Interface ParameterDescriptor<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getValidValues

        default Set<T> getValidValues()
        Returns the set of allowed values when these are restricted to some finite set or returns null otherwise. The returned set usually contains code list or enumeration elements.
        Note: It is not necessary to provide this property when all values from the code list or enumeration are allowed.
        a finite set of valid values (usually from a CodeList), or null if it does not apply or if there is no restriction.
        Departure from OGC/ISO specification:
        This method is not part of ISO specification. It is provided as a complement of information.
      • getDefaultValue

        default T getDefaultValue()
        Returns the default value for the parameter. If there is no default value, then this method returns null.
        the default value, or null in none.
      • getUnit

        default Unit<?> getUnit()
        Returns the unit of measurement for the minimum, maximum and default values. This attribute apply only if the values is of numeric type (usually an instance of Double).
        the unit for numeric value, or null if it does not apply to the value type.
        Departure from OGC/ISO specification:
        This method is not part of ISO specification. It is provided as a complement of information.