Interface ParameterValueGroup

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        ParameterDescriptorGroup getDescriptor()
        The abstract definition of this group of parameters.
        Specified by:
        getDescriptor in interface GeneralParameterValue
        the abstract definition of this parameter or group of parameters.
        Departure from OGC/ISO specification:
        The ISO name was "group". GeoAPI uses "descriptor" instead in order to override the getDescriptor() generic method provided in the parent interface. In addition the "descriptor" name makes more apparent that this method returns an abstract definition of parameters - not their actual values - and is consistent with usage in other Java libraries like the Java Advanced Imaging library.
      • parameter

        ParameterValue<?> parameter​(String name)
                             throws ParameterNotFoundException
        Returns the value in this group for the specified identifier code. This method performs the following choice:
        • If this group contains a parameter value of the given name, then that parameter is returned.
        • Otherwise if a descriptor of the given name exists, then a new ParameterValue instance is created, added to this group and returned.
        • Otherwise a ParameterNotFoundException is thrown.

        This convenience method provides a way to get and set parameter values by name. For example the following idiom fetches a floating point value for the "False northing" parameter:

        double northing = parameter("False northing").doubleValue();
        The following idiom sets a floating point value for the "False easting" parameter:
        parameter("False easting").setValue(500000.0);
        This method does not search recursively in subgroups. This is because more than one subgroup may exist for the same descriptor. The user have to query all subgroups and select explicitly the appropriate one to use.
        name - the case insensitive identifier code of the parameter to search for.
        the parameter value for the given identifier code.
        ParameterNotFoundException - if there is no parameter value for the given identifier code.
        Departure from OGC/ISO specification:
        This method is not part of the ISO specification. It has been added in an attempt to make this interface easier to use.
      • groups

        List<ParameterValueGroup> groups​(String name)
                                  throws ParameterNotFoundException
        Returns all subgroups with the specified name.

        This method do not create new groups: if the requested group is optional (i.e. minimumOccurs == 0) and no value were defined previously, then this method returns an empty list.

        name - the case insensitive identifier code of the parameter group to search for.
        the set of all parameter group for the given identifier code.
        ParameterNotFoundException - if no descriptor was found for the given name.
        Departure from OGC/ISO specification:
        This method is not part of the ISO specification. It has been added in an attempt to make this interface easier to use.
      • clone

        ParameterValueGroup clone()
        Returns a copy of this group of parameter values. Included parameter values and subgroups are cloned recursively.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface GeneralParameterValue
        a copy of this group of parameter values.