic 2). This is the specification for package org.opengis.referencing and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines the conceptual schema for the description of spatial referencing by coordinates, optionally extended to spatio-temporal referencing. It describes the minimum data required to define one-, two- and three-dimensional spatial coordinate reference systems with an extension to merged spatial-temporal reference systems. It allows additional descriptive information to be provided. It also describes the information required to change coordinates from one coordinate reference system to another.

        In ISO 19111, a coordinate reference system does not change with time. For coordinate reference systems defined on moving platforms such as cars, ships, aircraft and spacecraft, the transformation to an Earth-fixed coordinate reference system can include a time element.

        ISO 19111 is applicable to producers and users of geographic information. Although it is applicable to digital geographic data, its principles can be extended to many other forms of geographic data such as maps, charts and text documents.

        The schema described can be applied to the combination of horizontal position with a third non-spatial parameter which varies monotonically with height or depth. This extension to non-spatial data is beyond the scope of ISO 19111 but can be implemented through profiles.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        OGC_01009, ISO 19111:2007 on standards catalogue, Download from OGC
      • ISO_19111_2

        public static final Specification ISO_19111_2
        ISO 19111-2, Part 2: Extension for parametric values This is the specification for classes ParametricCRS and associated parametric classes.

        ISO abstract:

        Extends the existing spatial referencing standard by defining the schema required for describing parameterized systems.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19111-2:2009 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19112

        public static final Specification ISO_19112
        ISO 19112, Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers. This is the specification for package org.opengis.referencing.gazetteer.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines the conceptual schema for spatial references based on geographic identifiers. It establishes a general model for spatial referencing using geographic identifiers, defines the components of a spatial reference system and defines the essential components of a gazetteer. Spatial referencing by coordinates is not addressed in this document; however, a mechanism for recording complementary coordinate references is included.

        ISO 19112 assists users in understanding the spatial references used in datasets. It enables gazetteers to be constructed in a consistent manner and supports the development of other standards in the field of geographic information. It is applicable to digital geographic data, and its principles may be extended to other forms of geographic data such as maps, charts and textual documents.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19112:2003 on standards catalogue, OGC 11-122r1 Gazetteer Service — Profile of the Web Feature Service
      • ISO_19115

        public static final Specification ISO_19115
        ISO 19115-1, Metadata part 1: fundamentals (OGC Topic 11). This is the specification for package org.opengis.metadata and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines the schema required for describing geographic information and services by means of metadata. It provides information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal aspects, the content, the spatial reference, the portrayal, distribution, and other properties of digital geographic data and services.

        ISO 19115-1 is applicable to:

        • the cataloguing of all types of resources, clearinghouse activities, and the full description of datasets and services;
        • geographic services, geographic datasets, dataset series, and individual geographic features and feature properties.

        ISO 19115-1 defines:

        • mandatory and conditional metadata sections, metadata entities, and metadata elements;
        • the minimum set of metadata required to serve most metadata applications (data discovery, determining data fitness for use, data access, data transfer, and use of digital data and services);
        • optional metadata elements to allow for a more extensive standard description of resources, if required;
        • a method for extending metadata to fit specialized needs.

        Though ISO 19115-1 is applicable to digital data and services, its principles can be extended to many other types of resources such as maps, charts, and textual documents as well as non-geographic data. Certain conditional metadata elements might not apply to these other forms of data.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        • 2003: ISO 19115:2003/Cor.1:2006
        • 2014: ISO 19115-1:2014   (default version)
        See Also:
        ISO 19115-1:2014 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19115_2

        public static final Specification ISO_19115_2
        ISO 19115-2, Metadata part 2: extensions for imagery and gridded data. This is the specification for package org.opengis.metadata and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Extends the existing geographic metadata standard by defining the schema required for describing imagery and gridded data. It provides information about the properties of the measuring equipment used to acquire the data, the geometry of the measuring process employed by the equipment, and the production process used to digitize the raw data. This extension deals with metadata needed to describe the derivation of geographic information from raw data, including the properties of the measuring system, and the numerical methods and computational procedures used in the derivation. The metadata required to address coverage data in general is addressed sufficiently in the general part of ISO 19115.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19115-2:2019 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19115_3

        public static final Specification ISO_19115_3
        ISO 19115-3, Metadata part 3: XML schema implementation for fundamental concepts. This is the specification for package org.opengis.metadata and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines an integrated XML implementation of ISO 19115‑1, ISO 19115‑2, and concepts from ISO/TS 19139 by defining the following artefacts:

        • a set of XML schema required to validate metadata instance documents conforming to conceptual model elements defined in ISO 19115‑1, ISO 19115‑2, and ISO/TS 19139;
        • a set of ISO/IEC 19757‑3 (Schematron) rules that implement validation constraints in the ISO 19115‑1 and ISO 19115‑2 UML models that are not validated by the XML schema;
        • an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) for transforming ISO 19115-1 metadata encoded using the ISO/TS 19139 XML schema and ISO 19115‑2 metadata encoded using the ISO/TS 19139‑2 XML schema into an equivalent document that is valid against the XML schema defined in this document.

        ISO/TS 19115-3:2016 describes the procedure used to generate XML schema from ISO geographic information conceptual models related to metadata. The procedure includes creation of an UML model for XML implementation derived from the conceptual UML model.

        This implementation model does not alter the semantics of the target conceptual model, but adds abstract classes that remove dependencies between model packages, tagged values and stereotypes required by the UML to XML transformation software, and refactors the packaging of a few elements into XML namespaces. The XML schema has been generated systematically from the UML model for XML implementation according to the rules defined in ISO/TS 19139 or ISO 19118.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO/TS 19115-3:2016 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19117

        public static final Specification ISO_19117
        ISO 19117, Portrayal. This is an abstract specification for portraying features.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines a schema describing the portrayal of geographic information in a form understandable by humans. It includes the methodology for describing symbols and mapping of the schema to an application schema. It does not include standardization of cartographic symbols, and their geometric and functional description.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19117:2005 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19123

        public static final Specification ISO_19123
        ISO 19123, Schema for coverage geometry and functions (OGC Topic 6). This is the specification for package org.opengis.coverage and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Defines a conceptual schema for the spatial characteristics of coverages. Coverages support mapping from a spatial, temporal or spatiotemporal domain to feature attribute values where feature attribute types are common to all geographic positions within the domain. A coverage domain consists of a collection of direct positions in a coordinate space that may be defined in terms of up to three spatial dimensions as well as a temporal dimension. Examples of coverages include rasters, triangulated irregular networks, point coverages and polygon coverages. Coverages are the prevailing data structures in a number of application areas, such as remote sensing, meteorology and mapping of bathymetry, elevation, soil and vegetation.

        ISO 19123 defines the relationship between the domain of a coverage and an associated attribute range. The characteristics of the spatial domain are defined whereas the characteristics of the attribute range are not part of ISO 19123.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        OGC_01004, ISO 19123:2005 on standards catalogue, Download from OGC
      • ISO_19128

        public static final Specification ISO_19128
        ISO 19128, Web map server interface.

        ISO abstract:

        Specifies the behaviour of a service that produces spatially referenced maps dynamically from geographic information. It specifies operations to retrieve a description of the maps offered by a server, to retrieve a map, and to query a server about features displayed on a map. ISO 19128 is applicable to pictorial renderings of maps in a graphical format; it is not applicable to retrieval of actual feature data or coverage data values.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19128:2005 on standards catalogue, Download from OGC
      • ISO_19157

        public static final Specification ISO_19157
        ISO 19157, Data quality. This is the specification for package org.opengis.metadata.quality and sub-packages.

        ISO abstract:

        Establishes the principles for describing the quality of geographic data:

        • defines components for describing data quality;
        • specifies components and content structure of a register for data quality measures;
        • describes general procedures for evaluating the quality of geographic data;
        • establishes principles for reporting data quality.

        ISO 19157:2013 also defines a set of data quality measures for use in evaluating and reporting data quality. It is applicable to data producers providing quality information to describe and assess how well a data set conforms to its product specification and to data users attempting to determine whether or not specific geographic data are of sufficient quality for their particular application. ISO 19157:2013 does not attempt to define minimum acceptable levels of quality for geographic data.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO/TS 19157:2013 on standards catalogue
      • ISO_19162

        public static final Specification ISO_19162
        ISO 19162, Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems. This is the specification of input and output format of CRSFactory.createFromWKT(String) and IdentifiedObject.toWKT().

        ISO abstract:

        Defines the structure and content of a text string implementation of the abstract model for coordinate reference systems described in ISO 19111:2007 and ISO 19111-2:2009. The string defines frequently needed types of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations in a self-contained form that is easily readable by machines and by humans. The essence is its simplicity; as a consequence there are some constraints upon the more open content allowed in ISO 19111:2007. To retain simplicity in the well-known text (WKT) description of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations, the scope of this International Standard excludes parameter grouping and pass-through coordinate operations. The text string provides a means for humans and machines to correctly and unambiguously interpret and utilise a coordinate reference system definition with look-ups or cross references only to define coordinate operation mathematics. Because it omits metadata about the source of the data and may omit metadata about the applicability of the information, the WKT string is not suitable for the storage of definitions of coordinate reference systems or coordinate operations.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO 19162:2015 on standards catalogue
      • OGC_01009

        public static final Specification OGC_01009
        Coordinate Transformation Services implementation specification. This is the specification used as a complement of ISO 19111 when an aspect was not defined in the ISO specification.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO_19111, Download from OGC
      • OGC_01004

        public static final Specification OGC_01004
        Grid Coverages implementation specification. This is the specification used as a complement of ISO 19123 when an aspect was not defined in the ISO specification.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO_19123, Download from OGC
      • OGC_14083

        public static final Specification OGC_14083
        Moving Features specification. This is the specification used as a complement of ISO 10109 for defining dynamic attributes.

        Version numbers used in GeoAPI:

        See Also:
        ISO_19109, Browse on OGC web site
        update URL after the revision has been publish.
      • OGC_02059

        public static final Specification OGC_02059
        To be replaced by OGC 09-026.
        Filter encoding implementation specification. This is the specification for package org.opengis.filter and sub-packages.
        See Also:
        Download from OGC
      • OGC_02070

        public static final Specification OGC_02070
        To be replaced by OGC 05-078.
        Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) implementation specification. This is the specification for package org.opengis.sld and sub-packages.
        See Also:
        Download from OGC
      • OGC_07022

        public static final Specification OGC_07022
        To be replaced by Topic 20: Observations and Measurements
        Observations and Measurements, part 1. This is the specification for package org.opengis.observation.
      • OGC_07002

        public static final Specification OGC_07002
        To be replaced by Topic 20: Observations and Measurements
        Observations and Measurements, part 2: Sampling Features. This is the specification for package org.opengis.observation.sampling.

        public static final Specification UNSPECIFIED
        Specification not yet determined. This is a temporary enumeration for the processing of API submitted by some contributors.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Specification[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Specification valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • defaultVersion

        public short defaultVersion()
        The default version of OGC/ISO standard for this enumeration constant. This is the version used when no value was explicitly given to the UML.version() annotation. The meaning of this numerical code is documented in the Javadoc of this Specification constant. This is usually the OGC revision number or ISO publication year.
        • For OGC_03064, version 10 stands for OGC 03-064r10.
        • For ISO_19115, version 2003 stands for ISO 19115:2003/Cor.1:2006 and version 2014 stands for ISO 19115:2014.
        the default version of OGC/ISO standard for this enumeration constant.
        See Also: