Interface RepresentativeFraction

  • @Classifier(DATATYPE)
    public interface RepresentativeFraction
    A scale defined as the inverse of a denominator. This is derived from ISO 19103 Scale where denominator = 1 / scale.

    Implementations are encouraged to extend Number in a manner equivalent to:

    class MyFraction extends Number implements RepresentativeFraction {
        public double doubleValue() {
            return 1.0 / (double) denominator;
        public float floatValue() {
            return 1.0f / (float) denominator;
        public long longValue() {
            return 1 / denominator;       // Result is zero except for denominator = [0,1].
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double doubleValue()
      Returns the scale value in a form usable for computation.
      boolean equals​(Object other)
      Compares this representative fraction with the specified object for equality.
      long getDenominator()
      The number below the line in a vulgar fraction.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash value for this representative fraction.
    • Method Detail

      • doubleValue

        double doubleValue()
        Returns the scale value in a form usable for computation.
        1.0 / (double) getDenominator()
      • equals

        boolean equals​(Object other)
        Compares this representative fraction with the specified object for equality. Implementations should match the following:
        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (object instanceof RepresentativeFraction) {
                final RepresentativeFraction that = (RepresentativeFraction) object;
                return getDenominator() == that.getDenominator();
            return false;
        equals in class Object
        other - the object to compare with.
        true if other is a RepresentedFraction with the same denominator value.
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Returns a hash value for this representative fraction. Implementations should match the following:
        public int hashCode() {
            return (int) getDenominator();
        hashCode in class Object
        a hash code value for this representative fraction.